Gardening Australia

:( .. ideas for landscaping on my side now?

🙁 .. ideas for landscaping on my side now?

by canimal14


  1. Ok-Fisherman5799

    Not sure on the width of the bed on top of the retaining wall but Lilly Pilly have some varieties for narrow spaces. They are evergreen and native, so require minimal maintenance. You could also consider ‘slender weaver’ bamboo which would go nicely with the palms. It’s a really fast growing bamboo of the clumping variety (so won’t get out of control, like the running types).

  2. Admirable_Virus_20

    Sorry for your loss that looks horrible now. I would plant some lilly pillies, prep a big hole with some nice soil and compost to get them to grow as quick as possible.

  3. iehcjdieicc

    Yeah, those palms are fugly. Cut em down and plant some bushes that have actual foliage and don’t end up being a grey stick that drops shit for you to clean up.

  4. Fully supporting Lilly Pilly idea, and adding that Callestemons would be another bushy variety to fill out space and add more wildlife to your yard. I’d consider some leptospiridium varieties as well.

    I wouldn’t suggest getting rid of the palms until you’ve got something to replace them though

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