Indoor Garden

I tried my hands on making a decorative growlight

It kinda looks like a light saber but I like that it's translucent and it gives a nice soft glow that doesn't show in the video.

If anyone is interested I can give some details how I made it.

by chillchamp


  1. jesuiszyankali

    Wow, that’s wonderful! I’d be glad if you shared some details, great work!

  2. Ropeswing_Sentience

    I’m imagining a row of these at the back of a shelf filled with plants. This is cool!

  3. specialvixen

    I love the concept of this design! If it were a stronger light I think you could really sell these as nice, attractive grow lights that are part of the decor of a home. I feel this segment of the market is still kinda lacking.

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