
What is eating my fence?

What is eating my fence?

by ozarkia


  1. ParanoidDuckTheThird

    Bee. They drill those holes to live in I think.

  2. Themountaintoadsage

    Put up a fake wasp nest. It’ll scare the carpenter bees away

  3. Roxygurlie72

    Wood boaring carpenter bees… They don’t sting but can bite.

  4. sonofthenation

    Crumple up a brown paper bag the size of a hornet’s nest. Put it in a clear bag. Hang it near carpenter bee holes.

  5. duke_flewk

    Carpenter bee, I have a vendetta against them. 

    Wasp spray doesn’t hurt them, PB blaster (I think) or carpenter bee spray will kill them. Buy the carpenter bee spray at like Home Depot it foams down the hole and kills them, than plug the hole with a stick and cut if off. You can make bee traps out of 8-10” 4x4s and a water bottle, I made 20+ for my place. Only the females sting and it takes some harassment to get it. 

    22 pistol and rat shot is fun to shoot them out of the sky, or a net/racket of some kind, whack and stomp. They will compromise that fence until it breaks or a wood pecker wrecks it to eat them for you! FYI they don’t care if it’s pressure treated or not, they will destroy your rafters! Good luck, kill them all.

  6. Ralf_E_Smith

    A leopard. A leopard ate your fence!

  7. Pullenhose13

    That have a couple different traps you can hang.

  8. wintercast

    I use carpenter bee traps. You have to kill one bee (a tennis racket works well) and place it’s dead body in the trap. Others will join it. Let them die in the trap, that will attract even more

    They were really working on destroying my chicken coop and barn, I put up the traps this spring and I hardly had any actually make holes.

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