
Never thought I’d see the day I could afford a PPP

Never thought I’d see the day I could afford a PPP

by flanxiolytic-panda


  1. Delicious-Excitement

    Nice!! Bought one last year from Home Depot and it just threw a half bright pink leaf! I need to buy a moss pole for it and my White Knight, but I don’t want a jumbo moss pole and that’s all I come across! 😬

  2. Neutral_Chaoss

    Wow! And I thought $20 at Home Despot was cheap! Nice find!

  3. AnybodyQueasy

    I remember when I bought my 2 leaf cutting for $45+ . Just picked up a 3 plant pot for $10. 🥲

  4. giftofgravity

    Nice! I got mine for $7 at Lowes so I bought two lol

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