Garden Design

My next workshop: Garden Design For All The Things

We ask so much from our gardens these days: Food, Ecological Sustainability – helping pollinators and birds, while also reducing water use and now we also need to protect our homes from fires as well! All while maintaining this socially expected aesthetic?!? How do we do all of that???

I’m going to cover all of that today in my new workshop happening at 1:15, located at the West Central Abby at 1832 W Dean in Spokane.

If you can’t attend live, standby for the recording!

hey gardeners Amy here with Garden up I’m down here at the herbal Fair it’s at 1832 West Dean it’s today from 10 until 4 and I am teaching a workshop today this is the first time I’ll have done this one it is called garden design for all the things and the premise is there’s a lot of stuff that we’re being asked to design for now pollinators drought tolerance not to mention social Aesthetics and so how do we do that how do we do all of that in one Garden and that’s what I’m going to talk about today at my talk so if you’re in Spokane swing on by The herbal Fair again 1832 West Dean and my talk is at 1:15 I will be recording it but I can’t guarantee the quality of the recording it’ll be much better in person so hope to see you here

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