
Can someone help me figure out what these are?

Can someone help me figure out what these are?

by Hungry_Tangerine1563


  1. Hungry_Tangerine1563

    I purchased a worm factory and just set it up a week ago, I went to add some shredded yard waste for my worms to eat and found this? So I have to start over? What are these? I tried searching google but came away with like 10+ possibilities, good and bad.

    I don’t want to give up on composting, but I also don’t want to breed mites, flies, etc.

  2. CaprioPeter

    Almost looks like an insect or fungus eating those worms. Composting is done through things like fly larvae! It’s normal and expected to have insects and other decomposers in there (like your worms) who will make the compost for you

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