Gardening Supplies

Full Garden Tour | The Purpose of Garden Zones


Fertilizers I’m using: and
Herb drying rack –
Eggplant Lasagna recipe –

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Constance Smith
Cosmopolitan Cornbread
PO Pox 2825
Greenwood, AR 72936

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© | Constance Smith – Cosmopolitan Cornbread

[captions are auto-generated and may not be accurate] Hello friends welcome back to Cosmopolitan cornbread so we just had a humongous rainstorm come through here and the temperature dropped probably 20° temporarily of course but I thought this is the perfect time to come down here and do a garden tour because I’m not going to melt in the process before I even walk into the garden I get a lot of questions as to how I keep raccoons and other varmints out of the garden when I use things like fish ulion as fertilizer because raccoons will smell that and they’ll be all up in here doring in the garden well the fence that I have around here is electric it is poultry fencing from Premier 1 um because we let our chickens free roam now I don’t really need it and so I utilized it because we haven’t yet built the permanent fence that’ll go around here um we plan on doing a double fence the the two rows 6 feet apart that will help keep deer out um it’s an old-fashioned method for fencing in your Gardens I know Living Traditions Homestead actually started doing that and it has worked for them and so that is what we plan on doing at some point but for the time being this has been working and we have not had anything get in here now even after we do put in the traditional metal fencing with the gate and all that stuff we’ll still have a hot wire around the top that’s what we did in Alabama and and it kept everything out because cats raccoons everything loves garden beds so things are for the most part looking a lot better my n half runner green beans over here are Greening up pretty much everything is looking better I think that it did than it did in the last Garden Tour that I filmed with a couple of exceptions now initially I had been using fish ulion but it just is not enough and so now I’m alternating between two different water soluble fertilizers and I saw immediate results for instance these four pepper plants right here I was certain we going to die and yet they’ve greened up and I see my first little Tobasco pepper so that is a good sign I’m I’m pretty happy with those results for sure and all of the rest of the pepper plants in the bed so far are also looking better now when my seedlings get bigger that I potted up the other day they will go um and fill in the rest of the bed here that’s why I haven’t planted anything else in here the Cucumber trus over here is still producing lots of cucumbers now the plants didn’t get humongous they’ve only gone up a few feet on the trellis but we’ve been getting lot of cucumbers off of these my Mongolian giant sunflower here you can see is bent over from the storm we just had I need to come out here and and tie this to the trellis because uh Mongolian Giants get humongous um the ones I grew in Alabama got 10 11 ft tall but they do need a little bit of support and so that is why I planted it right next to this trus so that it can be re enforced so in this bed over here almost everything is looking better even these two tomato plants right here that I thought were gonders are starting to turn green and and look better um so I’m hopeful with that I see some little tomatoes growing there um this plant here is still struggling a little bit and so I need to trim off the uh yellow bits go ahead and tie that to the trellis and hopefully it can it can improve oh I see another one that apparently I forgot to tie up to the trellis so I need to come out here with my twine the asparagus bed and all of its buddies is looking amazing I have done several harvests of the basil already and yet you can see it’s growing like crazy both the um uh geneves basil the purple basil and then that is the Cardinal basil down there now I’ve never grown that one before I actually grew it for the beautiful purple purple magenta kind of flowers that it creates at the top but I have been harvesting some of that as well I don’t know how it is about Flavor yet I haven’t tried it I do have some drying though in my herb rack the thyme down here is getting pretty thick so I think I’m going to begin harvesting some of this as well as some of the sage that we have out here um there’s a bunch of that doing really well the zucchini I’m you know I’m beginning to see some yellowing along the edges of some of the leaves which is the same thing that happened with my yellow squash I see something here I need to get look at that beauty that is a gorgeous zucchini I mean generally the zucchini plants look beautiful but then one by one I’m seeing this yellowing happening around the edges of the leaves like this one in particular now my yellow squash bed over here is looking horrible initially I started seeing signs of uh deficiencies like calcium magnesium because I was seeing Blossom and rot with the squash and so I began fertilizing it with a cowm MAG fertilizer water soluble so that the nutrients were readily available for the plants and all of the newer leaves it was growing um was nice and green so that made me very very hopeful that I had remedied the situation however um this big storm that we just had come through I noticed has snapped some of the stalks so that is very sad to see so I would say this whole section right here is going to die but there’s another stock coming off from the bottom down there and it looks like it’s in good shape so hopefully these beautiful new growth leaves will continue to look as healthy as they are I do see another little squash growing down there and if we don’t get any blossom end rot then I’ll know that what I did um helped these plants out oh there we’ve got another pretty little squash coming along and you can also see that I put my shade cloth back up there now originally I had this piece of uh cattle panel going over the squash but it was too low to the ground and so I went ahead and removed it but then I never put it back up and of course it’s been extremely hot and so I went ahead and I put it back up as kind of a walled uh shade on the western side just like I have all of my other beds and it has really helped out all right this bed down here I see more tomato plants that I need to come and attach to the trellis this is why I use cattle panels in my garden beds because they’re super sturdy and I can just take these plants all the way up it and I can still have access to the entire plant I don’t have to worry about there not being enough air flow not being able to reach in there unlike with a tomato cage the kajari melons are also Greening up I mean generally everything is looking a lot better than it was prior to me fertilizing so I I think that you know even though the soil was organic and all of that either the nutrients were not readily available or it just wasn’t very nutritious soil word to the wise organic the word organic doesn’t always mean nutritious it just means it doesn’t