
How hot will a closed bin get in the sun?

I know there's plenty of information on how hot compost gets at the core from active decomp, but I was wondering how hot a black bin in direct sun will get on its own. I don't have a thermometer and I'm mostly curious if its getting hot enough to kill any nasties like diseases and unwanted seeds.

Giant dog for scale (jk)

by AHauntedDonut


  1. Numerous-Stranger-81

    Have you considered purchasing a thermometer?

  2. PassTheKY

    There is no upper limit on compost temperature. Artificial diamonds started off as a compost pile. If you feed it every day, it could get hot enough to gain omniscience and take over our reality. Keep up the good work man!

  3. Snidley_whipass

    Are you in Alaska or Florida….cause that matters most.

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