Carnivorous Plants

First CP setup

So proud but nervous to show cause it feels overzealous for a first attempt. Nepenthes will eventually get bigger & need transferred over to a hanging pot, it'll be replaced with another ping. Pings have closed circuit water resivors for reduced watering. The sundews are a mix of D. Rotundaifolia, D. Capenis, D. Spatulata, & D. Aliciae but please correct me if I'm wrong.

Substrate is from the bottom up: lavarocks sprinkled with powered charcoal (not necessary but it felt right) that's all submerged, then a mix of peat, LFS, & sand that's half submerged. I formed that into a little hill to place my nep & pings a little higher from the water source, then my sundews are mainly at the lowest points on a bed of live sphagnum moss. Tucked my wood pieces in good & covered everything in at least 6 different other types of moss I gathered from a forest near a local bog.

Anyone wanna pipe up to give advice or tips on how to tackle dormancy when that hits or just kind words are all greatly appreciated. 🫶🏻

by No_Claim_1099


  1. oblivious_fireball

    I would worry less about dormancy and more about just making sure everything comes out alive. its a very interesting experiment and its more well planned out than most mixed environment terrariums i’ve seen to give it credit.

    Rotundifolia is the only one with dormancy. Temperatures right at 60F may let it go dormant, but any lower will likely harm the other plants, so odds are you may just have to let it die in time.

  2. Hi_Trans_Im_Dad

    Love the set up!

    Worry about the responses you’ll get by posting “CP setup” from other subs.

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