
Advice to root this o. Pachypus

Purchased this operculicarya pachypus a while back. Planted it in 80 pumice/lava rock with 20 percent organic. It had a tuber on the bottom that was like 6 inches long which seemed sort of excessive but i just decided to put it in a deeper pot. The tuber was really two peices connected by a skinny peice. It did pretty well for a while and I was sure it had to be rooting. Then suddenly it started dropping leaves like mad. Dug it up today and the bottom of the tuber was rotting. It had a few small roots up near the surface but nothing over 1/4inch. Cut off the long peice of rotten tuber and what I have left is what's shown in pics. It barely has any leaves left.

Any tips for what is likely my last shot with this guy? Should I be watering at all? Straight mineral substrate?


by ItsEntirelyPosssible

1 Comment

  1. heroicwalnuts

    I don’t know, I cut a chunk of root off when I was repotting mine and stuck it in some 50/50 organic/mineral soil and watered it regularly and it grew great. Mine are outdoors in pretty strong sun though, so could be different from your conditions

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