Japanese Garden

Garden stroll through the land of gargantuan Hostas & glorious Viburnums

It’s a beautiful morning for a garden stroll (unedited and without plant labels, sorry!). Join me to see the gargantuan hostas and all the lush growth that is very happy about all the rain we’ve had lately. Viburnums are amazing right now, the ostrich ferns are still growing and the birds are singing.

——- L I N K S ——-
Midwest Living article: https://www.midwestliving.com/erin-schanen-impatient-gardener-beautiful-home-garden-8643093

#gardentour #gardenstroll

——— A B O U T ———–
My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b/6a.

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———— FAVORITES ————–
🌿 My favorite potting soil (Organic Mechanics peat-free Container blend): https://bit.ly/containerblend
🌿 My favorite soil amendment: https://bit.ly/biocharblend
🌿 Hose reel (Hoselink): https://bit.ly/TIGhoselink
🌿 Current favorite garden gloves: https://amzn.to/3C29D9Z
🌿 Garden products I buy on repeat: https://liketk.it/3FIyl

Music in my videos from: http://bit.ly/39wBm5f

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USPS: The Impatient Gardener
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UPS/FedEx: The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074

——— A B O U T ———–
My name is Erin and I love sharing inspiration and information with real-life gardeners. I live and garden in southeastern Wisconsin, zone 5b/6a.

If you liked this video give it a thumbs up and if you loved it, please subscribe and click the bell so you never miss a new video! Thank you for your support.

🌿Blog: https://www.theimpatientgardener.com
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📩 erin@theimpatientgardener.com

Some affiliate links may appear. I may make a small commission if you purchase through these links. Thanks for your support. You can see all my favorite products on my Amazon storefront at https://www.amazon.com/shop/impatientgardener

———— FAVORITES ————–
🌿 My favorite potting soil (Organic Mechanics peat-free Container blend): https://bit.ly/containerblend
🌿 My favorite soil amendment: https://bit.ly/biocharblend
🌿 Hose reel (Hoselink): https://bit.ly/TIGhoselink
🌿 Current favorite garden gloves: https://amzn.to/3C29D9Z
🌿 Garden products I buy on repeat: https://liketk.it/3FIyl

