Edible Gardening

Looking Back At Our Favourite Sustainable Gardens | Garden Rescue | Sprout

Charlie Dimmock and The Rich Brothers are back to show you their favourite garden renovations. From eco-friendly designs to exotic inspirations like New York City, each episode features stunning makeovers that emphasise sustainability and creativity. Watch as they breathe new life into British gardens, offering tips on upcycling, wildlife habitats, and water features. Tune in for expert advice and inspiring transformations!

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[Music] Charlie dimmi boys the rich brothers and the garden Rescue Team have a Trea in store too much entertainment they have come to the rescue of hundreds of British Gardens now it’s time to look back and pick their favorites this looks really cool wow look at that fabulous as they celebrate the very best I don’t like it I love it a from extraordinary Eco Gardens thank you so much to Exotic designs oh my gosh no way Gardens inspired by people is this the garden that you dreamed of absolutely love it I think that’s a thumbs up and places it’s the most beautiful garden I’ve ever been in therapeutic spaces wow and the most extreme ordinary Transformations it is perfect yeah come on I welcome to Garden rescue top of the [Music] plots David Harry what are we chatting about today then well today we’re going to be chatting about inspiration and where we all get it from yeah I find that quite difficult at times I’m glad we’ve got the contributors that tell us what they want yeah one of my favorite bits though is that inspiration behind the garden more often not has got beautiful story isn’t it and I do love you know the emotional attachment people have to like Nicole in sford she remembers going to a Klein Garden in Germany as a child which is basically an A lotman and she’s got lots of happy memories so I remember that Garden yes similar to an lotman but with a teeny little difference I feel like a Klein Garden comes hand in hand with an all sing and all dance and shed doesn’t it she did did so well ever so easy to build we love all our garden rescues but this time we’re looking at the Transformations that draw inspiration from special memories and our first for Nicole focuses on her happy Recollections of her allotment or Klein Garden during her childhood in Germany we spent a lot of our summers there and you know after school and because we had a stove in there it was really an all year round thing these are some old photographs of uh the kleiny Garden in Germany and then everybody has one of these amazing sheds not just tool sheds they actually do enhance the look of the whole plot that you’ve got it would be really lovely to have something that reminds me of those nice times that we had in Germany oh baby this is it this is it here we go wow Charlie’s incredible design for the Klein Garden was exactly what Nicole was dreaming of okay so we have a shed now I know it looks like it’s lawn but it’s got a green roof so we have it is a little summer house and then we’ve got a lean to covered area which has a pot belly [Music] stove the work of making Nicole’s dream summerhouse falls to the Landscaping team so we just we’ve got two sides in in Germany some kleim Garden sheds are plush enough to sleep in Charlie’s simple 6tx 6t structure wasn’t that fancy but getting the look and feel right was crucial I mean look at it it’s fantastic and that includes installing double glazing in all six Windows right and a reinforced roof king of the world I’m loving this Lee getting there is it it is so this is we got the wany edge Douglas fur on this side so is it a hardwood no softwood it’s a softwood but you won’t need to treat that really will you it lasts a long time yeah it’s been weathered that for years looks really nice the Rich Brothers get the job of building the porch with foundations already dug Harry pours in quick drying concrete to secure the posts yeah very good that I’m surprised don’t tell me it’s there there well Bott virtually bottom of the there we are look at that boys Plum on the end as well with the porch in place Harry and David get to work on the shed’s standout feature I mean this looks a bit bizarre doesn’t it going on the roof and this Garden was inspired by a German kle garden and one thing Charlie really wanted to put into this Garden was a living roof and that’s great because the Germans actually pioneered that and it’s just going to look beautiful on top but you do need to ensure that that structure of the roof is solid before you start adding on the materials for the living roof and Charlie’s gone for a Hightech approach so as not to overload it is it basically just trays to capture the moisture so instead of having this huge tray which holds water and amounts to a lot of weight you just got these little cups that fill up and it means that this space here is nice and light and Airy I like your dalc oh I know it’s amazing isn’t it so simple but it’s going to make a a beautiful little feature up there that roof is going to be the finishing touch to the shed can’t really call it a shed I think we’re going to have to name it it’s almost like a cabin or like an actual human name a human name name it’s like a ship isn’t it have to crack a bottle of uh wine over PCO cuz I’m just about to plant some Great Vines oh right let’s get let’s get going lovely I think we have to go do you have to go the other way H oh no it’ll keep going with it keep going back how much further get going you got room there we are so this is the membrane going down and this is just to protect the timber underneath nice waterproof membrane and it prevents all this from rotting while the brothers get busy lining the shed roof Charlie’s prettifying the patio now this little area here is a real Sun trap the sun’s starts off over there in the morning and goes all the way around and sets down over there so this area here gets boiling hot so a fantastic spot for some Great Vines so vitis Fifer this one’s a a black sort of fruit on it but she’s got weightier matters on her mind I’ve got to think of a name for the shed everyone put your thinking cats on and think of a good name for the shed Bernard Bernard it doesn’t look like a burnard why not German name oh it does have to be a German name German name Bera Heidi it’s a good name though Heidi I like it I bet you used to love that program didn’t you dancing dancing Through The Meadows next up for Heidi shed the roof’s dlic like drainage matting which the brothers are cutting to size Str you satisfying the top of the shed is fully lined and ready for the layer of substrate a lightweight growing medium which retains moisture and provides nutrients for the plants on a living [Music] roof it’s finally time to put the Green Into The Green Roof it’s so dramatic suddenly you’ve been able to roll out the whole mat of sedom and this living roof is a real benefit to insects to birds and it also adds a lot of biodiversity to this Garden it’s not just the wildlife that benefits green roofs can help cool the urban environment and improve air quality as well as being very effective building instulation but also something beautiful for Nicole to look down upon from her bedroom window for the last few finishing touches Steve’s adding the cross beans to create the pergola while Lee is attaching the tin roof to the [Music] porch and cutting a hole for the wood burner stove pipe with the stove installed this Garden is complete Charlie has taken a little patch of sulfit and given it a touch of kleim Gard Bon Grandeur with her five star shed and the garden around it but will it live up to Nicole’s childhood memories would you like to open your eyes oh my god wow I think that’s a good sign lost words it’s just not my garden oh my goodness it’s it’s just so sweet as well isn’t it I know it’s cute I love it really love really you just feel happy being in it yeah this is definitely going to give the kly gardens in Germany a run for the money nice to [Music] know well I thought hi the shed look very pretty with the seum on a roof yeah it’s did look fantastic not only does it look great but actually that little bit of extra Greenery will go a long way to helping purify the air in the Garden yeah now I’ve got ivy with me we have you got Virginia oh that’s why she likes to T of man she’s pretty tall isn’t she so we’ve got Ivy and Virginia creeper here because these guys are fantastic at helping to purify the air within your garden now all the plants you have in your Gard are going to help a little bit but because these grow so large just their pure volume is going to help a lot more ladies mantle is also great it has quite hairy leaves which helps to trap the particulates and helps to reduce nitrogen levels within the air now the he Aromas of provance provided the inspiration for our next couple Gemma and Mike from Alton Gemma and Mike spent their honeymoon in the south of France falling so madly in love with the country that they were determined to bring GIC vavavoom to their Garden in Hampshire I think we feel quite inspired by our trip to France and our honeymoon and the idea of bringing some of that back to back to our garden with the lavenders would be really really [Music] great hello hello well here we go wow Charlie won with a plan that promised to bring the