Garden Plans

This Was Never in Our Plans!


Urban Farm – Gary the Canary
Campfire – Delicate Steve
Dance of the Fireflies – Nathan Moore

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good morning morning Grandpa dos Farms Grandma dos farms Grand dos Farms I’m not speaking for you but you know it’s it’s cold out here this morning and today we’re doing something today that we haven’t done since we’ve started this we’re filming the entire video the same day you’re going to see it today is New Year’s Day you going to tell them why we’re doing it the day of well we’ll keep that our secret no it’s too late now I knew grandma would tell on me we actually came out and shot a video Saturday for today so we wouldn’t be in a rush with New Years and all that and I messed up and had my microphone way down in the wrong spot so you could hear her and you couldn’t hear me so here we are you know uh technical difficulties and uh that’s it wasn’t a bad video wouldn’t wouldn’t it wasn’t a it wasn’t a bad video but you just couldn’t hear me at all you know that’s part of it having microphones I I know it’s way too much information but that’s why we’re doing today and maybe I don’t know maybe it works out better just meant to be so let’s get going cuz we got to either do some exercises to stay warmer or something I’m here to tell you right yeah so I hope everybody had a good New Year’s Eve we did the same thing we’ve done for I don’t know since we’ve been married darn near you know went to sleep went to bed I heard fireworks at midnight crazy neighbors and uh you know my brother older brother Lee text at tendle 12 and said Happy New Year well he knows better than that I didn’t respond at the time I was I was out of it so I woke up this morning to another text message from him and he said hey sorry about that I meant that to go to my kids you weren’t supposed to be included so Lee I owe you one you should have text him at 4 this morning I should yeah I should that’s right I should have texted him when I get up at 3:00 in the morning shouldn’t I mhm let’s get going here so hope everybody had a great New Year and I hope you enjoy those of you that are working probably most likely I don’t know if some retail places are open or not but but I hope you have a good nice relaxing day if you’re that working class out there still and you get the day off now the birds are about as inactive as they can be not of course now you know I mean they’re out they they this is where they go when it’s cold they all hang out in this little place right here got a little wind break up here we we’ll open this you never know what’s coming out yeah I think we’re going to have uh let’s see sis will be oh it’s cold that did oh you already undid it I undid it I’m trying to open the hang on won’t open CU here we go let’s try that teamwork all right now this CIS will be in here oh there’s chick Norris I tell you what well what I’ve been doing CU it’s so cold uh I leave it closed all day oh okay and there’ll be five or six chickens that will come in here and hang out rather than go over there but here’s a CIS right here so what we got to do is give CIS by hand here’s what I’m going to do this morning we’ll speed this up a little bit pour me a little scratch in there we got to do this or sis I don’t know she just thinks she’s special here we go honey here we go she’s the only one in here right now every morning morning every afternoon she does get out now not so much when it’s cold but she will come out at some point but for I don’t know why this this you know it’s just like any other animal Now dog or goat or Pig they know and they expect you to do this I made a comment or I made a statement in the video that uh came Sunday night we don’t train our animals around here somebody said oh yeah somebody’s trained but it’s not the animals that’s right right yeah it’s me that’s right the animals got me trained for sure and okay sis we’ve got other things to do all right honey let me I tell you what we’re going to do anybody poo poo in that one no here I’m going to put it right here come here right there eat it out of that there you go now she’ll eat now she she really is a sweet bird she is she’s been around a long time so any eggs I’m going to no no no oh no here I’ll pull on it and you hold the I got to I I tell you why that’s hanging down baby baby kitty crawling up here oh and she’s sitting right here yeah yeah now we won’t lock it is this the new stuff with all the corn I mean I always got some corn in it but scratch yeah that’s the new stuff okay that’s pretty good stuff let me get the bories let’s walk back over here where they are you put in here yeah we throw a little bit out here we’ll put some talk to me out here on this here we go here we go here Birds I got you oh you guys come on here we go come on there we go okay oh I hear you come on ladies BS Magneto I won’t get near you you guys are yeah we’ll just leave it all back here put it all back here today I’m not going to come near you you’re fine man you guys act like you’re scared to death morning Sam Matt didn’t know we had a Sam he thought Sam Nei huh well he thought Sam was a guy well I didn’t think it was a guy but I’ve never heard you say yeah yeah yeah is the red version of Sher and Delilah