African Violets


My Mum was a wizard with African Violets. Me, not at all.

She'd strike and grow a violet for me every few years, gift it to me in full flower and I would kill it.

Additional note, I studied horticulture so should be better than this lol

Anyway, 18 months ago we had to move her into Aged Care and she took this baby with her and left me in charge of several shoots. Of course I killed them as well.

Mum passed away last year and I now have her plant and it's still alive but obviously not happy.

Any advice on what to do? I have 3 other pots I can use for babies but I don't want this girl to die.

by SB2MB

1 Comment

  1. MarieGrace91

    I think that’s what’s called a “leggy” African violet. That happens when the plant isn’t getting enough light and its stems start branching out and spreading apart like that like they’re trying to reach light. I’d recommend probably moving it to a place that gets good sun with a sheer curtain to protect it from burns. Or a north window that gets good indirect/shaded light

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