have chemical junk in it or shouldn’t anyways um and that that rule of not necessarily being nutritious applies to both garden soil and food after all you can buy organic sugar and everything else all right my watermelon down here is looking pretty pretty nice we’ve got some Vines beginning to sprawl out across the ground and just about every plant has little baby watermelons on them so that is encouraging and I hope it continues to move in that direction these watermelons over here were not really doing much of anything either but all of a sudden I’m starting to see them taking off and once again I attribute this to the better fertilizer um everything was just kind of really slow going until I fed the plants and now everything’s starting to look a little bit happier these short stuffed sunflowers look like they’re getting ready to to create their flowers I can’t wait to see those now I mentioned in a previous video how these were supposed to be pole beans and I felt like the package was not labeled properly um and I had someone else say that their pole beans weren’t very polling either I do need to come out though and pick because I have not picked beans in about 2 days and so we’ve got a lot of pickable beans that need to get taken up to the house I do have some pest pressure happening over here here not really sure what is what is eating them I haven’t laid eyes on the culprit um but I think I do need to come out here and maybe treat this evening with an organic uh Pest Control maybe some de or something like that uh the plants were looking really good and all of a sudden they’re they’re starting to show this on the new growth so we’ve got something going on here and I need to take care of this before it spreads to my other plants now this bed down here is one that has really really struggled it seems like it struggles more than any other bed but again even this bed after I fertilized it is starting to show Improvement all of the plants are getting a little bit Greener all of a sudden they’re they’re showing some more growth when there’re for a while they seemed really really stunted so I think once the end of the season comes this is one of the beds that I’m going to really need to focus on composting and getting this soil up to Snuff now this is the first plant that is really starting to produce some Tomatoes these are called chocolate sprinkle tomatoes and they’re just a little Cherry type of tomato I planted these for Mr Smith because he loves to snack on Raw tomatoes and then this bed over here is a another one that is looking really good um I’ve got two beds in particular that are just really doing very well as far as the tomatoes go um this bed and that first one that I showed you over there um with the tomatoes that has like the fennel and all of that um both of these beds are doing doing pretty well um the plants are really starting to take off now back in there I have those splash of cream tomatoes and I just wasn’t too sure about those I honestly didn’t think any of them would make it but now it looks like they too are beginning to um show a little motivation and so I don’t know maybe we’ll get something out of those all right and then the last thing that I wanted to show you was down here on the ground right along the fence line I planted a whole bunch of comrey now comfrey comes in different varieties and if you decide to grow comfrey you do want to be very careful about what kind that you plant this here is called baching 14 and it’s actually a sterile comfrey and I know a sterile plant sounds really odd as as something that you would want to plant in your garden but comrey can become incredibly invasive and if you plant true comrey that creates at seeds that comfy has a very good chance of going absolutely everywhere and becoming a problem but boing 14 and another variety I think it’s called boing 7 is sterile and so you can only propagate it through root cuting but it is very easy to propagate that way and so once these plants get established I could take one of these plants dig it up and take the root cut it into a bunch of little pieces and each one of those root cuting would give me another big beautiful comfrey plant so I planted a whole bunch of them over here hi Ruby Hi stinker I planted that row of comfrey down there and then I also planted some more down here at the end of this bed just a few plants right down there you can see right here and we’ve got all of these weeds starting to creep in over here I’m going to have to bring my weed torch out here and handle these and then I also planted a couple down here um however something is munching on them um there’s only one leaf left on this one the leaves are gone there and the leaves are gone there so we’ve got something that’s getting a snack and speaking of snacks so the eggplant and the Rosel plants are the first thing that I really saw a pest on and it was flea beetles which are these tiny little black beetles and they get their name because they look just like fleas and I sprayed with some organic safe um insecticidal soap type of spray and it took care of most of the issue however I am still seeing some here and there let’s see if I can zoom in and show you one if you look very closely you can see some tiny little black specks right there that’s those flea beetles well hi hi you you what you doing buddy going for a walk with Dad so it’s pretty easy to spot the damage from flea beetles it’s all these little all these little Speckles little bitty bites all over the place and there you can see some of the culprits right there but despite the flea beetles I do have some eggplants growing you see one right down here there’s one right there right here and I’ve got another one right there so there’s an eggplant on every one of the four plants so far so I’m hoping I get some good eggplants and I’ll be able to make my eggplant lasagna all right so when we first moved here last year and actually while we were still in the process of moving I installed these two round um raised beds um they’re just rings that I got from Tractor Supply and in this one we’ve got some cucumbers planted and we are getting some cucumbers off of them but not a ton and I really think it’s because there’s not enough light up here because we’re up by the house and there’s a lot of shade this one right here I had completely planted with onions and they seem to be doing great at first and then they all just kind of died I’ve still got to clean out this bed I think next year I’ll plant maybe some squash up here something that can handle having more shade and might actually appreciate that but because it’s not in the regular garden and the chickens do roam free I had to put some fencing around these Rings otherwise they would just get in there and eat everything hi nibsy [Applause] this is his favorite spot to sleep every day he’s out here right here we have a stone bed that was here when we moved in all of the stone work was here when we moved in and I’ve planted some blueberries and again the ones that I planted they’re just kind of struggling I don’t know that it’s a really good place for the blueberries and so I bought a few more as