
Just updating everyone! I’ve made a trellis for 2 of my hoyas now! I think I’ve got circles down, haha. Gonna try some different shapes. (continued below)

I need pliers ‘cause this is rough on my hands. Also electrical tape, maybe? I was able to attach the two circles together using the jute, but it can move a little. I tried a third circle on top – you can see the big, glued knot up at the top, just to the right of the center where I had to detach it – it just wasn’t sturdy enough. It would work in a bigger pot though. I wanna try like… an arch type thing.. like you’d have in a garden.. like at the entry point over a path – does that make sense? but like.. a mini version. But I’d need a bigger plant for that. I may construct it and wait to use it.

I do need to figure out a better way of doing the part that goes into the soil. The first one I just made the circle ends twist and create a stake, as you can see. The second, I used an orchid stake and wrapped jute around it to secure it, which worked. But.. there’s better ways.

Thank you guys soooo much for your help! I absolutely love planty people. You guys are amazing – you came with awesome ideas, all the support and encouragement – and I appreciate it more than you know! Thank you!

I added a picture to show everyone what all I used. I would go for 12g wire if I had it. I’m certainly not gonna waste what I have though. And also, as someone suggested (they linked a video with their suggestion but it’s on my other post if you’re interested) – I’d use a drill to twist the bottom because well, ouch, that hurt my hand. And you can get it MUCH tighter with a drill.

Again, thank you guys so much! You’re awesome. 💚🪴


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