Container Gardening

Beautiful Container Garden Vegetables

Today I’m whipping up a pair of @CrescentGarden containers that are the perfect addition to any space. From patio to porch, anyone has room for these edible/ornamental containers! These also make the perfect gift. 🌱

Happy gardening, friends!

Crescent Garden Containers:
Slat Window Box in Midnight –
Mod Low Square Planter in Ash –

Pizza Container:
Tomato ‘Brandy Dwarf’
Basil ‘Amethyst’
Basil ‘Genovese’
English Thyme
Golden Oregano
Calibrachoa ‘Bumble Bee Orange’ (ornamental only)

Asian-inspired Container:
Green and Red Shiso
Onion ‘Purplette’
Basil ‘Thai Siam Queen’
Viola ‘Raspyberry Sorbet’
Scented Oakleaf Geranium (Pelargonium quercifolium)

PS. This video is not sponsored, but the containers were a gift from my dear friends at Crescent Garden.
IG: @crescentgarden
YT: @crescentgarden

well hello my friends welcome to a fun little not like a craft project but we’re being a little crafty today and I want to do something for all of you small space gardeners out there people who are in condos apartments tow houses compact spaces maybe even those of you who are just simply Aging in place and it’s too hard to get down in the dirt all the time I want to do a little something for you this could also be actually this could also be a really lovely gift for someone special in your life as well we are going to do beautiful edible yet ornamental containers today now this is something I really feel passionate about as you know I’m a landscape designer so my spaces I love them to feel beautiful I don’t want them to just be functional I want them to be beautiful vice versa I don’t want them to just be beautiful I want them to be functional I want to just work for the people that I’m designing things for so I have two different containers I’m going to be doing these are both containers from Crescent Gardens um this is not a sponsored video but I do know Barb from Crescent Gardens uh Barb and Paula I met them at the northw L and Garden Show and they did give these containers to me when the Show wrapped which was insanely generous so um that having been said these are super lightweight so they’re easy to put on a patio um a balcony um just and also if you’re giving these as a gift you can easily carry this to the person you’re giving it to oh these are also self-watering which is kind of nice because I find that sometimes watering is the hardest part of keeping a container there is a drain hole here on the side um that you can plug up and then of course you can also empty out it’s really easy you literally can either put your water in here with a watering can or a hose and then this cool little Contraption it is weighted and there’s like a little blue weight in here and it floats to the top when you’re full and then sinks back down when you are out of juice okay that having been said I want to dive into the theme of each of these containers so starting with this one whenever I do an edible container I want it to not only be beautiful but I want my flavors to work together um because above all Beauty and function so we are going to start with our kind of tall back moment I’m going to design this container as if this is the wall that it is resting against so I’m going to start with two tall pieces in the back this is a green shiso and a red shiso I love that we’re building we’re just starting with beautiful beautiful texture so I’m going to go ahead and pop these right in the back and you’re also going to notice that I have started off this edible container filling it up with a good organic potting soil again really really important I always use organic elements when I am working with food things that I’m going to be eating okay that already is setting the foundation okay next thing I know these are going to get about this big and I want kind of like a cool Middle Point here so I’m going to bring in with my Pilla and by the way um this is Pilla also known as sh shiso um it’s a very kind of popular element in a lot of Asian Cuisines and so I’m going to partner that with a basil this is not just any basil this is one of my favorites it is a Thai basil called cam queen and the reason one of the other reasons I’m choosing this besides the fact that it actually goes with the cuisine that I’m theming this around is it has a beautiful purple in the middle so you’re going to see I’ve got the purple of the purple shiso I’ve got the stem the green leaf matches this little green shiso over here so really really good element to tie in my color story okay so super cute all right next I want something floral I want this to be pretty so I’m going to pull in two little violas now violas depending on what variety you are going to want to Google this you can eat violas now these ones I have double and triple checked this is a viola called raspberry sorbet and it is an Edible Flower and this is kind of well I’m not going to like pick up a whole bunch of these and eat a handful this is a beautiful garnish on top of a pastry a salad I mean talk about like you eat with your eyes first it is just a gorgeous little element oh you could even put this in like a beautiful glass of lemonade it would be gorgeous okay oh and you know the other thing about this I’m looking at the colors right so this has this raspberry has