she is the opposite color see she is red with the black stripes kind of on her back of her neck it’s up BS get up there buddy and then Delilah and and Sher are the Black version with uh with kind of the reddish mix you want me put all this down yeah I tell you what thr let’s take it on up here okay yeah I need to warm up a little bit you know the best way to do that right I’m warm T happy New Year good one that’s a good one I like that very good very quick now I know where Matt gets it all right let’s uh isn’t that scratch in there no I tell you that is the see that is the new feed oh that’s that comach feed and it looks a lot like the scratch it I know but it has grein in it too got little see the little yeah I see it like yeah well it could be dried peas but see that little bit of pellets yeah that’s the that’s the feed part of it if you will with some other veggies mixed in so all right I think bird wise I think we’re good I bet our water’s froze I’ll have to bring a bucket with some water in it later on folks okay I think the birds are good woo yeah I don’t know what it’s like where y’all are at but we definitely settled into winter so Grandma had to go in Oh I thought you were getting some ear muffs I can’t I don’t know where they’re at well I’ve got some blue ones I got dark blue ones in the closet I’ll keep this up around are you sure oh you’re going to be cold to yeah I started to H I started to uh put on Adler’s hat that I bought him but you should have done that you should have done it you’re going to be super cold I’m just telling you well I’ve still got winter gear to get huh let me go get some uh Hay Real hey you get down you get down you off the gate off the gate down down puppies good girl good down good down good boy you never jump up do you good boy yeah you stay down down down okay down uh-uh down let me do it with my let me get that water out here okay hang on let me get I got to e that bottom strp oh sorry H back back back back back I forget that’s down there hey you going in first yeah all right stay down stay down come on puppies back up puppies back up don’t take me down one way to get your food though hey don’t bite the clothes well they’ve got quite a bit of food left but you can see they munched on through the night that was full last night guys you know we haven’t even had folks any uh really any concern about them eating their food and fussing or fighting or somebody being dominant here lately they’ve been getting long it’s it’s been working out great so it’s kind of you know was kind of hoping that they would kind of grow out of it and for right now appears it appears they kind of have huh yeah well they’re cleaner than they were a little bit they are I’ll show you why some of them are partly dark all right oh you know what hey I got your hang on I got your dentist stick get your treat here you go here you go okay now go to your separate corners and chew on it they usually go run and hide rev goes in there and takes his like somebody’s going to take it away well he’s probably right he’s like that a boy it’s a SE don’t let anybody see me I got something no one can have ain’t worried about it see she says no I’m the taker okay yeah this water here see plugged in we’re good don’t worry about that at all I’m going to get this you me to take one of them oh here you want to take the red bucket what are you fighting over oh oh hey hey hey hey don’t jump like don’t do that oh there they go oh man they’ll come busting out in a second here they come get ready they feeling they’re F you two watch out look out him you don’t want to get in he’s got her tail oh okay you fight we’re walking they’re just like two Goliath fighting there you know oh you too uhoh uhoh getting mad oh they get with it look out look out turn around turn around turn around honey don’t stand still oh my God hey almost knock her down go these ashes folks where Matt and I burned the other day oh right here they laid in them both mornings afterward 3:20 in the morning I’m checking cameras right 3:20 two goats and two dogs are laying in these ashes I checked it this morning they’re all right there 29° laying in the ashes oh Grandma’s we got to go so I don’t I looked up why goats and dogs like to lay in the ashes I think the dogs are doing it just because the goats do but I couldn’t find a real good answer there’s no clear-cut answer nobody said oh they like this or that so I don’t really know if y’all have any experience and know for sure why they lay in those ashes and no it is because it’s warm cuz that’s 3 days ago so we’re not that’s not it they just like laying in the ashes I don’t know goofy goofballs I don’t know hi kids hi pdb hey B Batman uh oh hi pdb hi Fox I’m going set this right here for now be up there in a minute boys hold on oh can you say cold fingers num num num fingers yeah look at those three yeah yeah LOL says you can just move this is my spot yeah hi girls I know oh you’re fine I got you well I am thankful that there’s no wind blowing true you know it’s not windy out here and because it’s New Year’s Day it’s quiet there’s no traffic you know so Mr Charlie must have parted Mr Charlie oh is he gone he looks like he’s oh Charlie Mr C yeah Mr Charlie what are you doing buddy I’ll have to call him