
What kind of pothos is this and how can I take better care of it??

What kind of pothos is this and how can I take care of it better??

I’ve had this pathos for about a year now. I thought it was an N’Joy, but after looking at pictures online comparing the different varieties I feel like mine is too green and speckled. What type is it? Would love to know🌸

Also. I’ve unfortunately mistreated it. It used to have multiple vines hanging down, but a few of them died so the plant started looking very empty. In an attempt to make it more bushy, I cut up one of the vines (see last picture for before) and stuck the nodes into the soil, but they all died of root rot. Now I’ve instead put the entire vine into soil and pinned it down, and it has begun growing new babies!! But they are browning at the tips, and I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Are they underwatered?

by succuplany

1 Comment

  1. MalykaOfHearts

    How large are the roots? That pot looks quite large and could be staying wet for way too long down low.

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