
My wife’s favorite apple tree blew down in a storm today. Is this salvageable? I’m doubting it.

Title says it all. About to have the best harvest ever off it and a freak storm blew it over this afternoon. Seems broken below ground level.

by IA_Captive


  1. May have broken off at the graft point. Quick re-graft it somewhere else. /s

  2. CrankyCycle

    No chance, sorry! If you wanted to study up on grafting real quick, and could find a suitable rootstock, you could try to graft a pencil-width branch to a new rootstock and make her a new tree…

  3. Howcomeudothat

    No. Looks like it was planted too deep a long time ago rotting the trunk

  4. DontForgetYourPPE

    You got a smoker? Turn it into wood chips

  5. IA_Captive

    Thank you everyone! I’ll try the grafting and I do have a smoker! At least her favorite tree can contribute to some delicious smoked meat!

  6. Scarcito_El_Gatito

    Sometimes the apples fall far from the tree, and the tree wants to follow.

    -a wise man on reddit, 2024

  7. wannaberecon

    Looks like it was buried too deep and was over mulched. it’s a goner I’m afraid.
    Check your other trees, you want the root flare to be barely visible, also keep mulch at least 4 inches away from the trunk as wet mulch rots and kills trees. With the mulch you want as thin of a coat as possible and stay away from the mulch that has dye in it. For looks you can do a single layer of mulch to the trunk and increase the depth as you work away from the trunk.

  8. Ransak_shiz

    Completely salvageable throw the whole thing in a chipper and use it as mulch.

  9. bronbeach

    Air layering you tree can produce a dozen or so trees.

  10. Coleslawholywar

    There’s apples. Grow a new one with the seeds.

  11. Boogedyinjax

    Cut some branches off and graft them to a new rootstock!!!

  12. Flight-2012

    That’s sad honey crisp apples are so good too. Sorry for you loss

  13. Cocacola_Desierto

    That is really sad. Looks like it grew some amazing apples.

  14. Woodbutcher1234

    O.K., spitballin’ here looking for a prof. opinion. If the stump was buried for protection, underside branches pruned back and a few shovelfulls of compost thrown over the trunk at mid height, any chance it may start setting roots from the branches? LOOOONNNGGG shot, but wondering. I’ve seen it happen with fallen trees and rhododendrons.

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