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Seg2 S8E17 invasives plants what to grow instead – The Gardening with Joey and Holly Radio Show

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Segment 2: invasives plants what to grow instead

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welcome back to the garden with Joan Holly radio show happy to have you along today moments away we’re going to be discussing invasive species of plants and what the Alternatives is but first a message from our good friends at honey be healthy since the year 2000 Honey Bee Healthy ink has helped beekeepers maintain healthy and thriving hives attracting pollinators to your Gard this year as as simple as hanging a hummingbird feeder with a mixture of sugar water and honey be healthy original you don’t you don’t have to be a bee keeper or have honey hives in order to use the product and don’t be alarmed to see bees Birds butterflies dining together at the feeter pollinators coexist peacefully in Harmony in harmony honey be healthy Inc is offering a 10% discount code um on 8 oz bottle of honey be healthy original use code B Garden that’s be e Garden at checkout for more information and to purchase products you can go to honeyb if you’ve missed any of the coupon codes during the program uh you can always go to our parent website the Wisconsin vegetable and click on the money tab at the top of the page and they are all listed there for you and hyperlink to make your navigation more uh accessible so let’s talk about um some invasive plants species plants yes now these all grow within the northern portion of United States so they should be in your listening area um and there’s probably more I’m sure there’s more oh there’s there yeah we we we only have one segment toh select several of these uh to inform you of so the first one is purple loose strife I know I’ve seen this um so it was introduced to the United States in the early 1800s for um ornamental medicinal uses I don’t know where it came from but that’s okay um it does Europe Europe and Asia okay so it produces um seeds through the wind or it spreads seeds through the wind um and then they grow at at the rate of one foot per year that’s that’s a lot so you can find that’s quicker than most kindergarteners yeah really um so so we can see how aggressive these can be yeah and that’s the thing about these invasive plants is they are very aggressive um so native alternatives are blazing star which does look a lot like the purple loose strife American blue vervan and New York Ironweed these are all great Alternatives and you can plant these grow these and they should hopefully um do a good job I say against the loose strife but yeah as a substitute as a substitute Japanese Honeysuckle yes so this is from Eastern Asia and it is a honeysuckle um and it was brought over for for ornamental use and erosion control I believe they have Deep Roots um and they are on the East Coast they adapt to a lot of different conditions and it’s an aggressive Vine that Smothers Shades and and will take out vegetation or like kind of Choke out vegetation so if you have like a a like well let’s say a hillside that has a bunch of thistles and you can’t mow it this may be even though it’s invasive speed this may be way to choke out a lot of that cuz honeysuckle has beautiful flowers and very fragrant and bring brings in a tremendous amount of pollinators right and so birds do eat this and then they spread the seeds but there’s different types of honeysuckles and that’s one of these is an alternative which would be the uh Coral honeysuckle so you could try that or the trumpet creeper another viny plant so these if you do a little bit of research maybe you could find something that would serve the same purpose if especially if you are trying prevent just like we say a lot of times week after week on the program if you’re looking to change your landscape or add a new plant and you’re not 100% certain the internet yes is a wonderful tool they have the internet on on computers now great thing but there’s nothing more credible than going to your local independent Garden Center and talking with somebody who knows plants inside and out and and can say yes we recommend that or you could but this is going to be the problems you’re going to face 5 10 15 down years down the road if you plant this in your yard right they know this the internet doesn’t always know that absolutely absolutely Norway maple Norway maple I feel like we skipped one on our listo but that’s okay Norway is out of Europe Europe not Egypt we both looked at it and said the wrong thing right um so they were introduced in early in early or 1756 from England um and they became they they are a nice shade tree and popular in rural communities and so what happens is that they choke out native maple trees and they can dominate the landscape which I mean I think all invasive plants can do that well a Maples are fast growing trees so I can see how that could be you plant one for pretty and then all of a sudden you’ve seen these what they call helicopter seeds that on these maple trees they drop and the and then the sweet gums had the gumballs and you just get trees popping up throughout the yard and the garden I don’t I don’t think we have Gumball TreeSet sweet uh uh gumball tree yeah so anyway some Alternatives would be sugar maple and red maple I love me a maple tree I think they’re beautiful do you have a story about a maple tree I do not I have