Vegetable Gardening

1st tater harvest!

1st year gardener here. Couple questions:

Did I pull these too early? The green stuff was pretty much all flopped over, starting to turn brown and the anticipation was killing me. When they started to flop I staked them up for a couple more weeks. Would the little white ones have fully developed had I waited?

Is it safe to eat the little white ones?

by Impaler2009

1 Comment

  1. manyamile

    how many plants was this? 2?

    as long as none of them are green, they’re safe to eat.

    You can harvest any time after tubers start to swell, just after flowering. for fully mature tubers, wait until the plants die back completely. i wait as long as i can but sometimes rain in the forecast means ill harvest them a little early. there’s no wrong answer on when to harvest – depends on your goals.

    nice potatoes! enjoy them!

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