Plant Clinic

I need help with my precious neon

Hey guys ! First time posting and I would love to have some assistance with my beloved neon plant that's really not going well recently.
I had this genius idea to change her pot for a bigger one and since then, it has been a complete disaster. (5-6 weeks ago) The leaves are drying up and dying. I remove around 12-15 a week now and it's not getting better.

Initially the first pot I moved the plant into was twice bigger than this one and I watered it too much. After 9-10 days I realized it was not draining at all and the water was accumulating at the bottom.
I changed it to this pot that I have now with fresh soil but it didn't change the situation.

I watered it a little last week and the soil is still humid. At this point I'm scared to add more water because I don't want to drown it. I'm even considering going back to the original pot I was using for it .

It might also be good to add that I moved it to a new room in the appartment and it's now getting more sun. (Afternoon/evening instead of morning)

Lete know what you think please. I spoke with my mom today and she told me to chop it off completely and let it regrow from scratch.. I don't think I'm ready for that.

by ralphsuperkingz

1 Comment

  1. Intelligent-Ad6085

    Since the plant is kept inside I would not water anymore until the soil is completely dried out. I have found that it is very easy to overwater plants when they are kept inside because the sun is not there to dry them out quickly. Another tip would be to replant it in bark or clay beads or a very well draining soil once it perks back up a bit.

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