
What should I do with this?

Year before last I gave it a stick to climb, and it grew past the stick.
Last year I gave it a taller (5ft) stick, and it grew just past the top.
So far this year it's added at least another foot and my guess is that by the end of the outdoor season when I need to bring it back inside it'll be a full 7ft tall. My ceilings are about 7ft tall.

Is it going to hurt it to top it? I'm assuming it'll fill out more.

by iscapslockon


  1. Least-Secret-3319

    i would give it the snip and propagate. it looks a little leggy around the top anyways and you get more of the plant

  2. Dev_Team_6

    What plant is this? I think I was given one of these for free by my local plant store owner, and he believed it to be a painted lady

  3. Spiritual-Mud5696

    Coppice is the way. Make many cuttings and let this plant recover in a nice comfortable spot.

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