Plant Clinic

First plant, what should I do to make this friend live a nice life?

First plant, what should I do to make this friend live a nice life?

by IllustratorIcy1661


  1. AutoModerator

    Thank you for posting to r/plantclinic!

    It looks like you may be asking about a cactus or succulent. In addition to any advice you receive here, please consider visiting r/cactus r/succulents for more specialized care advice.

    A common problem with cacti and succulents is etiolation. This is when a succulent stretches or becomes leggy. Reply with “!etiolation” for advice.

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  2. Plant_Clinic_Bot

    Additional information about the plant that has been provided by the OP:

    > I had the plant for a month, the color started to change a week ago. About a week ago I started putting the plant in the window that faces south all day. I water the plant once a week.

    If this information meets your satisfaction, please upvote this comment. If not, you can downvote it.

  3. Dependent_Animator18

    Zebra plants prefer partial sun. Only water it once the soil has fully dried out.

  4. ohdearitsrichardiii

    You’re watering too often. Let the soil dry out and then stay dry for a week or two before you water again

  5. secretobserverlurks

    Okay. I’ve seen one YouTube who has a shop, explain it like this and it was mighty helpful for me with the explanation.

    One of the most important things about your plant is that most ppl underestimate is light. What you may consider bright light may not be that bright.

    So, instead, think about the sky. If your plant can see the full sky or the larger part of an open sky, then that’s bright light. If your plant has only a partial view of the sky, it’s low light. So, in short, make sure you’re giving a lot of light to your plant. However, plants usually don’t like a lot of harsh direct sunlight, so don’t keep it in direct light. There are exceptions, of course. Like some desert succulents. They still need to be adjusted, tho.

    Also, dont overwater your plants. Stick a finger in it and check. Remember that signs of underwatering and overwatering in plants are very similar.

  6. PlantGuy0

    It is kinda easy to keep this plant healthy, just be careful with watering, usually people tend to overwater it.

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