sights and smells of provant right to their back door I have dividing the garden sort of in half this is a dry River bed great and I was thinking of using different varieties of lavender so that the lavender will go on for much longer but also mixing in lots of different plants that generally tend to be very pale soft blues and purples that flop over the pathway Central to Charlie’s design is a dry riverbed evocative of the south of France complete with three [Music] Bridges but getting the groundw work done is crucial the Landscaping team start by digging up the garden and laying a layer of rocks and stones to represent the Meandering stream before Andy gets on with one of the bridges Charlie wants a little stepping stone bridge going through the stream the dry riverbed so I’m just going to get these big rocks just playing around with them really just positioning them in hopefully we’ll have a little Stepping Stone Bridge later on meanwhile another very heavy delivery has arrived coming through a large slab of rock that will form the second of the bridges no go with there go with there fingers lovely fantastic lovely look at that it’s gorgeous and then over here we’ve got the wooden one and this one is going to be quite romantic rustic Timber bridge that we’re going to cut up create a lovely structure for it cool okay Bolter in Bolter in [Music] and now the bridges are all in place Charlie can start to Barrow in the plants it’s a train coming down the TR oh look at this is watch this not even didn’t even budge look at that you liking out and liking it all and loving all the different things yeah first plants though look at this nice like to see I think this this has got to literally just be the OD plants as if they’ve just sort of self-seeded and I have to say a lot of the plants that I’ve got here will this grass I actually love it that is all bit bashed about and bent it looks like a grass that’s been growing and it’s slightly distressed because the river bread is dry and then we’ve got got Aeron ginsky which is fantastic and it really actually does better being distressed trying to grow it in a a nice rich compost it doesn’t really like it the poorer the soil the drier the better and more compact it is and it will just naturally self seed around the rocks look at that it’s just two plants have transformed that bit of hard Landscaping the dry riverbed may be the centerpiece of their provant inspired Garden but Charlie’s finding there’s already plenty of GIC touches in Gemma and Mike’s garden and the wonderful thing is is gemma’s got some really lovely bits and Bobs that sort of say French Farmhouse things like galvanized watering cans there’s a water bath over there so by the time we finish the garden it should look gorgeous as long as the sun doesn’t get to us first Harry’s turned his attention to planting up provant inspired pots for the patio starting with a romantic job of drilling drainage holes there we are and in this first pot I’m going to be planting it up with a little bit of thme and some lavender and as you can see that combination is just gorgeous and then really is very reminiscent of a Mediterranean scheme they’re very soft colors but their Aroma is going to be beautiful on this patio so these two going to go in here and I’ve got some potting up compost but I’m also going to put some of this Stone in the bottom and that’s because lavender and Thyme don’t like really rich soil they actually love a poor soil and you can kind of tell because you know they’re very Mediterranean plants so in turn that soil tends to be a lot drier and not as Rich that nice little mix [Music] up what I love about the time and the lavender is that as they grow they’re just going to kind of slightly Cascade over the pot itself so it’s going to make it very kind of informal and I think in a French garden it’s all about informality so uh I do love this this combination Evergreen fragrant and loved by bees Lavender is the one plant that provance is famous for so Charlie is determined to go all out to recreate a south of France feeli lavenders they come in whites they come in the the traditional purpley blue then you’ve got what we call the French lavender which is much more flouncy uh and then I’m going to mix in some cat mint as well cuz it’s sort of that whole effect of tumbling over onto the pathway and so when you brush by it you get that waft of lavender scent Char yeah what’s this one cat mint a Peter it’s lovely because it flops but cats love it it either makes the cats go Bonkers and they run around the garden have a frisky 5 minutes or my cat she literally rolls and lay it in it and goes uh so we’re just going to wait 5 minutes to see what happens to Wy as well as the cat mint and fragrant lavender the beds are filled with beautiful roses if voila the long dull patch of grass has been transformed into a little piece of rural provance by Charlie’s planting her evocative dry riverbed and a handful of the garden’s original GAC touches want to open your eyes wow oh my word that’s incredible oh my it looks like something that you see in a magazine it’s it’s perfect and I can’t wait to enjoy [Music] it you don’t have to transform your whole garden to create a feeling or a theme to it by using plants you can evoke lots of different images I mean lavender straight away When You See It In Bloom just takes you straight to France and the countryside and the great thing about a lot of plants and especially Lavender is it’s really easy to propagate and you get lots and lots of plants for free look for side shoots not the ones that are flowering but the side shoots and you want to take the material first thing in the morning when the plant’s full of moisture so I’m just going to take some big side branches off that I can take cuttings of and these are going to be called semi-ripe cuting you can also do softwood but these ones are going to be semi- right so when it comes to cuttings basically any cuting you want to make sure that the compost that you’re putting them into is quite free draining so either add some grit I’m using vermiculite or you can use perlite just about 50/50 mix it together I’m using a plastic pot because that holds on to a lot more moisture and you don’t want your cuttings to dry out while they’re trying to root firm it down slightly now so choose nice healthy cutting material and you want to strip the lower leaves the cuting need to be about 3 to 4 in Long ideally and in a pot you’re going to get about five or six cuting in each pot make a hole and put that couple of inches into the soil for in with semi-ripe cuttings they’ll take four to 6 weeks to root properly keep them watered well but not soing wet and the one of the best ways to do that to stop them from drying out is to put a cover on them and let those drain well so this keeps the moisture in you want to check them weekly to make sure there’s no dead bits of foliage on them and that they’re still nice and moist and you want to place them somewhere that’s bright but not in full sun because otherwise it will cook the cuting and you don’t want that and from this quiet little corner to somewhere very different Richard and Darren from suly hle wanted to evoke that feeling of that city that never sleeps our next top of the plot’s inspirational Garden was for Richard and Darren who tied the knot a couple of years ago in New York and whilst on that romantic trip took in the sights one of which made a lasting impression the Highline is a 1 and 1/2 Mile Long public park elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s west side it has a contemporary design with informal planting inspired by the self Ed landscape That Grew on the elevated train tracks during the 25 years it sat unused what we really appreciated with the fact that it was with the abandoned kind of railway tracks and all the grasses were growing out of it it was very kind of rural but also very beautifully maintained and it was just really really attractive and quite quirky and that’s something that we quite like to have this is what I’ve done for you aritt won the pitch with her her take on New York’s Highline Vibe this Garden gives you a journey through space taking you through planting what I’ve done here is actually bring in some sleepers and some little gers so again there’ll be planting within this and if you remember when you walked Along The High Line you had those little pockets didn’t you of planting that was within the railway track [Music] area AR’s Big Apple can’t possibly come to fruition without the hard work of the Landscaping team who get the ball rolling by removing Turf bricks and Paving before laying a brand new patio with a Chic Urban feel I’ve chosen porcelain tiles in the garden for a number of reasons first reason is it is incredibly hard wearing and the other thing with porceline is that you can get a whole different set of finishes on it what I’ve done is to go for a wood finish the Highline was made of concrete slabs but I wanted to give it a bit of a Twist give it the same gray Urban feel but give it a uniqueness for Richard and Daren and because New York’s Highline is built on an old train track arit wanted to bring a railway feel to the flower beds in New York what they’ve actually got is still got lots of the track left and they’ve planted into it brought in all of