Houseplants Circle Jerk

Air flow? I’ve never heard of her

Air flow? I’ve never heard of her

by quartz222


  1. Equivalent_Pepper969

    Do people not know how to make soil for their plants? If it’s drying out add fine carbon rich material 😂

  2. This reminds me of an article that came out shortly after 9/11 describing how a person was so paranoid and freaked out about a potential biological terrorist attack that they sealed all the windows, doors, and vents in their house with plastic wrap and duct tape.

    They suffocated to death.

    So it’s not a good idea. It’s a great idea.

  3. Delicious-School7769

    I stick plants in ziplocks to get them in a temporary greenhouse environment all the time if they need help. I make sure they aren’t too hot and get good indirect light. I regularly “burp” the bags and mist them. Works like a dream.

  4. dandeliontree1

    I just saw the original post first and was too irrationally angry to even click on it.

  5. Impressive_Search451

    10 days? Just 10 days??? Girl. Just water them before you leave 💀

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