
Ive been guerrilla composting at my workplace! Separating the waste and bringing home to my pile. Perks of being the night shift custodian!

Ive been guerrilla composting at my workplace! Separating the waste and bringing home to my pile. Perks of being the night shift custodian!

by amusehopeful


  1. Chak-Ek

    Well done. I like seeing things like this.

  2. IntelligentTrashGlob

    Straight up doing gods work here, bless you!!

  3. perenniallandscapist

    I did this when I worked at a college. All the food from the dining facilities other than the cafeterias was served in takeout compostable containers that really were just paper lol. I’d bring home at least 100 gallons worth (3 30+ gallon bags) full to my piles every single weekday. I never make enough food waste by myself, so it was a fantastic source of compost material.

  4. alisonlou

    This is awesome! I used to do something like this with recyclables a long ass time ago. I didn’t make any $ off of it, but I got a garbage bag a shift out of the waste stream. Composting is great for the garden, but I see you! I recognize doing this take a little extra work to do a good thing for the earth too.

  5. bowlingballwnoholes

    Great, but I hope it doesn’t spill in your car.

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