
“lifted” from an intersection today

so i guess this baby fell off of someone’s vehicle? i found it lying in the middle of the road, this piece being the only bit salvageable bc all of the rest had been run over into oblivion 🥲

i’m very new to plants so just wondering if i can go ahead and plant this in a pot as is? or do i need to take some other steps first? thank you!

by LowPumpkin8371


  1. TheChubbyPlant

    Leave in medium light. Do not water. Wait for more roots to form.

  2. sarahskinn

    The cutting is already callused over, which is good. So just remove that bottom leaf to create a slightly longer stem, place it directly in succulent soil, spray it with water every few weeks until roots form. Just don’t fully water it until then 🙂

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