Music in my videos from: http://bit.ly/39wBm5f

Mail to:
USPS: The Impatient Gardener
P.O. Box 99
Belgium, WI 53004

UPS/FedEx: The Impatient Gardener
125 E. Main St.
Port Washington, WI 53074

good morning everyone we are just stepping out of the house are you coming with me Dorothy come on you coming do you want to come outside Darth yes or no in or out no okay so with Sunday morning uh so right before this goes up usually I’ve been trying to film these on on Saturday evening so that they’re up nice and early in the morning it poured again yesterday um I’m not going to complain about the rain because goodness knows we’ve had years without a lot of rain a lot of people deal with not enough rain and um that stinks too but this has been a rainy year another inch basically yesterday um I will say this it’s been coming um at sort of nice intervals so the ground is accepting it we don’t have any flooding there’s not a lot to complain about in this it’s just that it interrupted my my scheduling um lots to show you today so we’re going to take uh a little bit of time to kind of walk around and really show you things on this morning’s uh very casual unedited garden stroll and I want to start right here with these glorious irises now I don’t have a lot of bearded irises I’m not a huge Bearded Iris fan they’re flopping because the rain a little bit but these are stunning this is called ancient air um these were sent to me as a gift from uh Sullivan Owen and uh she got these from she sent the these to me from Shriners they’re beautiful I’ve also got some sang sorba blooming right here this is going to be flis coming up right here and then this is one of my clamoring uh cemus here this is Arabella and I will probably kind of move it around I do have it sort of staked up a little bit like I do with some of these clamoring ones this is alium fistulosum I think it’s a Welsh onion bought at a plant sale um gosh several well the same place where I got the fern and the variegated twisty Solomon Seal that I showed you last uh no that I showed you in the video I made of the pocket Garden this is last year’s Euphoria Ascot Rainbow I didn’t cut it back over here I did cut it back over there gosh I love the flowers on these things I mean if you get in there they’re all it’s it’s gorgeous um we’re sort of on Rosie teacups Dogwood watch here I showed you this last weekend I said every week these flowers are going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and Pinker you can see that they’ve gotten both bigger and Pinker uh really I mean this is such a such a glorious tree someone asked me about the hardiness Zone on this and I bought this at shal Nursery down in Illinois in 200 19 maybe and it was sold there as a zone 5 I have only ever seen it listed as a zone 6 granted this is kind of a sheltered little spot here um but you know knock on wood so far it’s obviously been fine uh okay we can finally say that the that the container in the middle of the garden has is kaput so I can feel okay about taking it out and putting summer in there oh there goes the bunny we have a bunny oh a funny isn’t that funny that I think there’s one uh the what you see growing all around that Lisk is all the believe it or not the Twisted Willow or the Curly Willow that I same same kind I think that I planted in the urns or in the pots over there um this is leftover from my winter displays you Willow Roots almost anywhere so it rooted right in that pot you can treat the stems so they don’t root if you don’t want them to but i’ it’s never been a problem for me so anyway so got a bunch I actually think it looks really cool with all those plants growing over the top I love I love the look but uh the oblisk is coming out the all the branches are coming out we’re starting fresh over there very soon here um this is another one of those uh Alien fistulosum it’s a division or actually I think it was that plant seeds around so I planted one here such good structure in the garden uh really pretty white it gets a white flower on it maybe like a little bit bigger than a golf ball um I want to talk to you about a bug problem that I’m not dealing with this is uh kinsley’s ghost honeysuckle here and if you look in the flowers like not all is is right here so if you look in there it’s all aphids all of that is aphids a massive aphid infestation there and most most many of the flowers are affected some aren’t some look great still but a lot of them have these aphids in them and I’m not doing anything about it I don’t care you know I don’t grow this plant for the flowers the flowers are nice it’s all about the Foliage for me and I do let this plant as you can see it’s like really getting rangy now I do let it get all grown out like this before I go in there and start twisting it around so that I can keep it in this kind of contorted shrub form that I grow this plant in cuz it’s really a climber that wants to go tall but it’s tough you can do what you want with it so um I’m not worried about this uh I just noticed this this week There’s a chance that this will get taken care of by some other insect very quickly I’m happy with the it doesn’t bother me the would I wish it wasn’t there sure but someone else will come along and deal with those or someone else won’t so that’s sort of an example of something we’re not worrying about uh second clus to bloom the gy cream was blooming last week this is Sweet Summer sweet no it’s not sweet summer sweet scented blue something uh um it’s either the blue one or the Lilac I bought both I think only one is still existing in my garden but anyways there’s a whole bunch of clus that are all intertwin there’s probably four clus that share this same area it’s hard to tell which is which sometimes but I do know that that’s the next one to bloom these pots are looking great very happy um the the willow gets real