No Lawns

Meadow Year 2 (Midwest Zone 5b)

Year 2 prairie planting from seed. It was a big area (half my lawn), so I had to use chemicals to kill the lawn prior to a spring planting. The first year was pretty weedy because I didn't wait long enough for the second round up application to drain the seed bank, but this year has been amazing. Still some weeds, but the coropsis, black eye'd susans, wild bergamot, grass varieties and cone flowers are winning the war with very minimal assistance from me.

The first 4 pics are from this year (more variety because many seeds need to over winter) and the last 2 are from the first year (mostly just black eyes Susan and weeds 😬). In the fall I think I'm going to seed some new bee balm/cone flower varieties to mix up the colors. No idea if it will work, but it's been an interesting experiment.

by How4u


  1. karmaisourfriend

    Pls give your good boy or girl a scratch for me.

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