Fiddle Leaf Fig

At My Wits End

Halp! I’ve had this FLF for 4 years. Once upon a time, when I lived in a south facing apartment, she was absolutely thriving. But then COVID happened and for various reasons I had to leave her in the care of my roommate. They did not get along, and I feel like we have been desperately trying to get back in synch ever since.

Lately she’s been hemorrhaging lower leaves. A new one falls at least every week. There was a recent growth spurt on the top two trunks, but as you can see the leaves are small and misshapen. 3rd/bottom trunk has not put out new growth in well over a year

Current influencing factors:

  • North Facing windows, supplementing with Sansi 36W grow bulb. we’ve been in this apartment with this placement for 7mo now

  • Grow light is typically on from about 6a to 7pm, but I occasionally turn it off during the day when the brightness is personally inconvenient

  • using Jacks 20-20-20 fertilizer every other watering cycle during the growing season

  • “braided” and staked the trunks over a year ago to help ease the visual pain of the barren branches..

  • moisture meter was added yesterday (when I soaked & fertilized) to get an idea of how we’re actually doing instead of basing it on leaf drooping/weekly watering schedule, it’s about 2-3” into the soil, and already indicating that it’s dry, as you can see

  • I have not been rotating the plant.. simply because it looks weird shrug

  • I don’t have any humidity control and live in a very dry climate, however using a humidifier is unfortunately not feasible where the plant is located and there is nowhere else to put it in this apartment (I’m in a studio, all space accounted for)

  • I recently started using an AC, which is located in the kitchen with a fan to direct air into the living space, but doesn’t directly hit the FLF

….I think that’s all of the potentially relevant information. It’s a damn good thing they’re pretty because lawd am I tired. As many of us do, I’m wondering if it’s time to throw in the towel and get a rubber tree or a regular ole ficus. But I’ve put sooo much effort into trying to get her healthy it’s hard to jump ship.

I just dream of a pretty, tall, bushy and branching fiddle in that corner, is it possible??

by gracie__strange

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