you can see these are going to get planted down in the main Garden that way they’ve got more sunlight and it’s going to be a different environment I also have a couple aonia berries back there um they’re actually in a spot where there were blueberries but the chickens kind of destroy them because I hadn’t yet fenced this in um it’s not pretty but it does the job keeps the chickens out but the new ones here you can see new growth taking place so um even though there’s not a lot of light these these plants seem to be kind of happy in this spot but again I’m going to plant them down in the main garden and you know just build another Stone bed like I did for the uh eggplant for the rhubarb and things like that all right and then this is my fenced in Long Stone bed and I pretty much planted this entire thing with all different kinds of herbs it does get direct sunlight in the late afternoon for a short period of time so not everything is doing fantastic but most of it’s doing pretty good we’ve got Tulsa basil we’ve got um some more of that Cardinal basil we’ve got the variagated um oregano down there this is the pineapple sage this is just a flowering Sage it gives those beautiful red flowers in the very end of summer I’ve got the golden Sage down there some purple basil this is that spicy oregano which I had some people ask me about that like what variety it is and I don’t know they were some starts that I picked up at the store and it was labeled spicy oregano but my son tried them out this week and he said it doesn’t taste any different than the other oregano so not really spicy this Italian basil here is looking great the sage down there not doing so good so this is kind of one of the things I think that is really struggling not getting enough light the time down there is doing very well and so is this oregano that I planted last year then that down there is a creeping rosemary plant I didn’t even know there was such a thing until I saw a start this year and then over here we’ve got some be balm that is in full flow the be balm that was out in the main Garden has already reached its end of the season and it was more of a magenta color whereas this is more of a a purple color this is actually one that I brought with me from Alabama I I dug up some of that and brought it along and then we’ve got some um purple cone flour eona growing back there in the corner there’s actually all sorts of flowers coming up here in the back along the stone wall they they grow up very tall taller than normal again just because they’re they’re reaching for the light in the Shaded area we got some chamomile and lots of zenas and Cosmos now up here I’ve got a whole another pot of comfrey again these came from from root cuting you can see I’ve got all sorts of them in here these will also get planted down in the garden area I just haven’t planted them all yet and then these are my other pepper seedlings that I repotted um all different varieties and we just got that rain so I need to pull these out of the standing water these are all jalapeno peppers we’ve got Chinese five color vam madas lipstick Peppers um jigsa Peppers some cayenne some Brazilian starfish and somewhere in there there is one lone bell pepper now over here in this green stock um just this past week we went ahead and planted a bunch of lettuce of all different varieties because since this is such a shaded area kind of felt like this would be a good spot to dry and to try and grow some and you can see that a lot of them have started we’ve got some merlow we got some Tom Thumb down there um this up here is butter crunch so we kind of heavily seated and uh we’ll have to do some thinning out here pretty soon but um hopefully again this will be a good spot for the lettuce to grow now this terra cotta pot is actually one that the previous owners left behind and it’s got a crack in it but it was such a cool pot I couldn’t resist planting something in it and so I’ve got some of that creeping Rosemary right there I’ve got some zenas um a couple different varieties and then I’ve got some Cosmos up here that are kind of in between the flowers right now I need to dead head all of these I think these were um rubenza Cosmos if I remember correctly and then this little pot down here is moringa so my understanding is this is actually a type of tree and so I will need to eventually repot this and I will need to keep this protected during the winter time because it will die over winter but hopefully um we can get this to take off and maybe Harvest some Moringa in the future it is a great uh nutritional Aid super food has all sorts of benefits that you can read upon and so I thought it would be nice to grow some of that I had never seen it offered in a nursery before and the nursery that I like to go to in Fort Smith sheram has all sorts of things that I have never seen um anywhere else including pachuli I do actually like the fragrance of pachuli as long as it’s mild if it’s overwhelming if it’s really strong it it’s too much but I do like it when it’s subtle all right so that is the garden tour now I do get a lot of questions about Garden zones now I know that the powers that be redid a lot of the garden zones recently and so a lot of people are are in different zones than they were a couple of years ago um if if you put in my ZIP code it says on one thing however if you zoom in on the map that actually shows the different colors for the different zones um here in the mountains those zones are going to vary quite a bit even though your ZIP code may say one thing it’s good to actually look at the map and see where your house is and and get the the more refined information for exactly where you live um and so this area where I’m at right now is garden zone 7B um it’s the exact same Zone that I was in in Alabama but I just want to remind everyone especially if you’re a new Gardener the garden zone has nothing to do with how things do in the summertime because you can have garden zone 7B down in Alabama or here in Arkansas and it gets really hot in the summer but you can also have garden zone 7B up in Washington state and those summers are going to look incred incredibly different the garden zone that you’re in simply indicates your Winters what is your typical low for the winter and therefore what can typically survive your winter as a perennial so the garden zone really has nothing to do with your spring or summer garden or anything like that because even your first and last frost dates are going to vary drastically but you also need to get familiar with where you live and where you Garden because in Alabama even though we had um a specific Frost state for where we lived because of the Woods and Water that surrounded us we were always a little bit cooler at night and so we would always get frosts quicker than what the calendars and all of the experts said we would so as you garden and as you live where you are you get to know your climate better and and that just helps you out when you’re planning your gardening so that is it for today you guys thanks for spending some time with me here in the garden and everything else and I’ll talk to you next time