these concrete pavers that go alongside it and that’s why we’re emulating it here I thought it it’s important to bring a bit of that track to Solly hole so here’s the beds where they will be it does need a little bit of work we’re going to get some of this soil moved off and put into the beds at the top there so I can get some more planting going on in that area I’ve got Andy out the front cutting the sleepers to size and get them laid out and start to intersperse the planting as if the sleepers have been here forever now it’s really important that if you are going to use seers in the garden that you do get them untreated you don’t want creot bamin anything any chemical to be leeching into the soil cuz it could actually damaged the plants what I love about these is that they still got that NY effect on them still got bolt holes that are coming in them so they’re very very authentic these were about 38b for a 2.6 M length so not the cheapest out there but I thought it was worth getting quality for this Garden I want it to last and I want it to look authentic here they come say about there yeah it’s not a literal R track okay so I didn’t want all the lines to be going totally parallel from the house cuz it’s going to look a bit too staged you got to play around with it so I’m playing with perspective by the time the sleepers get sunk it’s going to feel more real get the plants in so be playful once she is happy with the position aritt can dig the sleepers into the soil so that they stay put voila can I have a bit of help oh yeah you saved me oh I saved you kind of well I don’t know yet you grab that end yeah ready ready you do that yeah a bit heavy is they they are perfect they’re lovely don’t they I know they’re great is they they ain’t cheap no I bet they’re not ยฃ500 lovely but you can’t have a Highline uh Garden without can you Highline Garden high prices next one please next one I’m glad you had your breast today my love that’s all I needed needed your brwn oh yeah still got some left today I’ll work out the rest cheers to top off the New York theme arit Drew inspiration from the city’s most famous resident just doing a rough out line of of the Statue of Liberty if I were in New York sat on top of a fabulous penthouse suite I would see that iconic outline and that’s what I’m trying to create in the garden so my idea is cut them out with a jigsaw and then get them attached to this piece of Steel along with the world famous statue arit cuts out silhouettes of the city’s skyscrapers T to create a New York skyline at the back of the garden and with the final piece is falling into place it’s looking really good Darren and Richard’s backyard is transformed from a plain West Midlands Garden to a vibrant Manhattan inspired outdoor space with Sleek modern Paving and a planted up Railway track one 2 3 go oh my god wow wow thank you so much oh that’s absolute [Music] pleasure the big question is this the Gard that you dreamed of I think it is absolutely I think it is there’s it’s just yeah it’s beautiful and there’s no lawn to know [Music] so AR’s Garden really captured the scale of her inspiration in quite a modest sized Garden in solol but if you don’t actually have a garden and you live in the middle of the metropolis and maybe your only planting opportunities is a window cell well then a small planting box it’s perfect for you and I’m going to show you a nice trick for packing in a lot of plants into a very small space so the plant I’m going to be using is sedums the reason we’re using this because they’re shallow rooting and they don’t mind being bunched really closely together and that’s why they’re perfectly suited to being put into this small window box here so these guys don’t like sitting in moisture at all they love free draining soil so that’s why it’s important to put a really good layer of drainage Stone in the bottom that’s good layer it’s a really good idea to actually break up the soil either with some gardening grit or thermiculite load of funky shapes some real zesty colors don’t think I can go wrong right guy’s a bit taller so he can go to the back he’s going to look pretty cool I think just hanging over the edge by there and what’s so great about sedums is that once they’ve established they require little to no watering at all so it means you can look out your window and have a gorgeous display all year round there we are fill in the gaps people travel all over the world to look for inspiration for their Gardens and one of our favorites was with Andy and Danielle down in Devon because they wanted a little touch of Morocco after a memorable break in North Africa Andy and Danielle wanted to bring Marakesh to their back Garden that sort of Moroccan style the color the tiles the glass that’s what we would love for the garden you know we’ve got a bit of a Moroccan influence inside the house as well so if that could translate to the Garden it should all flow really nicely the Rich Brothers plan mixing old and new to create the Exotic feel the couple wanted one out on the day so what we’ve done is we given you quite a modern design somewhere with quite strong architectural lines um but overall with a kind of um more of a feeling of a rustic Moroccan Garden dreaming up a sunken patio in the couple’s dilapidated Garden may have helped the boys clinch the pitch yeah but the landscape team have to put in hard graft of Excavating the space before the Rich Brothers Moroccan Vision can be realized it’s nice not having a digger on site is it yeah with the patio area dug out foundations are laid and the walls are built and rendered and then it’s time for David and Harry to add the finishing Rustic Touch Moroccan style tiles now we finished scoring our level line all around the base of the wall so that’s where we know the top of the tile is going to meet to but what we want to do because there’s a little bit of a gap M what we’re making is this Shelf at the bottom so putting a shelf of cement there and that means that the the tile is going to have a little foot to rest on so when we put it on the wall it’s not going to start to slide down and lose that nice crisp top level and it’s literally a matter of starting in one corner and then just working our way [Music] around with the Moroccan themed tiles on the walls it’s time to bring in the feature tree for the new patio yeah let’s cut it have a look what it looks like and then we’ll position it okay we’re going to position it right by here so it’s going to Arch over that way over this planting bed this will be a lovely backd doop to it but it’s not going to impede on this area too much at all so there’ll be plenty of space here the actual branches will be shifting away so it won’t be shading any of this out for added rustic charm the brothers include a low dry stone wall in the their plans and Joe gets the job of bringing it to life well Joe got to say in my mind’s eye I was hoping for wall exactly like that that is rtic characterful perfect brilliant there’ you please Harry every Rock has its place like people in life philosophical with the rendering nearly finished and the whole dog the center piece can finally be put in place I think we dug I think we’ve dug it on oh there he is lovely El Agnus is a shrub more commonly known or more commonly used as a hedging shrub or as an evergreen filler shrub but you can see when it’s left to grow a bit more naturally it has this lovely open branching structure now this one is El Agnes umbellata that’s Japanese silver berry has lots of silvery interest so when the leaves first emerge there is silver but they mature to this green and then in Spring we have these kind of quite Dusty silvery yellow flowers and they’re scented So within this space when it warms up and they’re sitting around it it’s really going to infuse the air so that’ll be really beautiful then later on in the season it has an orange Berry and that’s edible as well and then as it’s deciduous it has a tiny change of color but drops its leaves but this guy doesn’t have much Autumn color but that’s not why he’s here he’s here for his shape and also that silvery tone so for all those reasons it’s the perfect shrub and it does dominate the space but that’s perfect because it almost offers up different areas around the seating a that you can sit so you’ve got that area there much more open but by opening up this area here you’ve got this gorgeous place just to sit on the wall underneath the dapple canopy maybe even read a book and every plant has its role to play in the brothers Moroccan themed garden and Harry set his heart on a bloom that’s as popular in Morocco as it is in the UK roses are strongly associated with Morocco because they grow plenty of them for their rose oil so we thought it’d be very fitting to put a couple into this garden and the one that we’ve chosen is actually Francis e Lester which I got here and we’ve chosen this because it’s a rambler it’s got this gorgeous kind of white pink blush flower and it’s also got a beautiful scent and lovely small orange hips and I’m going to position it behind this wall and that’s because I want it to kind of cascade over it soften it and it almost connects the wall with the planting behind so it’s a lovely trick although it doesn’t look a lot now in a couple of years it’s going to be beautiful and be a real showpiece the bound