
Unplanned repotting

One of my Japanese Maples was not looking great, with no new branches developing and no new leaves sprouting.
This is a sapling and the other 2 trees are growing vigorously…
The only reason that I thought was that the root system was maybe too congested or the substrate was not right…
Everything was fine with all the above, maybe this wasn’t necessary!?

No one got hurt by the dog “attack” at the end…

by CNM_Portugal


  1. SonsOfLibertyX

    If the tree is not growing as well as the others I would also think there might be a problem of some kind. I think your instinct to repot it was correct… to inspect the root system if nothing else. Honestly, if you can’t find the problem I would consult with your local horticultural experts. Here in the USA we have county agriculture centers that can be of help with such questions. Maybe in Portugal you have something similar or maybe at your nearest university.
    Such people are often willing and eager to help. The dog looks vicious and should be watched carefully. 👍

  2. Spiritual_Maize

    Why start raking around in the soil on a maple in leaf in the middle of summer in your climate? Better to lift the tree out of the pot with the rootball intact. But it’s small and overpotted, it’s not going to be pot bound

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