
Planning on buying this JM and making it into a bonsai. How should I dig it up and what time of the year should I dig it up? Seller wants it gone and I don’t think summer is the best time to yank it from the ground without consequences. I have JM but I have never done yardadori before

Planning on buying this JM and making it into a bonsai. How should I dig it up and what time of the year should I dig it up? Seller wants it gone and I don’t think summer is the best time to yank it from the ground without consequences. I have JM but I have never done yardadori before

by Sketchylemons


  1. joewood2770

    Think the best time is early spring, before they start bidding out but if they want it gone that may not be an option and may have to take it when they want. If that turns out to be the case then try to keep as much of the original soil it is in with the root and plant it somewhere ik a shaded spot and don’t do anything to it since it’s going to have a rough go of it as it is and if it lives through a replant then next season do whatever pruning you want to do on it. If you transplant it and then try to do any work on it then it will probably be a death sentence for the tree.

  2. Early spring for maples if you are allowed to wait. Otherwise, fall might be good too

  3. emissaryworks

    If possible I would try to convince them to wait until the beginning of the Fall since they are in a hurry on the grounds that the tree may potentially die otherwise. And I suggest looking up best practices for JM yamadori in your zone/area or even better finding someone experienced to walk you through it from your area. The value of that beautiful tree will be well worth it.

    Good luck and please post updates.

  4. Move those bricks on the right so u can see a side view of the soil should give u a good idea of how far around the plant to dig I think maples this old can go fairly deep 5 or more feet but you do not need all those roots. Don’t feel like you have to save everything. As far as the time I am with others saying fall or early spring if you can wait.

  5. jewnicorn36

    Fall or winter if they can wait. If not, water it heavily for a few days before digging it up, then take soil with it and get it in the ground somewhere shady and keep it well watered all summer. Not an ideal time for moving JM but I’ve done it and had them survive

  6. Alternative-Study210

    Damn he wants a $1K AND you have to dig it up?? That seems crazy even though it’s a big older maple. Based on the fact that it might die and you’re having to do all the work I wouldn’t pay more than $50-$100. If he wants to charge $1,000 his ass can dig it up and make sure it’s alive this time next year.

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