gravel is added to the new seating area the flower beds are filled up pots planted and the garden dressed with Moorish touches this Moroccan Oasis is complete and ready for its Grand unveiling Andy and Danielle’s Garden was overgrown and unloved with a poor excuse for a patio and little else but now with its exotic planting and simple architectural features the team turned an unnoticed and unloved space into a beautiful Oasis bursting with Moroccan charm open your eyes oh my god oh wow that was beautiful absolutely I love it not too kit though it’s not too like oh this is what we’re trying to do Morocco it’s it’s quite laid back oh nice table works well the morocc way guys come on [Music] exactly now I’ve taken inspiration for this pot from our Moroccan garden now all I’ve done the pot itself when I bought it was a basic terracotta pot with a blue glazed rim which is very morocca that Vivid blue color and then I painted the side here with just an Emulsion paint you can buy the little tubs that are tester ones a very cheap way of doing it so nice and bright and then I’ve just blinged it up a bit I’m sure the boys will think it’s a bit over the top but I love over the top so that cord Line’s going to go in there and got a fountain of foliage lovely now one of our best inspirational Gardens was the Alex and Rachel who wanted their Garden to be inspired by the Lost Gardens of helan in cornall our final top of the plots was located just outside Nottingham but the inspiration for this Garden comes from 300 miles away in the west country so we went on a trip to Cornwall and we discovered the Lost Gardens of helan which was pretty awesome it would be nice nice to have that exotic feel so if we could have some palms and some big dramatic plants yes the couple weren’t afraid to think big for the small plot Alex hello Rachel oh oh wow and Charlie’s tropical take on the garden was music to their family’s ears you were after an Uber modern garden with a jungle Vibe so tree ferns fers forums but with the odd shot of color running through it with Charlie’s plan getting the thumbs up the Landscaping crew get cracking is it worth marking out where the Lawns going when the turf cut comes we can just nip it off yeah they clear the turf if in doubt grop it out and lay a new patio by the house first jungly plants coming through and then it’s Charlie’s time to shine with her Riot of tropical plants including everything from banana to Ferns and a set of elegant bamboo plants oh so we’re making a hedge of smaller bamboos here but then I want that big black bamboo I think will look great over there so by just clearing the lower section of this bamboo you suddenly make it look like you can see the canes really easily and by exposing the cane to the light they’ll actually go darker and you’ll get the Blackness developing on them while Charlie and the team Soldier on with the planting the jungle theme seems to send the Rich Brothers Well a bit bonkers it’s not often that Welsh explorers get to move outside of their normal habitat the sh but on this one instance this Explorer delves deep into the unknown jungle to find what they think is an extinct creature known for its long dangly arms and flowing locks often found eating a banana amongst the large foliage and there it is my idiot thinks I’m an animal Charlie’s putting in the leg work and the planting areas are slowly taking shape and now it’s time to bring in the big boys Omar single is mine in the house yeah good just a little bit where are these going you know the tree FS there the um Phoenix canarians is over there fatsy are there oh past it and cord lines not sure yet but definitely in here probably Forum what do we think outside the back door there as the rest of the team get the plants into place Harry’s creating a miniature jungle pathway for Alex and Rachel’s little boy me and Graff are actually making a boardwalk through this space it’s almost like a little Bal balance beam for little wrecks it’s lovely to have that sense of exploration and adventure in the garden especially when there’s a jungle theme so we’re going to put some posts in put a little balancing beam in and a nice little rope handrail so makes me really exciting cheap and easy to make the materials for the 6 long Boardwalk cost about ยฃ30 it’s looking really fun I’m kind of jealous that Rex are going to get a chance to run on down there through the bamboo but what I’m doing now is I’m putting in some rounded posts and we’re going to put a little hole through there and put some rope through so it’s a nice little safety element to this but also it’s going look really cool with a large tropical plants in position Charlie gets on with filling up the flower beds with jungle inspired Greenery got several different bananas in the garden this one is abian banana or Ethiopian banana and they love it because of the the sort of red rib of the leaf stem coming up around it and i’ like the way the bananas have this big fat base to them they do look absolutely glorious I have to say I’m really pleased with all the different foliage effects that we’ve got going on in most parts of the UK banana plants like this will need to be wrapped up in fleece in Autumn to protect them from frost and that is not the only delicate plant going in Charlie has also chosen the very banana like canaly so it does look like a banana plant because the leaves mimic the banana leaves and that’s why I chose them but I love the contrast of the dark purple green against the light green of the bananas we’ve got there in total Charlie spent a cool 1,300 on plants and as the last of the exotic plants go in the garden is ready this once boring patch of lawn has been transformed into a jungle Paradise inspired by Alex and Rachel’s trip to the Lost Gardens of [Music] helan you want to open your eyes wow houses oh my goodness oh my oh my goodness oh my oh it’s amazing I can’t believe it Charlie is there enough plants in here that you might don’t cry cuz you make me cry it’s it’s like a little jungle isn’t it it’s like incredible he loves doing balance beams yeah he’s he’s oh it’s like he’s going to be lost in there isn’t he Charlie few tears there no they were such a lovely couple and the garden turned out well I have to say even with all your monkey in around it does it goes to show that you can almost take inspiration from anywhere and with a little bit of knowhow take that inspiration and not only make special Gardens but also very unique ones well we do hope you’ve enjoyed looking back at some of our most inspirational Gardens see you again for some more top of the plots Charlie dimm boys the rich brothers and the garden Rescue Team have a treat in store too much entertainment they have come to the rescue of hundreds of British Gardens now it’s time to look backy and pick their favorites this looks really cool look at that fabulous as they celebrate the very best I don’t like it I love it a from extraord AR Eco Gardens thank you so much to Exotic designs oh my gosh no way Gardens inspired by people is this the garden that you dreamed of absolutely it I think that’s a thumbs up and places it’s the most beautiful garden I’ve ever been in therapeutic spaces wow and the most extraordinary Transformations W it is perfect yeah come on I welome to Garden rescue top of the [Music] plots what Gardens are we looking at today then boys so we’re going to be taking a look back at some of the gardens that did their bit for the planet some of our favorite eco-friendly Gardens well we’ve done our fair share of them over the years if we’re up cycling materials using plants or you know putting a water feature into the garden just to help the wildlife do you remember Sue in andova and she wanted a hedgehog friendly Garden for her rescued hedgehogs I remember it well all our garden rescues have been amazing but our first eco-friendly Garden was for Sue the priority was ensuring that the local hedgehogs would feel at home in her garden so Charlie’s design included a raised Boardwalk to provide the animals with plenty of shelter so I have basically given you a walkway and this is our tunnel which will allow your hedgehogs to come up through here and into this colorful planting and be able to get a drink from the pond down there the team Wast no time getting to work on the boardwalk and it’s for such a good cause because the UK Hedgehog population has decreased by up to 50% in the last 20 years so Charlie’s design also features a hedgehog hotel which David gets straight to work on there’s actually a few fundamental things you need to think about when creating a hedgehog home and one of them is size so you don’t want a box that’s too small so minimum you want about 30 cm by 40 cm and then height as well you probably want about 30 cm as well so that’s why we’re going to use legs to raise this one up and all we’re going to do is we’re just going to screw it in perfect so now we’ve got the legs on there that now is a hedgehog hotel at the right [Music] height Harry’s also making great progress with the decking Charlie’s gone with blow hardwood decking and that’s more durable and therefore requires less maintenance for Sue on the top it’s regimented it’s clean usable but then on the bottom underneath it’s left a bit more wild so you’ve got long grass and sticks so the Hedgehogs can Scurry in and