Plant Propagation

Where do i chop?

I dont remember er what plant this is but its getting to tall and is falling over. Where should i chop it to not hurt and be able to still use the rest of it?

by Great_Grapefruit


  1. space-wheel

    B but higher for higher success but could do b and a for two props as well

  2. OwO_Penguin

    to be honest you can make so many cuttings with at least one node/leaf on them, stick them in some perlite to root, and boom you get stuck with wayyyy too many of these

  3. MyDogma8UrKorma

    It looks like a peperomia to me. If so, you can propagate single leaves as well as stems with nodes so if you remove lower leaves from a stem cutting, don’t toss them. Instead you can snip the petiole close to the leaf and then lay the leaf in moist sphagnum moss.

    Peperomia are also slow to root so if you have some pothos, stick some pothos cuttings in the jar with these cuttings to encourage rooting.

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