

Yeah, yeah, they just need more time.

I’m sure they’re waiting to start turning until I’m gone for a weekend so that the neighborhood squirrels can take one big fat bite out of each. 😭

by watekebb


  1. cede_toronto

    Ohhh! They look sooo beautiful. How long has it been?

  2. TropicalKing

    It’s probably too hot. All my tomatoes in California are green because it’s too hot.

  3. ParticularNothing942

    Leave a peace offering of peanuts to the squirrels if you have to leave for a weekend. Although for me it’s birds that start taking chunks of my maters. They peck away a hole I guess to get some juices on hot days, and leave 3/4 of the tomato, then bugs get to them. That’s why I like to pick them soon after they start blushing instead od waiting for them to be fully ripe.

  4. smarchypants

    Thats sort of normal for the life of a tomato in my experience over the past 10 years, they always take too long to ripen, then BAM, you are making sauce for weeks on end. I am in zone 5b, about 90 here .. same thing

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