have somewhere safe to relax out at the front David’s Hedgehog hotel is looking very neat and tidy so finished cutting the entrance way into the Hedgehog hotel and that’s just a simple Arch like that and now the next really important element is to have a tunnel entrance there’s a few reasons for that this tunnel entrance is going to be slightly raised from the ground what that’s going to do is going to prevent wind and prevent too much water from getting into the house itself but also most importantly it’s going to help to prevent any larger predators getting in and eating the Hedgehog and then for the tunnel I’m going to use this Brushwood fencing it’s going to Arch over like that and then the Hedgehog kind of runs underneath not only is it really functional for this it’s actually going to look quite good and fit in with a natural scheme of the [Music] garden perfect Harry’s made good progress with the boardwalk and it’s time to put the viewing platform in the form of a metal Grill over Charlie’s Hedgehog Highway look at that beautiful and then what’s so nice I think when Sue walks down she can walk on top of here like this and it allows here to kind of see the Hedgehog’s Roots through really so getting on and for the Finishing Touch David’s Hedgehog Heidi hole is ready to go in right so this is our space here underneath the deck for the Hedgehog home what we’re going to use is one of the old recycled slabs as the base Nestle that in there that’s onto it like that and then you can put the tunnel [Music] in I’m just going to put that over there and that’s going to help stop the water from sitting on there or if it does stop the wood from rotting and I’ve got some this extra Brushwood we’re going to put that either side along with some more of those leaves and that’s going to double up some nice bit of insulation perfect now just going to put the deck in boards back on it’s all done and with the boardwalk finished and David’s Hotel providing safe shelter for andover’s Hedgehog Community the garden is [Music] finished Sue’s Garden just wasn’t fit for [Music] purpose but now it’s been transformed into this eco-friendly Hedgehog Haven time to see what she thinks open your eyes now wow look at that oh that’s great so we’ve got our little grid walkway here so the Hedgehogs can come scarying up through all this and underneath and into that Shrubbery and then they can go and get a drink in the pond you’ll get grass growing up which they will love because they’ll feel quite safe they can go and you will know because you’ll see little tracks whether they’ve been backwards and forwards underneath that’s really great isn’t [Music] it [Music] Sue was thrilled with that garden and hopefully the hedgehogs are using their highway to the pond unimpeded by human beings now it’s really easy to encourage Wildlife into the garden the most straightforward simple thing to do make a bird bath and this one is dead easy terracotta pot for the base a waterproof shallow dish to on top and fill it with water you want to position it near to shrubs if you put it right in the middle of a lawn you’ll find that the birds won’t come to it cuz they’re too frightened now if your dish is quite deep it’s definitely worth putting in a few Pebbles so they can get to the water easily and you’ll also find that butterflies and insects will come and drink from it and the other thing to remember is make make sure you clean it out quite regularly that way there’s no chance of disease our next Eco Garden was one in Manchester for Kim and Dorothy and the boys made some quite cool things for Our Feathered Friends our next top of the plots EC transformation saw Dorothy ask for a bird friendly Garden Dorothy this is a nice snug spot isn’t it got a great view of the Garden from here do you sit out here lots yeah and what do you like watch him Birds H you’re a bit of a twitcher are you I certainly am so Charlie’s design focused on creating bird perches boxes and feeding areas and the first job for the brothers is to make an unusual climbing frame for the plants and birds of course so what we’re doing is we’re making something that has a multifunctional use so it’s going to be a little framework for climbers to climb up but then most importantly it’s some the birds can sit and then obviously doc can uh can watch them we’ve got this vertical post up the middle and then we’ve got these horizontal laughs and those laughs have been cut to the form of a leaf shape so it creates that lovely bit of structure and just to attach it what we’re doing is we’re putting in two screws per laugh and that’s just so you don’t get a pivot point and doesn’t twist [Music] around this has cost probably about 5 quid to make but I think dotted throughout the garden it’s going to really make a nice little feature a stand her up [Music] right one down a few more to go Charlie’s also building something for Our Feathered Friends to enjoy I’m making a very simple Bird Box just using one plank of Timber but make sure that you go for Timber that hasn’t been treated because the treatment’s not good for the birds is I’ve got these old seed trays here so we’re going to put the nesting box here and then plant up the front so they got their in front garden which would be cute following a simple design she found on the internet Charlie has measured her plank of wood into six pieces to make the four sides of the Box the top and the bottom so that’s the back then you got your Sid like that and side like that then you got the base so you get the general gist of what’s going on oh I haven’t got enough hands here yeah do hand Charlie oh no it might be dangerous though that’s the only thing that’s my middle name what Harry Danger Rich got to be careful not to split the [Music] wood do you make many bird boxes Charly no does it show I need to put the hole in depending on how big a hole you put in the front of the box you’ll get different birds we’re going going to put one in that’s 25 mm so that’s going to be for all the smaller birds things like blue tits and Marsh tits that type of thing um you want to make sure that the bottom of the hole is about 100 mm up um that way you know if a cat came along they won’t be able to sort of put their pour in and get the the baby birds out and that’s going to be the bottom of the [Music] hole [Music] that’s that right so that’s your hole in there and then the roof’s going to go on like so so it overhangs so it keeps the the front of the the bird box dry and then it’s a case of attaching the roof so I’m just using some of this rubber put a strip of that and some Clouts after attaching the roof the basic box is complete then we just have a little flip up lid keeps the rain out and going Bo it in a little sea tray like that and plant up this area here quite fun isn’t it before long the brother’s bird perches are ready oh yeah okay well I think two at the top just up there in that corner like that so let’s put that big one in front of that hyd Ranger I don’t want them like flat on I want them angled on so like that yeah and then back a bit okay and the other little one then little one small two small nailed it just about there then nice H yeah perfect cool you here All That Remains is to knock the perches into place carefully protecting the brother’s masterpieces with an offcut she have some little decorations on here cuz time as well yeah Christmas bubles yeah and Ding Dong Merrily on High that’s it the bird perches are finished at last All That Remains is for Charlie to position her one plant Bird Box I reckon that one there there I do sort of feel like lording it over over the birds from up here alongside her Bird Box Charlie positions a feeding tray and she’s made an insect hotel which will attract bugs to further encourage Our Feathered Friends and with that her work is done Dorothy’s Garden was unused and unloved but now it’s been transformed into a bird friendly Paradise time to show Dorothy that is as my mom used to say coming from Norfolk it’s beautiful it’s lovely these little wooden trees are nice do you think your birds will like this I think [Music] so well if I was a bird I think I’d definitely be visiting that Garden after that absolutely yeah it’s amazing what you can create from a couple of old pallets now here they’ve created a beautiful composting Emporium I think it’s great because you’re recycling your materials back into the garden you’re using your grass cuting you got some kitchen waste there got some straw and you’ve got some Leaf litter at the back there but really it’s bit like a recipe you’ve got to get a little bit of green a little bit of brown and mix it all together really air rate it so what better than to create your own homemade compost now these pallets here actually remind me of our ultimate recycling Garden you remember Yardley oh is it Tracy yeah her garden was full of her late husbands odds and ends from work as a builder and that gave us lots of inspiration for the design it did yeah I’m pretty sure Charlie would describe that as a treasure Trove of tat oh yes Tracy’s late husband Simon had always had Grand plans for the family’s Back Garden he would always come home with with a van full of leftovers and it was his long-term plan to actually turn all these materials into what we wanted as a perfect garden it’s just like stepto yard I used to