floppy of course when it rains which it’s obviously everything is soaked with rain I’m not looking forward to walking through the grass to be honest um this is midnight sun weila and if you remember last year there was this big thing where I bought some midnight Suns and they didn’t look the same as the ones that uh Prov winners color Choice shrubs had sent me and I was all concerned no this is all Midnight Sun uh they’re blooming I mean no one sells this plant for the flowers the flowers are pretty nice actually I think so I’m hoping and we’ll see when we start getting that beautiful dark color cuz that’s what we’re growing it for we’re not really growing it for this kind of van ordinaire uh green color by the way you’ll see some of the chives are floppy um that’s because the other day I took a picture of this area and I noticed how much grass was popping up like here between the chives it’s very hard to tell the grass from the chives as they get mature so if I miss it the first time I weed this um then it’s hard to find so I just and the easiest way to weed this is I pull the clumps up I handpick out the grass and then I just replant them so that’s why those are a little floppy there um some of these chives are blooming which is great I’m going to make chive Blossom vinegar which is delicious here are some cemus that need some support because they are flopping down in the rain and um I’m going to get in here boy it’s chickwood weed season here big time I’m going to get in here and weed this section and uh put down mulch I don’t use a lot of mulch and the mulch that I like to use close to the house is a very fine pine bark mulch it looks really nice so I’m going to probably get to that today but so far I’m digging the combination here between the mini watermelon colus and the Cherry cordel Surefire roses uh Bonas excuse me a couple weeks ago I showed you these ITA this is fizzy mzy and they were looking pretty pathetic they’re starting to come back just fine clearly we lost some some growth on the tips but they’re starting to come back I sure wish I had another one for right there because this is a very small shrub it’s not going to get a a ton bigger um I wish I had actually I could use three more of those I should keep an eye out if I go to nurseries I haven’t been to a nursery in a long time because I think I have enough plants to deal with right now um well we might will’ll talk about the fact that I make big Messes in the garden and this is one so I started cleaning out this area um we got something different is happening here uh so I cleaned this out yesterday morning and then I went to go do something for the rest of my day and was setting this all up to come back when I was done and work in the garden and it started raining at 11:00 and it poured until about 6:30 last night so I got a big mess to clean up you’ll see some more mess actually over there um it’s the year of the hasta we’ve discussed this all this rain my God these hostas are happy and actually even like it’s the year I mean even the legal areia is it will get that big all these things will get this big but usually not at this time it’s rather shocking so I have been going through here like you can see that this area I just kind of gave things a little bit of room pulled out some Sweet Woodruff um which I have no problem pulling out it’s it’s I I find it easy to make manage um pulled out some Sweet Woodruff um probably going to have to go here like this is funny that I ended up with two hostas here that are basically exactly the same size um not the best planning but I was I I don’t know I you know a I’ve told you this before but many of these hostes here were planted many years ago um and I bought them as plugs through a plant Co-op buying group and you didn’t get a lot of choice in selection sometimes you did sometimes you didn’t and so a lot of times times I was just popping stuff in here to fill this up that was my goal fill it up so I didn’t really care what was going where and more or less I did okay on a lot of it uh but not all of it you know has been perfect Don’s really light hosta we’ve talked about this one several times this year because it’s a stunner here’s um beautiful beautiful Trillium and I don’t remember uh you guys exactly which one this is but I’m sure many of you do it’s not Lucha Lucha is the yellow one which just finished up bling here’s some Maiden hair ferns um that I transplanted here early on that is such a good Fern growing amongst uh Canadian ginger which is going nuts uh such a good ground cover native ground cover beautiful it’s again God you know what I’m learning this year is how much water plants really really want they will do just fine without it but man do they look good when they get it also hallelujah look what I just saw right this moment one of those hearty Bonas is actually coming back oh my gosh yay Hallelujah that is so cool um okay this is a ghost Fern I think I should plant more ghost ferns versus more painted Japanese painted ferns cuz I love this upright habit and also has a stunning stunning plant over there Let’s uh let’s just take a look across the driveway quick because we haven’t looked over here much last year I planted a bunch of um arborescence hydrangeas over here and uh there’re hos Halo and then there’s a pink one I’d have to actually look back at the video to remember anyway they’re all doing great they’re looking really good over here um I don’t know I think they look great considering I planted those what last July right before I went to cultivate this is bottle brush Buckeye man I never realized I by the way you’re going to tell me these get huge I know that was the intention I didn’t realize they’re going to take so long to get huge I mean I really thought these would be 8T tall my whole goal here is to fill up I want to fill up this whole area between