later on find out what’s going on LOL that’s a good way to get your nose stuck oh my goodness I’m getting a little bit extra this morning on the uh Alfalfa and the Timothy Hay all right a little bit there a little bit there you know what’s weird what’s that this looks just like the goat feed I know it’s not yeah yeah it’s just a little bigger well don’t feed yeah the pig feed yeah I know uh looks the same to me I know chasing your tail made yourself dizzy didn’t you here we go all right girls come here H here go Lola here here we go here we go I got to show everybody something real quick hang in there yesterday I came out to feed everybody and I came over here Bella and Olivia the last time they got through here I I found them both over here yesterday and they were both out again so I came around here and they had gotten underneath right here they kicked out from underneath that right there and all along here was pushed out oh I tell you what I was so frustrated and I found uh Bella she actually called her and she came in underneath well Olivia she decided to go on a little walk about she went down to Mr Charlie’s and was cleared down there where there’s this huge oak tree and you know what oak trees produce right you next oak trees produce acorns and she was down there going to town on acorns and it took me 30 minutes I finally to get her back I finally had to take a bowl of food down there and bend over all the way back I kid you not and get her back in this fence and so I put those electric po all those poles down there like I did with uh B Matt I did that day and I’m going to have to go get some more rebar now but yeah once they get the sense and the taste that they get out like that there’s food that’s where they go yeah so I’m hoping is it because there’s grass still over there if what now is it because there’s grass still on his side yeah yeah over here yeah there’s still grass over there so that’s what it is that’s what it is but anyway they got they got out but you know fortunately they when they go they just they don’t go very far they just go where there’s food but yeah little stinkers all right how about goats this a goat is that goat okay right boys you’re next come on I know I got you got your hay spot right there buddy okay got you I’m coming I know I know it boys is cold you know what here we go all right buddy there we go that a boy woo okay now while they’re eating let’s get this hay back up I’m going to dump let me get rid of this here first somebody said get horse bags for the goats while they eat and that way they don’t waste food are they talking about the bags that you put around a horse’s head and down is that what they’re talking about horse bags and put them on a goat that would I’ve never seen that I don’t think that would probably fly especially with the goats here guys I want to give you something else to lay on uhoh careful babe careful care got to watch where you’re going mom careful yeah there they’re right through under your feet all right if you’ll pass that over yeah I don’t think you could use horse bags if that’s what he’s talking about on a goat curious Fox there oh who’d you learn that from your big brother I know who you learned that from yeah you stinker good boy but oh you’re on me yeah that was quick you thought you was going to get a little something extra didn’t you huh you did I’m going to give it to Mom I’m giving it to Mom now all the Fun’s out of it isn’t it now what are you mad yeah getat some baking soda all right you’re good okay did you have minerals for them no only in the afternoon okay hang on I got to yeah kick that this is good here yep Piggies piggy got yeah they got they’ll have water on the other side I’m supposed to be over that white yeah it’s it’s still draining in there as long as it’s not below it okay you boys good got some fresh hay what do you think P dub happy New Year happy New Year huh did you guys stay up till midnight I think you stayed up all night long yeah you did you guys all four of you are true meaning of party animals right yeah you were I saw you I all yeah you’ll be sleeping all day now all right oh did you in you steep in dog poop you could have I saw it I I did too I haven’t stepped in that before on the way down I see got you been on the way down all right I got it all right let’s go kids come on woo come on you’re such a good girl you’re such a good girl most of the time not all of the time come on Rebel come on buddy back on here comes trouble yeah I come over and get real close to where the dogs get all upset baby kitty you know know exactly what you’re doing coming over here making trouble yeah you are come here I thought it might be a good idea just real quick kind of to end this video up give everybody just a brief synopsis of where we were and where we are and why we’re here does that make sense sure you know today’s the first day of 2024 uh April the 15th we’ll be at this for 3 years doing YouTube videos is that where we thought we’d be is that what we thought we’d be doing oh absolutely all right now start telling the truth no okay let me give you something here folks a little bit of background all right let’s do it this way we came from a house when we had all the boys in there pretty big house Upper Floor lower