call it there’s loads of materials there’s too many materials really but it’ll be good to see them [Music] used so what do you do with all this stuff you send the garden rescue team in to reuse and recycle on a big scale and Charlie’s design includes a recycled brick pathway a memorial seating area and a log store they’ve got a wood burner inside and there’s lots and lots of logs as you can see yes and a lot of it the timers stored in that log store there which is not a thing of beauty not particular looks like it’s about to fall over to so first job for you a nice log store here okay but you need to move are you sure now on you go boys always on the lookout for recycling discarded material landscaper Andy thinks of a creative use for the bricks oh Andy just a man skip well not if you don’t want them to well I was just looking at these old engineering well new engineering bricks think we want to put some in the path oh yeah what about some those the what are they air brecks these they’re all different look at these oh them if you nice that saves a lot of work you like that Andy Andy wastes no time in getting the brick into the path creating a new feature to give texture and interest with the brother’s corner of the garden now cleared Simon’s Treasure Trove has revealed another gem Charlie’s found this beautiful crate that is very solid and is going to make a great base for our log store what we want to do is make it into a triangle shape not only is that going to look good having this lovely Apex but it’s also going to be very practical cuz obviously the water is just going to run straight off it we’re going to cut the front off and that’s going to allow nice access into the log store but we’re going to retain the back and the sides for a nice bit of [Music] structure David cuts the wood to size creating the A-frame of the log store while Harry gets the front of the crate off and there we are readymade log store so quite excited now proba putting the little Apex on it and some featherboards and this going be a nice addition to the garden once the A-frames have been secured to the base the brothers can start on the walls this is the featherboard we’re using to clad the log shed and as you can see it tapers at one end and that’s really handy because as you build it up and up you want to make sure that these featherboards overlap and that’s why it’s thinner at one side so that it doesn’t keep pushing out pushing out so the key is to make sure that the top one overlaps the bottom one therefore you’ve got no gaps for the rain water to seep in we finished putting the featherboard at both sides but obviously when we get to the top it leaves a gap and we don’t want any of the water to seep in and obviously get the logs damped so what we’ve done is we’ve cut a section of this drain pipe out and we’re just going to put it over the top like that bend it a little bit screw it in or fix it in and therefore the water’s going to hit that run off down the sides and the logs stay nice and dry there we are so that’s the log store complete and we put a shelf here so that we can have the kindlin on the bottom and then we can pile up the logs here on the top Charlie’s also made a discovery in amongst the junk and it’s got her creative juices flowing go them amazing things around here a wood burner with but I thought I’d make it as a a pedestal for a table using that piece of slate and then I might pop this up with some plants what you think so look at this piece of slate it’s gorgeous I imagine you would want me to do something this yeah table so I’m thinking we got that wood burner mhm once that’s leveled up that would make a really nice table and we’re looking that way and the bench seat coming off this way yeah what we using for the bench seat well that’s the thing you see see leave that balance there out the back I’ve s this lovely wood I just cannot believe how much stuff look at these lovely old logs are they sounds all right and it’s heavy I mean it’s quite oh yeah it’s just just nice and dried out say there’s a few years left in that yeah while Lee gets back to work making Charlie’s table and bench David starts stacking logs in the new store that looks lovely yeah somewhere about there then about there and then the table coming off there just so she can put her cup of tea on it the Recycled bench and table are forming part of a memorial corner for Simon rounded off with some floral planting it’s looking lovely under here it’s a gorgeous little Woodland space to sit and tranquil as well oh they’re going to love it Tracy’s Garden was Tatty and full of building gear but now it’s been transformed and upcycled into this magnificent space but will Tracy fall for its charms I’m scared you scared I’m scared oh my God this is that’s amazing amazing that is absolutely amazing I can’t believe it it’s the same Garden you’re amazing do you like what the boys have done yeah that’s great I love it I love it I love everything lots of bits and Bobs that we’ve [Music] used thank you that’s perfect wow I know what Builders are like they’re very po particular do you think Simon would think we finished it off reasonably well yes he would definitely yeah he would approve he’d approve to to everything he would he would have loved [Music] it Yardley did have loads of treasures just dotted around the garden and look what I found under the Hedge here gorgeous isn’t it so that could be potted up and a little tip if You’ got brand new things that you want to make them look a bit old and w just sling them under the Hedge for a couple of months and they’ll weather up nicely now look at these gorgeous plants I mean everyone knows Rosemary and lavender gorgeous scent and the bees love it so if you want to get bees in the garden these plants are ideal oxide Daisy a very happy looking plant and it will sell seed and look quite wild and natural selvia and then scabas one of my favorite Gorgeous Flowers and the bees go mad for it and that’s exactly what Robert and Gemma from lemington Spa wanted they wanted a family-friendly Garden that the bees and the bugs would love and aric gave them exactly that Robert Gemma and their daughter Darcy’s Garden was a little rough and ready but it was their love of bees that inspired AR’s design that featured lots of hexagonal shapes left this area at the top here to create some raised beds so but rather than doing them sort of in the standard rectangular shape using the Beehive as an inspiration so then that way you might choose one to have cut flowers you might choose one to have vegetables as well as the beds there’s also a large hexagonal Arch and Bug hotel but the first job is to position those raised beds does it just need to come over a little Tad do you think you want the whole three just a three just to come over a little tou I think it’s just that Comfort level of making sure that there’s enough space to get around walk around these with are you feel a bit wider I think as long as you’ve got a little bit of that exactly little bit what what’s Dody KN finally happy with the veg beds arit can concentrate on her plan to attract plenty of bees and other Wildlife to the top end of the garden this area of the garden is what I’m calling the wild Meadow it’s going to be really easy to look after what I’ve just done is moan a path for the family to still be able to access the fruit trees cuz when they need to pick them need to make sure that they feel comfortable that they can still get an area to walk through to ensure that pollinators have nectar to feed on right the way through the year she’s adding to the planting here she’s popping in some cow parsley for its large flat flower heads The Perfect Landing Pad for lots of pollinators perennial wool flowers for their long flowering season and good old-fashioned English bluebells [Music] still obviously need to make sure that you’re watering even though we’re in the Natural Area these plants still need to get established and what I have done as well is just use the soil around the area I’m not bringing in a new compost cuz I want these roots to get used to their new environment quickly so that’s why they’re just going straight in next the team have to position the Striking hexagonal Arch which is no easy task where this okay let’s go and see what this going to like up in the veg plot I’m feeling that it needs some heighten structure up there change your mind designer prerogative careful making way making way that’s a big looking veg bed I think it could be quite nice just where the boys are really let’s give it a wh the position is not quite right can I look and see it from the other end [Music] it’s not quite working I agree how much further does the garden go back keep coming keep coming yeah definitely better there dig it in Peg it done that’s it fabulous okay onward with a garden nearly finished aritt focuses her attention on daugh to dary’s bug Hotel this is her little space that she can really play with start to get used to seeing insects in the garden and really just so she can get a bit creative so I’m going to start it off for her using things like obviously dried leaves are really important got some cones that I’m going to use and then obviously as well as we know bugs of different sizes like to get into in and out of hole so we’ve got things like the bamboo here and also as well