only stories about Birch birch trees Birch okay yeah I was going to climb a birch tree the other day but I stopped myself all right so um and then there’s English ivy um which is I think there’s like is that the one it’s sweet gum sweet gum ball uh maple tree they drop uh the fall every winter and they just it just but that’s like a more southern thing isn’t it well we had them at the house yeah uh no matter you know you drive them over the lawn more they don’t cut up and takes a long time to burn it’s a whole thing okay so English ivy you can actually purchase this at most Big Box store Garden Centers I don’t know if independent garden centers sell it or not I’ve never seen it there um but it’s kind of silly because it’s extremely invasive and does date back into the 1700s that it came over here um and it just becomes a thing to plant and we’re just basically like a staple that people don’t know it’s dangerous or or it’s bad cuz it it grows fast and it grows under a lot of not the best conditions right lack of sun is is they’re okay with that I mean the plant doesn’t require a whole lot of sun yeah so you could do something like creeping mint or well the problem with Mint or Creeping Charlie and they’re all in the same family is once you have it established or once you put it the ground it’s it’s there forever unless you use a glyphosate uh dig up all the soil and and put a pond there or a pool or a pond there or you spray it with glyphosate and completely kill everything in order to get out because they they root underground they tunnel and they’re everywhere mint and the whole deal once you you can’t get rid of it right right yep so um so yeah you can use uh creepy mint which I don’t know like Joey mentioned anything says creeping I would I would shy away from and then creeping flocks I think that if you have this this um English ivy like growing taking over move I don’t know just move I don’t burn your yard down I I mean that’s kind of like you could aggressively pull it up and then or like if if it really was bothering you that much you know like say you want a yard that doesn’t have creeping Ivy all over it because I know these plants they have their root system is like a net it’s like a web and so pulling it up doesn’t even always help it’s just like insanity CU I know glyphosate would kill but I don’t know if a 24d because 24d is more for broadleaf and I don’t know if Ivy would be considered a broadleaf or it would would even uh phase it I’m not sure either but you could probably smother it out with some some black uh um weed barrier cloth and then or even just like some black trash bags solarize it solarize it and then you could start over but that would take up it take a whole like a whole summer IV is considered a broadleaf weed that can be difficult to remove so if it’s a broadleaf that 24d would not damage the grass but it would remove and that’s what people use for that Weeden feed to get rid of the D lines and the Lambs qu and all the non-grass species uh when it’s you know time to SP oh spring we got to put weed and feed on the yard don’t do that okay we got time for one more here okay so we have um uh what is this called here um kudu KU u d z u and this is It’s a tree it’s a tree um comes from China Japan and the Pacific Islands uh arrived around uh late quarter third quarter of 18 hundreds um and it’s a predominantly ornamental plant and later as for for uh forage cover in the Southeast yep so they they brought it over to help with erosion and then on deforested lands and basically they just like planted it like mad and then they were like oh so that was in the 30s and 40s and in the ‘ 50s um this conservationist was like this is invasive we should not be doing this so this is what happens is and this is they plant over a million Acres of this stuff that’s a lot this is a small example of as science develops as people learn things things change whether that be something like kudu whether that be like different gardening practices whether that be like safe canning safe food preservation Etc things are always changing so um just because back in the 1940s this was okay that was what 80 years ago 90 years however many years ago um things have changed so it’s just the reality of Life yeah you don’t use the same flip phone that you did 30 years ago maybe I want to I don’t ah anyway well summer is in full swing now Holly and it’s uh time to deal with those nasty Japanese beetles as they are in the process if not already wreaking havoc on your Gardens yes so if you’re looking to successfully control beetles without damaging the environment look no further than Beetle gon from FM bioproducts derived from a naturally occurring bacteria soil bacteria Beetle gon is the only organic solution that successfully controls Beetle Invaders just mix the powder with water and spray on your plants once ingested the target pest will stop feeding and die and since it’s an organic BT product you know it’s a great choice to use on your fruits and veg in addition to your ornamental flowers and trees not only is Beetle gone uh does it work well it is the best part about it it is safe to be used around beneficial insects just like we were talking about earlier ladybugs butterflies bees and they have no issue with water toxicity that’s Beetle gon that’s Beetle from phym bioproducts doccom you can find those at the website the Wisconsin vegetable or just remember beetle sh

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