Plant Clinic


After developing roots and being transplanted into the ground, my monstera albo started to develop these black spots on the stem. Should I be worried?

(however, as you can see new leaves are growing)

She gets a lot of sun and im watering it once a week (summer season)

by Anthycorps

1 Comment

  1. Wild_Conversation_17

    Im not sure if it’s overwatering or not causing it, but a big “No No” i’ve often seen is scheduled watering. Once a week could end up being too much if there’s a lot of soil there surrounding the roots- it might not have enough time to dry out before you water it again. You can get a knitting needle or something similar and test it like a cake. If it’s dry, it’ll come out clean with no soil stuck to it.
    And then you water until it’s fully saturated and running out the bottom of the nursery pot 🙂

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