the same tonality as my Parilla leaf and the same tonality as this stem in the Thai Basil okay next I want to bring in something really fun and this is where um scent also is super duper important I am going to bring in this gorgeous gorgeous lovely cannot even handle it scented geranium this is scented geranium cium okay it has these beautiful oak leaves and when I picked this up originally and smelled it it had this kind of like a barely their hint of lemon and an Herby quality that I couldn’t quite put my finger on and when I was doing some research online a lot of people compared this to the scent of a cedar and in any event what you’re also going to notice here is I’m again marrying all of these colors together with this sweet little scented geranium and this isn’t necessarily going to be something that they’re going to eat but it’s beautiful and it is going to go towards the overall scent and aesthetic of of what we’re trying to achieve here all right and just for balance I’m going to put one on the other side and geranium by the way is not a poisonous element to people or pets so there you you go okay and one last little element that I thought might be kind of fun to tuck in here and there for some texture is I have some leftover onions from my planting project up here this is a sweet little onion called peret and it will grow into a teeny tiny little golf ball size bulb and I thought you know one thing I’m missing from this particular Arrangement is a wee bit of texture so what I thought I might do is put maybe like four or five yeah let’s do four or five on each side cuz I think it might be fun just to have a little bit of strappin coming out the back here and the person that you are giving this to or if this indeed is going in your garden or your patio you can eat these as a little green onion you can eat them pretty much at any stage in the the game and these aren’t going to provide a whole lot of competition for anything else going on in here because they’ll be quick you’ll probably be munching on these before everything else fills in okay so there we are our first edental container just a lovely combination really leaning into those beautiful saturated midtone greens and pulling in a lot of like raspberry purpley tones to marry it all together a little bit of texture and this is something that the person who owns this receives this if this is going in your garden you can just immediately start enjoying before we jump on to the next I wanted to mention one last little thing I have saved all of the plant tags for this container so if you are giving this as a gift to someone or you simply want to remember what you’ve planted you can just pile them all together tuck them down in the back there okay moving on to this next container I wanted to do a very different flavor profile this is almost like pizza in a garden you know what I mean um so we are going to do a couple of really fun things this first one this is a goodie that I got at the Seattle tilth May edible plant sale this one is a brandy dwarf tomato from what I understand she is going to get about 2et by 2 feet and just be heavy laden with fruit which I am very excited and for this one I am going to to place this tomato gosh right about dead center in our little pot here and I am and typically you can plant tomatoes a little bit deep you can plant them up on their stem because this is a dwarf I’m not going to do that I’m just going to plant it even with the top of my soil the next thing I want to bring in is I want to bring in some herbs and so the herbs that I have selected for this container just going to bring all these little bad boys up here I’m kind of continuing with this uh Little Italian theme that I’ve got going on here I have some English time I have some golden oregano I thought the gold would really pop in this Arrangement and then I have two different Basils that I’m going to plant kind of back here because the Basils may actually get bigger or as big as the Tomato so over here I have genoves which is just such a beautiful beautiful uh basil great for pesto great for just sliced with some some tomatoes and then I have amethyst because I think it’s really visually appealing oh actually I think I’m going to do them like this okay I know this is weird and a little nitpicky but I did have them like this but what you’re going to notice is this is green on green and then I have this striking chartreuse with this purple I’m going to bust it up so at least I have striking elements opposite each other green elements up across from each other so let’s next get these little guys in the ground and these are still kind of new babies so there’s not a lot of root system to break up back here all righty now this container she was feeling a little plain to me and so I wanted to bring in something um that just adds a little fun it adds a little Whimsy it adds some great color this is a beautiful big square and all of these elements will get a little bit taller so I wanted something drapey so I am pulling in this cute little flower here all right so this is a very very sweet caliber Kaa it is called Bumblebee orange and I love it and it also kind of reminds me of pizza because it is red and orange and yellow and I think it is the Perfect Touch now for those of you out here