Container Gardening

Do any of these cantaloupe leaves need clipped?

Young plant. A few male flowers only (I think). There aren't many leaves. 4/5 of the biggest are questionable, at least 2 for sure. If this were a more established plant with many more leaves, 3 of the 4 would be gone for sure, maybe even all 4.

In this case, I worry about taking too much from it, even if the leaves are damaged because I want them to suck up the sun to grow. Idk how they're damaged. I had a watermelon with powdery mildew in another container and sprayed everything with fungicide a few days ago out of caution. This plant had always been totally happy and healthy except the ugly parts of the leaves.

I'll be spraying pesticide tomorrow; I found a pill bug/rolly polly/"whatever you call them in your region" in a strawberry plant earlier. Though most of my plants don't seem to get munched on much, there's always a few leaves I wake up to that have been a late-night snack. I'm assuming some of this damage is from a passerby and not a longterm guest because the pill bug was the first one I saw in the garden soil so far, and I am transplanting so that's 1 of 3-4 pots that had 1 bug.

Anyway. Do any of these leaves need a trim? What do you think has damaged them?

by Fresh_Ad4076

1 Comment

  1. Fresh_Ad4076

    Want to add that the white stuff is the fungicide.

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