
Diffenbrachia and Strelitzia have drooping leaves


My Diffenbrachia and Strelitzia have drooping leaves. With the Diffenbrachia, it's sometimes so bad that the stems break because they have so little support. What exactly is the problem? Both plants are growing and constantly producing new leaves, but somehow they're lacking "support."

They are placed in a south-facing window, so they do get direct sunlight…however, I have very narrow windows, and there's another house in front of mine, so the light isn't that intense. Is it still too much light?

Otherwise, I fertilize and make sure not to overwater. I use a well-draining substrate.

What I noticed is that I have a few fungus gnats, could that be the reason?

The humidity is between 50-70%.

Best regards

by Ok_Culture2230

1 Comment

  1. nicoleauroux

    No way to know without you telling us how much light and water they get.

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