don’t be worried about using little bits of wood and from around the garden because they’ll Decay off and that’s when you start to get things like woodlice can start to come in here as well and then obviously in time all those little bugs will start to go and run around into the garden as well so and that’s exactly what we want I’m going to start getting creative and with plenty of bee friendly plants added this Wildlife Haven is [Music] finished what was a messy little used space has been transformed into a stunning bee friendly Garden for the family to enjoy but what will Robert Gemma and their daughter Darcy think open your [Music] eyes oh wow oh wow oh what you think Dar my God that’s absolutely amazing choked [Music] up [Music] isn’t it amazing where Wildlife find their homes inside this old tree stump is a family of wild black bees and around the stump is planted rambling roses got honeysuckle we’ve got these aquelas here providing the bees with a rich source of nectar hopefully encouraging them to stay ponds are another great Haven for wildlife and Charlie being queen bee of water features we left her up to her own devices to create the water feature for Usha in malor now Usha is a wildlife photographer and she was desperate for a pond our next top of the plot’s EC transformation was in usha’s plain looking Garden it needed a bug overhaul so the brothers design focused around a rather impressive Ecco Pond guaranteed to bring the garden to life a large Wildlife Pond for you okay um so that again is a great way to encourage the wildlife there and great for the photography um and it’s surrounded by um Wildflower Meadow whil the Landscaping team get to work Charlie is left to dig the pond when it comes to positioning a pond it is really key to get in the right place whether it’s a wildlife Pond or an ornamental Pond a lot of people think oh I’m going to put it in the shade so that way it won’t go green and slimy that’s the wrong thing to do you really want to have at least 6 hours a day of full sun so that the plants grow and keep the pond clear now as this is a wildlife Pond we’ve positioned it close to the Hedge that way the wildlife have got a safe Corridor to get into the pond and out of the pond a large healthy Pond can attract over aund different species of Wildlife incl including dragonflies beetles frogs NES and birds too and they don’t need deep water to flourish this being a wildlife Pond we don’t need to go more than 60 cm deep that’s plenty for wildlife come look at the pond it’s not as level as you think this Garden is it not I don’t know how much but you can see looks good that looks great it’s a great size as well isn’t it it’s just a lot of f getting the levels as Charlie gets the levels right David helps put in a protective layer before the liner goes in your sheets this color David then yeah just so it doesn’t show up dir oh yeah that’s what you all say so the membrane goes in first to stop rocks or strong roots piercing the liner if that happens there’s only one place for the water to go so liner take it like this David may be the boss but Charlie’s a bit of a PO expert so he’s happy for her to lead for now hope you got clean socks on I’ve actually got hold in my socks it may look like a lot of liner for a mediumsized hole but there’s a reason for that look at that right so so then it’s going to be case of Tiding yeah trying to like Fold It fold it put it around now you know people go oh a liner it looks terrible like that with the folds but actually for wildlife it’s ideal yeah because these make nice little nooks and crannies for frog and insects as well as helping the wildli keeping the liner snug but not tight stops IT tearing I got the O’s you got the O’s I’m the o on yeah but not while we’re in it cuz house it’s quite warm Charlie you ready yeah on you go then I reckon it’s going to definitely take 2 hours even more to fill all right but we don’t want to cut the liner till it’s full [Music] wisdom even grass can be Wildlife friendly and next to the pond the rich brothers are laying down some wild flower Turf that has more biodiversity than a flower bed you know in Britain lately all the the native Meadows have actually been decreasing and that’s due to things like Agriculture and urban sprawl so I think when you get a chance to bring back those native species and put them in your garden you should definitely do [Music] it so how much of this Meadow Turf have you got going spare so we did have it so it kind of encompassed a bit of the pond oh okay um so there should be enough to kind of you know give it that really nice natural look so that’ll be good because then I can lay the turf yeah so it’s just about touching and then it will suck up a little bit of water and the great thing about that is if you’ll get things like Meadow smok lady smok will self seed in there and they’ll just uh carry on the theme of the wild [Music] [Music] flowers when it comes to pond plants there’s three key groups you’ve got oxygenators which help keep the water fresh um and non stagnant they don’t need soil they just need a bit of gravel so they go right down to the Deep bit and it’ll just be part of the hiding places for all the insects oxygenators absorb excess nutrients in the water keeping it clean and algae free you also have plants that lay on the surface which are things like water lies water hothorn Pond Fringe and then you have the marginal plants which stand in the shallow areas when you buy your marginal plants quite often they come with a label that says for 4 in of water what they mean is 4 in from above the container top so they go in quite deep so these ones are going to go on the shelf and they’re ideal to let all the dragonfly nymphs crawl out and then break open and turn into beautiful dragonfly eyes Charlie has created a shelf below the surface for the marginals to sit on water forget me knots and ornamental miniature bull rushes will help give a nice finish to the edge of the [Music] pond as a final touch Charlie creates an insect friendly stumpery using some old Timber and with that the perfect Wildlife Pond is finished wildlife photographer Usha has been crying out for her drab uninviting Garden to be turned into the perfect habitat for insects birds and little creatures but now it’s been transformed into a lush Eco guarden with its incredible Pond will Usha fall for its watery charms say one two three open your eyes oh my word wow no this is gold just thank you very much guys pleasure absolute pleasure wel come in for hug as well Charlie you really are the princess of ponds that I am that I am from creating something new to actually saving something that was very old an nette from Mansfield wanted this Wildlife Garden but she also had a Sentimental attachment to a very old rickety shed yeah she did yes I have to say I’m glad that the team took a second glance at the design because I think they walked in and went yeah going to have that down and oh no perhaps not Charlie’s actually pimping that up and saving it so thank goodness they looked again and we did pull a Blinder off on that oh yeah should be found of [Music] that Anette I had to say this shed looks like if you blew on it it fall over I love this shed for the simple fact that when I bought bought the property I’d not seen inside it so the first day that I moved in and got my keys I went inside it and just cried because what it was like walking into my granddad’s workshop and just brought back so many memories it was lovely I mean the old Chap’s tools were still there wow you know it was just lovely and really nice and that smell it brought all that back so I don’t particularly want to get rid of the shed it does need a little bit of um TLC with such a strong sentimental attachment to the shed it was important that the team did everything they could to do the ultimate Mak a mend and Charlie’s winning design included giving the shed a Hansel and grle theme but landscaper Andy wasn’t convinced Charlie’s Got a bit of a uh Hansel and grle feeling going on with this shed but in all honesty it’s turning into a bit of a Brother’s Grim for me because she wants really garly Timbers for all of the post and it look very natural very Woodland but Andy’s having problems getting his mits on the right Timber so puts in a quick call to the boss well I’m hoping to use like some sort of Hazel coish Hazel pruning okay if you can’t get any then we can use sort of normal rough round p and then we could get maybe use Willow or hedge prunings or something like that just to make it look rusy oky do whilst Andy’s going to have to shop around to give the new porch that Homespun feel the shed itself is already pulling off The Rustic look a little too well it’s not just a liquor paint is it um but it’s absolutely solid as a rock um it’s completely not going anywhere so just going to need some a few I reckon a few of these few of these bits of featherboard replacing I think we’ll just repanel that whole bit down the bottom there good sand and a paint and you know obviously kind of a bit bits and Bobs of hair around it but it might come up all right it might come up all right and since the garden is all about make do and mend the old pavers From the Path are used to extend the patio Andy patches up the old shed as best he can while Rosie gives it a fresh new color