
Is this cutting ready to be potted?

This albo cutting has been sitting in water for almost 2 months now. I've read that you can pot monstera cuttings up if the roots start growing roots, which it has done already.
But for the past few weeks it's been pushing out this new leaf (hopefully it'll survive since it's mostly white, but there's hope!) and I wanted to wait until it has unfurled completely before transferring the cutting into soil. However, since it's been pushing out this leaf, there hasn't really been any new root growth. Nothing's rotting and the plant is fine, I'm just worried that if I plant it now it'll be in shock. And the new leaf is only growing very slowly (which should be normal for a cutting that's in water, right?).
It's sitting in front of an east facing window, however the last few months the weather was quite gloomy & rainy without much direct sunlight.

I don't wanna do anything wrong and potentially lose this beautiful cutting, so please lmk what to do.

I'd pot it in my normal airy soil mix in which my other monsteras are also planted & keep it on the wet side the first 2 weeks or so.

Also; are those white dots on the main stem potentially new aerial roots?

by limelagoon

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