us and the neighbors shed you know so um I didn’t realize those were I just thought they were going to grow a lot faster anyway there’s uh well actually there’s four of them now one of them was run over uh here’s another one and then there’s two more this guy was run over by uh the tree guys when they dumped off a load of chips I really need another load of chips by the way but I don’t want a whole load of chips and you know you don’t get to pick what you get um the neighbor was talking about getting some and I’m I just wish he would get a load so I could just steal some and not cuz I don’t want the thing is that obviously you can tell this is where the chips go and I I like to leave this area open for that but it’s not a great look this looks better than a load of chips here and I don’t have enough to use them all so um where should we go next well we could take a little stroll down here janian macaris blooming beautifully couple of different thums popping up through here bronze fennel I have not dealt with the blue shag problem I did talked to the people at um isy Nursery to see if they had any recommendations they had a few but I can’t find those plant plants so it’s not I just it’s not a good way for it’s not good for me to you especially for an evergreen that I don’t want a small plant of I need to start by seeing what nurseries have and then pick from there because there’s no use in getting your heart set on something you can’t get uh this Garden has been mostly cleaned out we’ve got a few things that um we have to clean out but it’s good cuz I’ve got some plants that we’re going to pop in here to sort of supplement uh what’s Happening Here many of you will be horrified by the fact that this is a bridal veil spy that was huge when we moved in um here let me turn this around for some confession time I don’t like them so I cut it back it’s I tell you what it wants to live real bad because it comes back all the time so I just keep chopping it down I don’t mind the foliage on it I don’t care for the look of them I know that’s that’s sa just horrifying to hear for some of you I’m sure because some people that is their favorite plant it’s just not my thing so uh I will probably come in and give this guy a strong pruning here’s a white lilac uh from blooma that I planted what two years ago now is that not the most beautiful lilac foliage you’ve ever seen I mean I’m just shocked by now it’s only had a few blooms on it because it’s been small but I’m just shocked by how gorgeous that foliage is look at the irises down there I divided um actually I think those are all I don’t know if that’s purple flame I think it’s purple flame it’s funny they’re not that purple though are they but they’re going to bloom and they’re oh they’re going to be so beautiful down there lots of aliums in here this is Globe thisle is not a thistle thistle it’s Globe thistle gingium it is time for me to get the netting off of the Big Apple Dogwood over here it’s also time for me to cut back this foliage cuz it’s daffodil foliage which is driving me nuts um cuz it’s growing through the top but we have a few flowers on there actually this tree is looking really it’s looking really good considering I planted that last year but it is it can come out now come out of its protective cage um you know I like when this Garden kind of fills in this is a nice tapestry I struggle with height in this area and I do have some additional um EA to put through here I do have some here’s one um but I struggle a little bit with height it’s sometimes tall shade plants can be difficult to find you know a Sun King aelia would probably do very well here they like a lot of water this area is quite moist over here I would say the Feverfew is maybe too happy I’m going to weed out the fever for you a little bit oh God look at that I should just pull this shrub out cuz it looks that bad that’ll make me replace it for sure uh have I been telling you about removing this mullon for 3 months now yes I have have I done it yet no uh I want to talk about uh zizia over here uh now the I started with I think two of these and they do recede because they’re an umbellifer so anytime you have a plant with these well sort of umbrella shaped flowers those are often big time recers like Euro people who struggle with Achila receding everywhere it’s often a variety some some of the new ones are bred to not do that by the way but um but this is beautiful it’s gorgeous in bouquet um not that I’ve made any yet cuz I don’t have a lot of other stuff blooming on the purple flowers you see by the way here this is not woodland flocks this is Dames rocket which is an invasive it’s a beautiful invasive um so I do weed it out but it does continue to pop up and listen there are far worse things that could be popping up in my garden than that so I will get to that um but there’s not a lot to make up I could make some alien bouquet I guess with this but it’s beautiful I love it it’s a very it’s a very wild plant there’s not a lot of form to that plant so you do have to be into that look I think to appreciate that um cars okay which cars is this now plantag Genia I love it I love it so much those wide strap that wide strappy foliage I love it so happy I put it in here I need to rescue some of it from the lily of the valley over there but love it could plant that a million times over um this is the native uh pandra I cannot tell you pandra what right now and here’s some wood these are actual woodland flocks over here and there were some more there very pretty the uh oh gosh that’s what happens when you catch me before my third cup of coffee the the names come slower the comfrey is Happy over here this these little Mounds are all calaman mtros white this is all kerad kerana or weisi Salvia I can’t remember um this is NEPA subsessilis blue Prelude starting to flower this will flower