floor and like most of you when the kids moved out just me and Grandma lot to clean lot to take care of oh you just can’t help it can you yep stars of the show if it weren’t for the animals we’d have no show you know what we’d have nothing so anyway we built this house which supposedly be our I guess our last one I don’t know said it was our retirement home which say was our retirement home just the two of us you know we were going to come out had we we the these Woods right here how thick this is oh no no yeah look and how thick and how thick all that is right there all right that’s exactly how all of this was so when we bought this land we envisioned a house sitting where it’s at and there you go actually we started to put I started to put it closer up and you said you know what I think we need to move it back and we moved it back what another 25 ft 25 something so glad we did yeah that’s right that’s right and so we never this was never you know this is going to stay wooded y if if you go back it’ll be like a year ago last March almost two years ago Kyle and Shannon Kyle our middle son KS get out I know some of you already know all this okay but this is for the new folks or some of you that haven’t went back and watched videos have been with this a year you have no idea all you see is this but when we cleared this out I moved all the trees here and we lined them up remember that on both sides CU I was going to cut them all down both sides I started out great and I cut down I I burned everything up on that side down I got so sick of cutting wood he’s chasing she’s after the cat not going to happen I cut so much wood and burned some I was done well then Chad brought the animals over even before you know when he started his place before we got these trees cut up right well the it was going to take me forever I was sick of it so Kyle you go back there’s videos on that and he took a skid steer well you had to make a path didn’t you just to get down there yeah I had to make a path took the tractor and make a path go the long way yeah that’s true that’s right so yeah we cleared all of this all this right here where this fence is was nothing but trees had been cut down and now look at it you know and Matt and I are going to come tear into this right here and cuddle this down burn this up those dogs oh she’s just teasing she’s torment she that’s baby she’s a little stinker pot she’s hory oh she is you know I think they both love it though you know look at him it’s practice Predator practice so anyhow that’s kind of where the background of this this is why we we started we we didn’t intend for a a YouTube channel or to be a little farm Chad was probably always going to have this for a long home time and then of course he moved you know now he’s down down in Oklahoma and and all the plans that he’s had you know dos Farms you know what I have determined about you though what’s that you have to have a pile of dirt somewhere you mean like that one yep right there I know you have to have a p cuz it makes you feel like you’re still have a project if you have a pile of dirt somewhere that that’s absolutely true even Adler asked you the other day what that pile of dirt was doing still yeah you know it’s that’s I well if you don’t have a pile of dirt you can’t have a tractor and you can’t have a project and you can’t have a project so that’s right got to have a pile of dirt that’s going to go away this spring I got plans haven’t we heard that before that’s going to go away and then there’s going to be another one I’m it’s okay I’m starting to like the dirt you know they said in the Matt left me speechless with the hanky thing and you can’t lift me speechless now which doesn’t really happen that often doesn’t happen very often that happens hardly ever at all so yeah but anyhow that’s uh that’s kind of where we that that this is how this is all evolved and we’re we’re continue to grow we’re looking forward to a great 2024 with y’all we appreciate yall coming in along with us on this and all your all your support are they going to be all right I have a question for you is this a trap right here is what honey is that a trap oh you know what that is that is my uh oh herrow that’s my Harrow it’s so heavy oh man I’m glad you spotted that well I was nobody Mak it’s all right it don’t hurt to lay out there I forgot that was there I making sure that wasn’t a trap that she could get in look at here now look at baby folks I now you can let me get on on her real close this is how close she is to those dogs she Blends in pretty well let me let me get on her hang on where she I know she can sheing isn’t she there see her right there can you pick her out now there’s baby right there she wants in 4 feet 5 ft from the fence and there’s the dogs little stinker yeah oh look oh my goodness you know Chad told me the other day that a great Pines has one of the I forget what what like first second third whatever strongest bite yeah remember right yeah 600 lb of pressure and more than look how they bite one another I know well you know more than a pitbull more than a pitbull but they they and not not only that but they bite fast they said they bite fast they’re not to hold on to they’ll bite fast so yeah they must know though not to like cuz