San Pedro Cactus

Why is it so bitter? Is it normal or did it go bad?

It’s a San Pedro.

by Kumpoole


  1. Culturallygrown




    You gotta BOOF IT !!! …’re doing it wrong

  3. bobcollege

    as an amateur dentist, i think you have an overbite

  4. Transpero

    That method is not advised, it will turn you inside out before it turns you inside out

  5. No_Dragonfruit_4876

    Needs more chocolate chips bruh

  6. MushyCacti

    I like to spread a little cream cheese on top with a sprinkle of “everything but the bagel” seasoning, that covers the bitterness pretty well

  7. Govinda74

    Ahh! The “Spicy Cucumber” method!! Very bold indeed!

  8. sweatpantparadise

    literally to stop mammals eating it

  9. F0XTR0Tuniform

    As only one other person has mentioned, bitter is good

  10. hazardlit3s

    I thought this was r/achumacirclejerk for a second.

  11. Negative_UA

    I suggest you brew it into tea by measuring 1 dose as 6-8in of cactus. I brew mine super low boil 3hrs~ with raw ginger and honey but if you throw in an MAOI like passion flower bada bing bada boom

  12. Real_Ease

    With the skin on and everything. Oh u a gangster

  13. seasidecereus

    Hats off to you if you can just chomp into it like that. Can’t say I’ve seen the “eat it like a cookie” technique before 😅

  14. AgintOringe

    Its been mentioned elsewhere but, tbm is said to be better for this method as it takes far less and no core. But ive never tried any method so i cant say.

  15. lmfao this guy is my hero … why am i puking? lol

  16. URfwend


  17. lmfao its a san pedro that wouldnt get a fly hi!

  18. letsgocactus

    That is a wonderful, insane & outstandingly cool graft tower. Please keep us updated!

  19. DragonRancherJed

    Maybe fermenting would help accentuate the bitter, or pickling it with garlic and chives. Yum!!!

  20. Wolf_Metal_Roots

    Get ready to eat another foot of that bitter love 😆

  21. Last_Function_8813

    You should dehydrate this, or turn it to its salt form.

  22. ccminiwarhammer


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