all year it’s pretty o look at that isn’t that a nice little combination with the aliums there love it um I I’m sort of accidentally taking you on the route that I use to spray deer repellent I think this is just my natural Route Around The Garden I have some very fun shade plants to add to the Garden so once I get to that I’m looking forward to that have not planted up these three containers yet but boy am I looking forward to it cuz that is going to be fun um let’s this way so we can take a look at big plants so there’s like check out the size of that legal area right there that’s big I planted a bunch of them down here I would like to fill this area in so that something grows here um I got a whole bunch of them divided uh for my sister-in-law’s house last year and these this is desdamona and it recedes a lot normally I cut the flowers off so it doesn’t do that here I I let them uh we’ve got the bridge is half obscured by this hasta uh I posted a picture on Instagram of this hasta yesterday I’m hang let some people on Instagram wanted me to to stand next to this so you could see how big this is so hold on while I set up the tripod here okay there I am with this hasta I had obviously no idea it would get like this tall um I don’t know is my head even in this I can’t even tell yes I think it is um obviously I wouldn’t have planted it here I don’t know what I was thinking I know how big this hosta can get but this is the year has never gotten that big and certainly not in the year after um right after I planted it so whatever it’s a vase shape so I can plant things underneath it which is good for the things that are already planted underneath it The Climbing Hydrangea is by the way also appreciating all the rain and we’re going to call it stunning uh but it up big time with flowers it’s going to be gorgeous in a couple of weeks when it really starts flowering um really happy I’m debating whether I want to cut that Branch down right there I know I want to cut a couple of these branches of some of these they’re so straggly some of these Pines sprues whatever the heck they are the uh oh gosh you guys why can’t I remember names when I’m talking how old am I arantia is just starting to bloom here all of these there’s a lot of arantia through here so all that arantia should be in bloom soon it should look perfect uh this is what I do I walk past Gardens and I leave weeds and then like once a week I somebody comes and uh somebody comes and cleans stuff up okay there is a moment here that happens every year that is so darn good let’s start with the tricolor Beach which is looking beautiful there’s a whole thing about tricolor beaches and how some are tricolor and some aren’t and I think it’s with age I think I read that it’s with age that you start getting more of the white back in it um God it’s glorious here this one actually has better tri color to it than some of the rest but it’s just beautiful um this you know I I want to protect this tree so badly I want this tree to be happy forever anyway next to it we have the viburnum I’ve been talking about for a little bit onandago check out the flowers and the Leaf color by the way which is equally as good on this guy so equally is gorgeous absolutely stunning I mean I there’s I’ve never seen a viburnum with flowers that look like that again so then you put those two together right so you’ve got tricolor beach with onandago in the background and then you add in the geranium Macar ISM on the bottom to just pull in a little bit of that pink and like I did plan this and it worked and that is great and then maybe you throw in like a Mount Everest a few Mount Everest aliums in here which gives you that big pop of color and kind of references the white of the onandago viburnum sorry for going on about this but got to enjoy those little moments sometimes the crab apple over there also overlaps and Bloom with these things a little bit did not happen this year it’s all done blooming but when that happens then you get just just this rolicking pink beautifulness over here so that’s glorious I have everything staged over here for a planting project I was going to do yesterday and then again rain cemus compact peressin compacta something like that growing it I don’t know that I’ve ever seen it flow it is frequently attacked by rabbits and deer unfortunately so I do have to that’s what this thing usually covers and I’ll grew that uh I have to really stay on top of for whatever reason this is very tasty to them uh but I’m growing it totally for the foliage and this should be just it’s not going to get that tall it’s just going to be a big purple ball basically I’ve not gotten down to this area to do any cleaning but I had to limb this hasta up from the bottom cuz it’s overlapping in the lawnmower well you know be a problem glow girl Spa just looking Primo eating up all the plants around it unfortunately but it is like viburnum Heaven around around here and so the viburnums I showed you last year are looking even better now this is maissi we talked about how why this is such a funny shape it was huge at one point I I’m certain this one got up to 10t before it started dying off in chunks which I don’t think is that uncommon with maissi to be honest but what’s here misshapen as it may be is just glorious I’m think I said mentioned this last year I’ve not opened up the green houses yet today um I think I mentioned it last year but viburnums are the new hydranges you guys I’m calling it right now all right let me put this on the tripod again so that you can see what’s happening here in the with the ferns which we haven’t looked at for a few weeks now are we fully extended there no there we go okay all right remember how fast these were growing and I didn’t show you them I think for the last week or two okay here’s me this is how tall they are now they will keep