
Natural bonsai close to where I live

This is a Douglas Fir tree growing out of a log on Fairy Lake, BC, Canada. I did not take the first photo, but I camped here last summer and paddled out to the tree several times. The only photo I got was the second photo, taken from a nearby road through some bushes, as the tree was out of view of the public campsite and I didn’t trust myself with my camera in the water.

by crimson_dovah


  1. Badtripbodhisattva

    That’s actually incredible, might try a root over rock in this style.

  2. Get-up-Yee

    Some kids will ruin it one day. Because….Nice things.

  3. frodo5454

    Where is it? If someone’s going to kill it, it may as well be me… but I will try my best. Think I might bring out me saw and cut the stump of at the water level.

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