
what did did i do wrong 🥲

i’ve had my alocasia polly (amazonica) for maybe 3 weeks now, it was perfectly healthy looking when i bought it and today I go to check on it and half of the plant is just flopped over and the stems are squishy 😭 the other plant in the pot looks totally fine?? It doesn’t look like root rot so not sure why it’s all soft and squishy, even the new leaf just looks dead to me? The roots on the other plant look lovely and healthy and it seems fine? I pulled it out the pot to look at what was going on and there were loads of corms so I would have assumed everything was fine! This plant is a mystery to me and now i’m sad 😂😭

by daddyihaveacat


  1. PurpleFlowerPath

    Did you put water in the crown/leaves?
    If you did and it didn’t dry fast enough, it might have made it rot.

  2. jacobhuggins

    I’ve heard growing alocasias in LECA in a hydroponic sort of way is super helpful at preventing issues like this. I have a silver dragon and so far I’ve had zero issues. I cleaned all the dirt off of the roots super well and disinfected them. Cut them down to about 2-3 inches and sat it in a vase of water for 2 weeks for water roots to grow in. Then planted in soaked/rinsed LECA and water it with a liquid natural type fertilizer. So far it’s done super well. That may very well prevent issues like this in the future and even soil related pest issues.

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