getting bigger too so I’m 5’2 they’re at my head for sure if not over it’s nuts this is the garden that I worked on in a video this week if you didn’t watch it you should it was very fun little pocket Garden and did it all in one Fell Swoop real quick real quick real easy was great to have a project just done cemus just going up the rail like Gang Busters normally it doesn’t go over the top of the railing like that normally it just goes up I could I might actually like actually what I will do is go in here and see if I can untwine it a little bit because it’s really supposed to be going up the bottom rail not the top rail cuz people might actually want to use that we are so close to all of the ladies mantel blooming so next week’s garden stroll these should be looking amazing and I can’t wait I think by the way that I’ve been calling this early bird NEPA it’s not it’s cats meow but you know of course I told you we had all this rain so it’s looking all you know like diamonds on there today this is wabisabi if I burn a tiny little thing it was a proven winnter plant that is no longer offered I hardly ever saw it anywhere so I don’t know why but it’s finally doing some blooming here Jin Fizz tiella it’s a good one it’s very pretty got really rarely do you get pretty flowers on those in my opinion but they are very pretty here’s we looked at these viburnums last week so I won’t go into them too much um but here’s another viburnum looking great this is one in front of this by the way one blue kazoo Spa just one that is I usually PR it back pretty aggressively after it flowers actually um I don’t know 4 feet wide it’s a big one legal areia is pretty adaptable it wants to be in moist conditions but here it is growing in what is pretty dry oh we have a okay there’s a lot thistle I got to pull out of here look there we go that is probably it would be one of last year’s dalmi Peaches I think Fox gloves blooming there’s a lemony lace looking beautiful the one that was in the pot last year and I do want to get around the back side of this Garden to show you first of all I’m sorry we’re just going to zoom in he’s looking a little flat topped right now I don’t know maybe I should maybe I should prune that to thin it out a little bit I don’t know I don’t want to mess up a good thing there maybe Peach flambe not sure but it’s pretty this is Elegance uh host I finally looked it up so I could remember okay here we are this is the viburnum I showed you last week it’s even better this week just just oh so good and I want to show you these since we’re on the viburnum tour this is just cranberry viburnum and I mean obviously the flowers are not as showy but I planted these there were five of them I think we’re down to three here cuz two of them were planted too close to the roots of this Maple over here um planted these a long time ago 15 years a maybe they’re big they create the nicest screen I mean this is the kind of screen that I’m hoping to get for the shed over there you know this is a cheap plant there’s nothing fancy about it but it does a great job at screening when it’s in leaf and even in winter it’s not so bad because there’s enough sort of structure left of the shrub but I’m going to say that is 12 feet tall maybe more so um you know just a very basic plant and you know you can put you can put this viburnum in a fair amount of shade which it’s in um so it’s just something to kind of consider if you’re looking for a screening option and you can get away with a deciduous plant this cranberry viburnum could be a good and by the way I have not had issues with um viburnum Leaf Beetle on this one okay uh we got the sun kind of oh it’s foggy can’t even see the lake to today um it’s really weedy over here you guys um I’m really struggling with it the compost we brought in was just clearly Full Of Weeds but pretend you don’t see that and enjoy the dsia S you recommended dits and several of you said oh my God don’t plant ditsa but it’s really pretty here I mean these flowers are really really gorgeous here um I’m very happy with how all the plants in this area are doing I’m not happy with how the weeds are doing and I’m not managing the Weeds on that side not my problem I can only I can only manage so many weeds here and those weeds I’m not dealing with so um although at some point you’re cutting off your nose on that one but uh Cornus Moss looking great I mean that for a tree that’s B in the ground well what a year now that is looking great um the Norway the columnar Norway spru sprues are doing fabulous and then we’ve got some really nice flowering here on the pagota Dogwood there’s another one down there that’s also doing well although that one has had one the main plant in here that’s been attacked by deer is that pakota Dogwood down there but it’s okay um flowering really pretty so um that will get bigger what is kind of amazing are these I think we’re kind of half in Sun here are these Kodiak red bush honeysuckles which have really gotten rangy which is fine by the way but are really just kind of filling this whole area up which is Fabulous As far as I’m concerned um again this is a second these are seconde plants I think that’s pretty amazing uh the hemlock is finally putting some new growth on thank God I was starting to get really worried um I I am going to start giving this nothing else needs supplemental water right now but I am going to start giving this guy supplemental water because I think when it rains it’s kind of hucked by a um by a cedar here and I think when it rains it’s not getting a ton of rain and it’s probably close enough to the roots of that that it’s some of that water sucking up look at the size of that thistle not my problem um look at how much growth we have a video coming up on boxwoods in general but look at how much growth these better boxwood skylights have put on this year