who are wondering calra COA is not something you’re going to eat now I know that and I’m educating you about that right now I feel like I always need to do a PSA like do your own research before you put anything in your mouth so with this calra COA she is not poisonous um she might give you a little bit of a stomach upset if you’re going to eat it but this is not for eating this is for enjoying with your eyes so for me I love to mix flowers in with my arrangements because I think it really looks good and so I know I’m not going to be eating this this is just for good looks only she’s just to make this little little Arrangement come to life because I can just imagine all of my Edibles coming up and then this spilling over all the edges I think it’s going to be absolutely gorgeous so there you have it we’ve got two little Arrangements all done this took a matter of minutes we have our more Asian inspired Cuisine over here we have a little bit more of that Italian flavor coming through here a little bit of a pizza container if you will and I wanted to show you a couple of different things that if you have a bigger container you might want to try or if you have different tastes and Aesthetics you might want to sub in a few of these things one item that I played with putting in a container is an Alpine strawberry these are so sweet and they’re just a beautiful texture you’re not going to want to put them in with a tomato but you could put them in with just about anything else I mean I honestly you could even put them in a container like this that would be so gorgeous another thing that I thought would be super duper fun in a container is lemongrass now lemongrass for me I know that I’m going to put this in a container and if I put it in a part sun location I kind of stunt it a little bit and this is actually super beautiful and blousy and this I actually played with putting in this container with the shiso but I was like oh this thing is going to get so packed if I add in a huge kind of like Thriller Moment Like This so another thing that I thought would be kind of fun in here I even thought you know I could easily take out one of these Basils and add in a bunch of chives in the back that would be so fun that would be absolutely delicious as well so in any event you have lots of different options to play with you could do this so many different ways you could have them cocktail themed you could do it by Cuisines I think overall it’s a beautiful thing to have on your patio it’s a beautiful thing to give as a gift and I hope you have enjoyed our little project today all right friends I’m going to go ahead last step is fill this sucker up um you probably want to put this in place before you fill it um but I’m just going to go ahead and fill it for you so you can see how that works basically you just remove this little cover here this is where your true do drop system will kind of notify you that it is filled with water because this little blue guy will pop to the surface and this funny enough how awesome is that fits my hose perfectly and I’ve already plugged the um the drain hole it comes with a little tiny [Music] plug so since I’m new newer to these containers I am going to water everything in just once to settle the soil and prevent uh any transplant shock that may occur but once these are kind of settled in the reservoir should be all you need to water these plants throughout the growing season what’s also amazing is that you can premix fertilizer in a watering can and fill it directly into the reservoir and feed your plants from there how cool is that okay so the outer ring goes up first and then that little middle ring goes up next and that’s how you know you’re up to the tippy top oo cool cool [Music] I’m going to go ahead and leave links to these Planters down in the description below along with the recipes I’ve used for each one of these containers thank you so much for watching and say hello to your garden for me I’ll see you in the next one


  1. Loved this video – great inspiration for containers! You are doing a very nice job with your new channel. I really appreciate your plant knowledge!

  2. Kate, those containers are gorgeous. I am interested in water based containers. I wanted to know where to buy them? Also just the water mechanism. I got my dahlia planted that you gave me. Am happy. Thanks for sharing your knowledge. ❤ pat

  3. You just gave me another idea! I am re-doing my herb/kitchen pots. Expanding my horizon with some new and different herbs and flowers. So excited! Thanks for another fun video.

  4. lol….aging in place? … make me laugh in a good way every time I watch you❤❤❤❤❤75 and I’m aging in place!!

  5. Love that you see design from both a functional and aesthetic perspective. As always LOVE your work.

  6. Perilla/shiso grows abundantly on the roadside in Arkansas and gets quite tall. There is a curlier variety and a less curly one. Some have more purple.

  7. Greetings From Ireland, I'm Growing my carrots and tomatoes in yellow, blue and pink plastic laundry baskets at the bottom of my back garden.

  8. Gorgeous 😎
    I have the 20x20x38” self-watering pot and was wondering if I can use pool noodles for a filler. Will the plant still get water ?

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