you know when they’re playing with us they don’t do it to themselves no not at all so anyway folks that’s kind of a little bit of a a history and where it goes from here how long it lasts Health till our dying day our dying day and uh 65 66 years old I just don’t want it to be in a porta Hut yeah but all you know I I was thinking too you know everybody goes well why’ you do that why you know I don’t why why’ you start this our plans we make plans but we let God lead the way you know he directs our path we make the plans he uhoh look out it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay let brother handle it Bubba’s got it he ran her back up to the it’s okay it’s okay that a boy good job Bubba way to get that py cat that a boy so we felt like definitely when this come about something we were not thinking about that God was directing it so you hear those shots somebody that’s to Sho the black birds over to the dosses I think that’s exactly what it is that’s exactly what it is they’re not deer hunting I think deer hunting I think rifle season’s over I don’t know I’m not a hunter but you know hey baa it’s you are you okay you see the birds oh here comes the goats come here guys did them shots okay you’re doing the clothes that going that us did the shop scare you yeah that’s another thing about doing a video and we’ve always thought about this you come out here and you go what are we going to do today I don’t know what are you going to do you know what you come out and you just put the camera on the animals it’s about the animals you know she made it all the way over here oh yeah yeah it’s about the animals folks and we we uh you know what I started to say the minut go we this kind of evolved into this for us I mean you started out with the animals I didn’t really come down much and then you know I kind of got to where I followed you around cuz I wanted to be a part of it and then I got a little attached to the animals and then you know Smokey that was kind of what really brought it you know together for us and after Smokey passed man that was that was tough and I just felt like we had to have a replacement and little did I know we were going to have two yeah best one of the best decisions we’ve ever made it really is e see it really is or is this bubba I got Bubba I got Bubba yeah so yeah we got you know inherited some goats from Chad and some chicken and some Piggies one piggy we got our own Piggies the co coonies we got but anyway God God is leading the way here okay we we uh just get up every day and I think it’s how we should be we get up every day we do our part and you know whatever God puts us before us we’re just we just we just do it to our best of best of our abilities how’s that yeah wo dad stomach’s growling did you hear that it’s time for some breakfast but last video by the way I did a little short on on on the birds yes and a lot of people yeah you got it right the movie The Birds a lot of people are creeped out bu it it is a creepy movie great movie but the starlings were the stars of the show so y’all guessed right when I ask name the movie 99.9% got the birds you know but we’re just very very uh uh content right now you know it is it is it is a lot of responsibility though it’s a lot of responsibility and we don’t even have near as many animals as some folks do some of that you watch out there you know homesteaders and so forth I don’t know maybe keep keeps us young keeps us going keep keeps us moving I’m looking forward to getting more goats though yeah more goats I’m still leaning toward a mini donkey really hard you’re going have to talk me out of it I don’t know I ask about because everybody goes oh they’re going to make a lot of noise some do some don’t there had several comments saying hey they don’t make that much noise I’m not sure boys pdb come here get on up here yeah the dogs do not like the goats being in the show you know they don’t like that so yeah come here you guys want to be in here come here here I’ll get you in here a little bit everybody okay you okay M that’s a good boy Fox pdub what you scratching what you scratching you don’t need to be there you don’t need to be there brother you’re just jealous yeah you’re just jealous of the attention split you Tobe right there I got you okay there we go that’s a good boy that’s a good boy and it’s a good girl too I know it I know we’re okay so thank you all for a great 2023 appreciate it very much look forward to 2024 as always our base belief is prayer and then we put uh our family and our friends our extended Doss family which you all so we want to keep praying for one another there’s things coming up that uh people are having you know surgeries my sister I’d like to ask for prayer for her cuz so this coming Friday she’s got a blood clot in her leg that they’ve got to take care of before they can do um some other surgery on a kidney stone so I’d appreciate it if you could keep her in prayer yep the Doss family are not immune to needing prayer that’s for sure you know things happen in our lives too so all right everybody God is in control thank you all very much we love you God bless you until next time bye everybody bye-bye happy New Year happy New Year a good one now I’m cold yeah now we’re [Music] freezing [Music]