I mean it’s like I mean I would say that’s six inches of growth this spring I mean it’s all obviously fresh and all floppy but it’s than I mean that’s that one’s supposed to get 6 to 8 ft tall and this is a boxwood blight resistant variety so I think it’s going to get 6 to 8 ft tall kind of quick if it keeps growing like that this is just kind of a I don’t know it’s kind of a nice view from here by the way let me turn this around this view reminds me of um the picture that was in Midwest living I don’t want the garage door in there let me turn it around so we’re this way because this is pretty um if anybody saw the latest issue of Midwest Living magazine uh my garden was in there they did such a nice job it was Hector um Hector Sanchez uh took the photos Teresa Woodard wrote the story um that was shot three years ago that was shot two weeks before the photos for Nick mulla’s American Roots book was shot which in that book came out a year and a half ago or so so that was three years ago that’s what my garden looked like it was a terrible year it was so tough I was the opposite of this year it was a total drought year I really struggled and I was just so worried I mean the garden did not look its best and Hector did an amazing job on those photos so if you I think you might actually be able to to read it online too um I’ll see if I can find the link to it but you can also pick up the magazine the photos it’s I mean Hector is a magician because he made the garden look really really good so that was quite fun and actually I didn’t think that story was going to see the light of day it was supposed to be uh Better Homes and Gardens but then Better Home in the interim Better Homes and Gardens retooled their whole format and kind of changed they got new editor I think there was a big change there so it ended up going to Midwest living um and I’m happy it found a home because there was a lot of work put into that um but I’m just I was thrilled with that it was uh pretty pretty amazing so um what else can I show you guys I that was a pretty long one I’m looking at the timer here and that’s about the longest we’ve done um oh here let’s just take a look at this Climbing Hydrangea before we go so the climbing oops get you in the this Climbing Hydrangea is it’s working its way over okay let me know on the comments will it or won’t it reach the pergola this year I don’t think it’s going to reach it but there’s a lot of growth there we’ll see um obviously the climbing hydranges are enjoying this this wet spring too and it’s nice I haven’t had to I’ve not watered a thing really um yeah just looking beautiful lots of this is the time of year we get a lot of questions about climbing hydrangeas uh because people see how beautiful they look and um this is obviously growing directly onto my garage I mean I don’t worry about it a lot of people want it doesn’t it’s not the kind of thing that’s going to get into your house it just attaches to I mean you can see that it’s let’s just see if we can get in here well I actually had to guide this one so it did grow but sometimes you have to kind of pin them so that they that’s what I did there um but here let’s see if we can even get in there so that is where it’s attached right there I mean and it’s attached fairly sturdily but if I needed to pull that off I could some of the aial rootlets would be left in the siding and so if I want it to paint let’s I mean I think this is a great reason to never have to paint to be honest but if I wanted to paint I’d have to peel it off probably sand off those aerial rootlets and then um you’re going to totally see me in the reflection there yuck and then paint and then put it back back up and you’re going to have to give it some method of reattaching so you are going to have to sort of temporarily P it like I had done in the past there uh I don’t know we’re I don’t think we’re super close maybe two weeks before we start seeing the flowers on that but absolutely gorgeous it is a beautiful beautiful morning here I’m glad I was able to get out this morning with all of you okay thank you for watching the garden stroll there might be five videos this week I’m also on Deadline at work so we’ll see if that can happen there are certainly five videos like on the cusp of going up so we’ll see uh I hope you’re enjoying I hope you’re enjoying it some people have noticed like I’m really trying to get videos up for you um and I think what you’re noticing is that the quality of editing is going down because I’m sort of focusing more on just a lot of people have said Aon just put them up they don’t need to be fancy edited don’t have fancy editing on them just get them up so that’s what I’ve been trying to do um so um keep an eye out for those because I think we’re going through one of those periods in YouTube where a lot of people aren’t seeing that I’m posting stuff and even if you’re subscribed which does help um unless you have like notifications turned on or unless you watch the videos I think more than being subscribed watching the videos interacting with the videos tells the YouTube algorithm that you want to see more of that person’s videos um even more because there are some channels I’m subscribed to I’m like where are they and then I go to them they’ve been posting and I haven’t been getting any sort of notification about it it doesn’t matter I just hope you guys are enjoying watch something better than that if you’d rather be in your garden my god do that cuz it’s it’s better than just sitting around watching but maybe at night when you can’t be in your garden all right this is where we get to the babble stage of the garden Stoll so time to cut it off here uh this going up right away as soon as I can get this up you guys have a great day in your garden thank you for watching and enjoying this beautiful morning with me see you soon


