Gardening Supplies

Tomatillos Worst Pest & How to Control It #gardening #gardenpests

Tomatillos worst pest can take over and destroy your plant quickly if not taken care of right away. There are some simple organic pest control steps you can take to care it quickly. Find out what it is and how to control this pest in the garden organically.

one of Toma Teal’s worst pests is the three lined potato beetle the beetle overwinters in the soil emerging in June or July laying its eggs on the tomao plant and those eggs begin to hatch in about 2 weeks the three-line potato beetle can ravage your plants quickly destroying the leaves and the flowers if not taken care of quickly they can damage and destroy the plant you can handpick off the beetles or wrap the plant in a floating row cover if there’s a lot of them then you can spray with a an organic product called spinoid if you’re using a spray make sure you’re spraying in the evening time after the bees have gone home make sure you take care of the little yellow eggs as well they can be laid on the underside or the top of the leaves the larae looks like a little dark brown greasy slug interestingly enough the three-line potato beetle prefers the tomao plants over potato plants


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