No Lawns

Look who came to visit…

6b – my tiny patch of clover/wildflowers/grain/snow peas is visited by bunnies and a whole slew of birds every day. So worth it!

by ilContedeibreefinti


  1. Ghost_of_P34

    This morning all at once I had several different birds (the only one that regularly appears that didn’t show was our woodpecker… come to think of it, I haven’t seen it in a while… eek), squirrels, a chipmunk, and a hummingbird (or two). Our rabbits haven’t appeared today either.

    Maybe our hawk had a few meals.

  2. Goldfinches! The state bird of Washington.

    I love when they visit my yard. It feels so patriotic.

  3. putitinapot

    I love the goldfinches. They have the most beautiful song in addition to their pretty plumage.
    They love dried flower in the winter like echinacea blooms. I sometimes cut them before the snow knocks them down and put them in a basket on my deck for them to eat and visit

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