Plant Propagation

Crown of Thornes Prop from Cutting

This little piece broke off of the last remaining leg of a very mature (30+ year old) crown of thornes (over the past 5-6 years all of the 12-13 other tall legs have dried out and broke off – my mom did not take care of my dad’s plants after he died) – I trimmed it and let it callus for a few days, then dipped the end in rooting hormone and stuck it in some well draining cactus mix. There was one additional little leaf but it turned brown and wilted and I took it off today, I’ve been lightly watering every 5-6 days but noticed the soil was drying a little earlier so maybe going to do more like 2-3 days – would that be why the little leaf died off? Any hints you see? Any advice? I really want to do anything I can to keep this baby alive

by Bwallll

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