
Why are my peppers so funky?

Why are my peppers so funky?

by MissMiesss


  1. MissMiesss

    I’m not sure what the variety is, since I picked a seed from a random grocery store pepper.

  2. Patrollerofthemojave

    I recently had a cayenne that looked like this

    The first two peppers I had off the plant looked like this. The rest of my peppers look like regular cayenne. I think the plants can just mess up the genetic coding sometimes, especially considering in your case they’re not the highest quality seeds. Maybe they were the wrong seeds maybe they were for different varieties and they cross breeded

    Sorry if none of these help, just let them grow and ripen in any case as a good learning experience

  3. Bowhunter2525

    Cool! It’s not uncommon to get the occasional pepper or tomato with growths like that from a deformed blossom but I’ve never seen an entire plant do that. I suspect there is a mutation affecting the blossom structure. You can get somatic mutations that affect one blossom, one branch or the whole plant. It may or may not get passed on in the seeds.

  4. The_Doom_Doctor

    Lmao,I get so creeped out by stuff like this for no reason.

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