  1. I think the horse bags they are talking about are net bags that you hang up and stuff with your hay. They then pull the hay out from between the netting. It might help with waste.

  2. Sending prayers for LeaAnn’s sister. May she have a successful operation and a speedy recovery. ❤️‍🩹 🙏🏽

  3. Grampa Doss! Please make sure to carry gloves with you! Prayers for your sister gramma Doss 🙏🏻 🤲🏻 happy new year

  4. It's hay bags. You fill the bag with hay and tie the bag to a structure inside the shelter. You can't use them with horns because they can get their horns caught in the hay netting. You can small hay and feeders like what Kyle and Shannon has and they work well for Kyle and Shannon.

  5. Grandma and Grandpa. I'm pretty sure you guys watch the news and the weather. But just in case you haven't for the next 2 weeks. It's going to be crazy for Oklahoma. Texas panhandle and Arkansas andare all included in this. They're talking about a windchill of 50 below. So maybe you guys should stock up on some things and figure out heaters for the dogs or whoever. I shouldn't even worry about it cause I know you guys are great and you take really good care of your animals. I just worry about all my favorite people.

  6. Thank you for sharing your life and time with us. The good Lord certainly laid this path for you, and us to enjoy. Health and happiness in the New Year! Prayers for all the Does family, and those of us enjoying your family. God bless! ❤

  7. Grandpa, the horse bags are like netted bags meant for hay the horses can eat out of but it doesn’t waste as much, just hang up high for horses but for the goats would hang where they can eat off of. Love what you guys have done to the land, think the forever home & land & animals will be part of a great forever! Love & blessings from 55deg north central California,,brrr. 🙏❤️🤗

  8. Happy New Year, Ralph and Leanne! I think video mistakes happen to everyone. It took me around ten tries to do the voice-over of my last Sunday hymn because my cats kept coming over and meowing at me and making their collar bells jingle. I finally got them to go away and leave me alone for 35 seconds! 💖😂💖
    I hope you didn't have to be out in the cold for too long. And Leanne, I will add your sister to my prayers.💖🙏💖

  9. The horse bags are nylon net that the flakes of hay fit in and you hang them up in a corner and they can eat out of them the only problem that you would have is if they're tobelow and the coach's jump they can actually get their legs stuck in them

  10. Hi Grandpa and Grandma I really loved and enjoyed watching all your video,in 2023 and can't wait for all your videos this year. You are a caring and loving couple. The animals are so loved by yourselfs and Matts help. God bless you both and the whole family. Take care , love you all i pray for Grandma sisters recovery and blessings from God. Amanda xxxx

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