
Why is he orange?

I got this guy from a Lowe’s that has a low amount of plant pathogens for a Lowe’s, but a high amount of plant pathogens for anywhere that isn’t a Lowe’s. He’s been really slow growing up until recently, when he pushed out all but two of the visible arms. The orangish discoloration on the underside has spread pretty substantially too. None of it is soft to the touch, or really feels different from the green flesh at all. If anything, he’s been underwatered pretty severely. The pot is super porous and I haven’t checked his roots in a while so I bet his theyre snug. He gets exposed to quite a bit of heat but he was orange in the store before that; his light is “full” light, aka diffused but through full-light compatible greenhouse fabric that keeps my full light Echeveria and my babiest jades content. I also don’t know why the one arm is doing.. whatever that Guy Fieri hairdo is. A lot of my tropicals have brown spot intermittently forever fwiw.

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