Rare Houseplants

Alocasia Frydek. Can she be saved?

Hi, I’ve ordered a rescue box and in it I got my first Alocasia Frydek.
It took 2 days to arrive and once it did, the leaves were already droopy and one folded over/broken. Soil seemed dry so I watered her. Noticed in the evening leaves started drooping more.
Yesterday (second day of having her) – dropped slightly more. I changed the soil to dry one. When putting her in the side one leaf from the bottom stem fell off (was still green), but I suspect it was starting to rot. Gave her a lil pole to support so the big leaf doesn’t drop too low.
Today I noticed she drooped a little and almost folded-like around the base. It seems a bit wet (base). I did give just a little bit of water (shot glass worth).

Will she drop all the leaves because of the wet spot at the base (in pictures)? If she does, will she grow back?
Some roots did rot and not sure if it was just in one day when I watered her or from before. There were white/live ones as well.

by Hoxizora

1 Comment

  1. It is not the easiest plant to care for and it make sense that she would have some shock from transport. I would assume that roots are not rot if you got them from a good supplier but you can always just check for yourself. It can also happen that due to the stress she will lose some leaves but dont start to overwater because the leaves are droopy. Just bottom water once and then let her be.

    and FYI even though it is commonly called frydek, frydek technically is the variegated form, your plant is alocasia micholitziana. similar to how thai constellation is very specifically the stable speckled variegation of deliciousa

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