  1. I’m a new subscriber! Love your easy going garden style and you keep gardening real…thank you for sharing✨⭐️✨

  2. I so enjoy your videos, they are natural like walking with a friend through their garden. I also love seeing plants you have that I want to try and plant. We've had a lot of rain here in Virginia as well, plants looking lush but my goodness the weeds too.

  3. You live in such a magnificent part of the world. I adore all of the beautiful plants that you are able to grow in the cooler US zones. I especially love your fernery, the viburnums and the giant confer trees that are growing in your garden. Thanks for your videos and greetings from subtropical Australia.

  4. So , so gorgeous!!What is your climbing hydrangea climbing on and how old is it? Absolutely stunning! I've one looking to bloom year 3 in ground hoping for a growth spurt!

  5. I'll meet your Spirea confession with one of my own: We have several huge specimens of them on our property, and while I like them okay when they're in bloom, as soon as they're done I'm out there with the chainsaw lopping them all the way to the ground (they're that big). And every freaking year, they come back. But our property is also large enough that I'm trying to reuse the plants we have rather than getting more, so for right now, they're allowed to stay. Sometime in the next few seasons, though, they're going to be taken out and rehomed….along with basically all of my hostas, because I hate most of those, too (there's the real confession in here lol).

  6. Love your garden!

    What’s your secret to manage deer?

    So far they have love tasting or eating everything in my garden.


  7. Erin – Couldn't you just transfer the Bridal Veil spirea to a location where you can forget about it?
    It can thrive on its own and you won't need to think about it. It really is a lovely plant!

  8. I would have to agree on the bridal wreath spirea. They were horrendous for me. I've seen them look really good in other settings, but on my property, they get eaten to the ground in the winter and they never reach their full potential. As far as spireas go, Anthony Waterer is the only one I have. AW spirea is one of the toughest perennial shrubs I've ever planted and the hot pink flowers are absolutely beautiful. They get eaten to the ground too, but they always return and vigorously grow back and produce flowers every year in less than ideal conditions.

  9. My Mckinnleys ghost did that this year too! I hosed it down and finally cut it down I read that this variety eventually is infected with aphids may be better luck next year

  10. I adore that reflecting pool! Ingenius! Does "planting up" derive from "potting up" as in potting a plant in a container that's a size larger?

  11. Love your unedited garden stroll. It's my 2nd season in my current home and I'm trying to establish my landscape — loved when you said you grew out plugs. I grew about 250 plugs of 5 different perennials. I figure I'll keep doing it until I don't need more! You give out so much info and keep it real. The weeds are never-ending. Ugh!

  12. Amazing Place !! thanks for the tour!..just Beautiful Piece of Paradise you have there..🙏💚😇💜🌿🌲 💐

  13. Love watching your videos Erin – they / you are so real and relatable. Your yard looks fabulous! My hostas are ginormous this year too here in Central MA. Love love love the tri-color beech! So gorgeous

  14. Gorgeous plants! One thing I would suggest is to get that beautiful bench cleaned up! Most of them I believe are teak and really looks fantastic cleaned up.

  15. Hi. Good to see a Garden Channel with a actual garden.
    I'm a bit fed up with YT and the so-called garden channels with exposed soil or gardenbed hysteria.

  16. How I want to celebrate the 4th (or almost any holiday): an unedited tour of Erin’s glorious garden! Happy 4th!

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