
Advice needed on care improvement

Hey everyone, I’m looking to improve my air plant care and increase new growth in my indoor air plant garden. Rn I have around 20 air plants on a desk in my bedroom. Unfortunately my window game is horrible (only northern and western facing windows), so I have an LED grow lamp for them. They get 10hr of light per day and I soak them once a week, with some moderate spraying if I feel like it dry. The plants are healthy but I haven’t noticed a lot of new growth lately. Is there anything I should add to my routine that would encourage more growth?

by Beneficial_Run_1779


  1. MasterpieceMinimum42

    Your grow light placement is something you need to improve. Putting the grow light away from the plants is useless, you need to be as close as possible.

  2. Some of them might like stronger light. You can always get a lux meter and measure whether your light of window is giving more lux. I personally think the window will give more. I know my tectorum and xero eats up direct sunlight for hours on end without any issues

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