  1. Hello, what a beautiful garden! I cannot grow thyme either in soil or hydroponically. I had the same problem with chives so i am thinking it might have been the seeds. I am not an avid gardener. I have issues with being seen so do not go out as much as i could and could have had done some more gardening on my balcony. Working on that. I love how peaceful you make me feel when listening to you. I walked to the grocery store today and i was thinking about how nice it would be to watch you bake something or cook something and i got a wonderful garden tour. I do have a lot of pepper plants that grew from a pepper i got from a grocery store a month or so ago. I did the same with a tomato, they are doing very well. One step at a time i guess. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. Beautiful garden tour Constance. I love all the herbs you've planted. Fresh herbs are ao much better in home cooked meals.
    Patchouli is a neat fragrance, I've never seen patchouli as a plant. It's been 105 to 112
    degrees here, so most of my garden beds have been stunned from the heat.

  3. Your garden is looking good. Ours is hanging in there. Suffering from the heat though. Lots of tomatoes but they are not ripening. I think the heat is the cause. I’ve never seen a Patchouli plant! That was exciting. I like that fragrance.😘❤🙏🏻✨

  4. TY Constance for the beautiful garden tour! The plants are looking wonderful. What organic h2O soluble fertilizers are you using? It seemed to make a big difference!🙏🙏🙏Blessing’s

  5. The garden is looking beautiful!
    Have you thought of trying some yeast fertilizer? Some are saying that they have had good results. Zen garden oasis has a formula? Plain yeast and with other ingredients. If nothing else it would add a little to the ground microbes.
    I thoroughly enjoy your channel and content.

  6. The garden is taking off and looks good . I've been wondering about the wolf problems you were having has it gotten settled? Just wondering . have a very good week Constance.

  7. I hope you guys like the chocolate cherry, I have one and they have the thickest skins i've ever had on a tomato

  8. I'm glad to see things working out in the garden. I am dealing with greedy deers, groundhogs, and rabbits. The only thing they don't touch is herbs. I have 7 tomato plants going, but they are struggling. I am not giving up on them.

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