Charlie’s design promised a porch comp perg extension to the existing shed so the Rich Brothers start by planning that out with Andy if we have the shed as it is yep and then because you we’re having the kind of these two different porch areas that’s a shallower pitch there that’s it absolutely perfect and there and there and they’re deciding where the uprights are going to go for our pagola or shed exoskeleton and for the uprights what we’re using is some lovely tree trunks so thin softwood Conifer and Andy Source them from a local tree surgeon and because we’re using the whole trunk it’s going to give that lovely rustic appearance hopefully we’ve got enough it’s not a cut all gra mate we’re a team here oh there are not anymore but will you get one I need to poke it down with something really don’t I well I look should I do by eye do by eye I think be the best check up the shed’s level that’s right so the if the trunk goes that way a little bit then we’re okay yeah lovely with the uprights in position they just need sawing to the right height got some dandruff on there Dave thought you should have wash your hair last night a snow globe just turn me upside down and give me a shake cooking on gas you boys are aren you we good at rustic yeah what do you think I think it looks great I mean I love the contrast between the horizontals of the shed and then the the niled sort of bark of the the Conifer upright so it’s definitely feeling like a little cabin Now isn’t it yes uprights all in place and the next stage for David is the roof or can we Notch out a little bit or Notch a little bit out of these so we’re just working out how the roof is going to go on really and all we’re going to have is this horizontal bit of timber here and we’re going to have a nice bit that goes on top and then basically by using gravel boards going to sing them all the way across and then on top of them then there going to be some lovely Timber shingles be a cabin before we know it definitely getting cabin fever anyway [Music] Harry rigs up some lighting to set The Rustic canopy off a treat and the shed’s new lease of life is nearly there now that the gravel boards are down has a good strong foundation for the roof what I’m going to do is I’m going to put on a waterproof membrane which is obviously going to keep the roof nice and sealed for the people sitting underneath it but then on top of that I’m going to be putting these cedar shingles now they’re absolutely gorgeous they’re a beautiful material to use now they smell beautiful and obviously as they age they’re going to gray and silver off which is going to look gorgeous as well but what’s so nice about a material at this is is sustainable and speaking of sustainability David’s found some odds and ends hiding in the shed that he wants to upcycle too old number plates near these ones off cars then this one here is definitely off the front fender of an old motorbike looks super cool and this shed was one of the main reasons an nette actually bought the house so it’s lovely to be able to involve some of the old kind of objects that are inside it obviously from the previous owners use them in the garden and really extend the history and extend that story anette’s Garden wasn’t in good shape especially with its rickety old shed but now it’s had a complete makeover with the shed taking Center Stage time for its Grand unveil in open your [Music] eyes thank you so much I’m hoping that’s tears of enjoyment can’t call it a shed the color is brilliant yeah that looks amazing yeah it’s just absolutely perfect for the family to get together on an evening just to sit out have a little drink have a barbecue get the fire going amazing relaxing into a day wow that shed meant so much to Anette yeah I’m just glad we were able to save it also give it a new lease of Life yeah make do and Men I think good for the planet and I feel like gardening is a really good way of helping out the old girl isn’t it oh don’t hold on you’re not talking about me there sunshine no a mother nature a let off this time [Music] well we hope you enjoyed a look back some of our favorite eco-friendly Gardens and see you next time for some more top the plots Charlie dimmick boys the rich brothers and the garden Rescue Team have a treat in store too much entertainment they have come to the rescue of hundreds of British Gardens now it’s time to look back and pick their favorites this looks really cool look at that fabulous as they celebrate the very best I don’t like it I love it a from extraordinary Eco Gardens thank you so much to Exotic designs oh my gosh no way Gardens inspired by people is this the garden that you dreamed of absolutely love it I think that’s a thumbs up and places it’s the most beautiful garden I’ve ever been in therapeutic spaces wow and the most extraordinary Transformations it is perfect yeah come on welcome to Garden rescue top of the plots what’s on the agenda today then I mean don’t pretend you don’t know what’s going on today of course it’s mine and Dave’s top picks our favorite Gardens that we’ve ever created on Garden rescue okay so uh it’s going to be a fun program oh absolutely it was quite a tricky task actually cuz you think between us we’ve created over a hundred Gardens a lot of gardens quite amazing of course all of them special and unique yeah so go how did you choose because I found it very difficult to choose my favorite Gardens it was quite tricky wasn’t it but we just looked for ones that had nice character nice atmosphere refined lines moldy stem trees natural planting that kind of stuff all those old chess nuts absolutely but we’ve actually chosen some of our favorite Gardens that you’ve created as well of course oh you sweet little Welsh lands we’re proud of all our Transformations but our first Brothers favorite Garden rescue is from Manchester pair Lauren and Trevor who became neighbors 2 years ago and since then have become a couple we thought by sharing the gardens it would just maximize the space and just give us plenty of room really the couple wanted clean lines and striking planting so this is our design and the Rich Brothers plan featuring Scandinavian influences and birch trees ticked all their boxes so as you uh travel through this more kind of intimate area we really wanted you to kind of open up onto this uh kind of large expanses deck and that kind of connects the two gardens and makes this space one so we’ve got a nice little kind of um private seating area with a firebowl so you can sit back in the evenings and you’ve got these really cool kind of single stem trees kind of shooting out the deck um which will make it feel kind of part of the garden but with a garage taking up one garden and the other laid with with Paving Bowen and the Landscaping crew have a mammoth clearing out task before the build can begin the deck in is flying out over here and we’ve got uh a big tree going through the deck in so we just need to take out a lump of the old garage base to make space we got something good to plant into the space strip back work and start on the decking how much higher do you think we’re going to be off ground level over early hav got a clue mate two steps couple of steps yeah a couple of steps for the decking and for the shelter and for the benches we’re using Larch a Larch is a perfect choice CU it’s actually quite cost effective but because of the natural resins and actually some of the qualities in the wood it’s really resistant and it means you don’t have to take care of it and maintain it too much pressure treated pine cedar or even recycled plastic composite boards can be used for DEC King the boy’s choice of Larch will give the couple the clean Scandinavian style they’re looking for and the brothers are bringing the same feel to the pathways for the walkway into the garden we’re using these concrete lentils now concrete lentils you usually find supporting the tops of doors and windows in your home but we’re going to use them on the ground as Paving they’ll cost you about 20 each or roughly about that um which the terms of Paving is probably quite expensive but it really ties in with that modern linear shape and definitely picked up on that scandy sty that they wanted in their Garden so these guys are perfect the boys wanted to put a fireball in the middle of the wooden decking area and Charlie’s come up with a way to ensure it doesn’t become a fire hazard Trevor and Lauren were really Keen to get some fire in the garden they originally asked for a fire pip but the boys have decided to go with this which is a fire bowl um it’s got that very simple design to it it’s going to go on the deck but what we’ve done is taken the deck section out put down some chunky gravel and then on top of that we’re putting some fine gravel so there is no chance of the deck catching on fire this was 90 off the internet comes with a kit form I did tease the boys and said I’ll clean it up for them cuz it’s all rusty they had a slight meltdown at that point but no they’ve gone for The Rustic Rusty look um drain holes in there so it drains but also it lets air in so that the fire starts nice and easily all I’ve got to do is screw it together before the decking can progress any further the designers need to position the birch trees and given their height they’re going to need a little help to stay upright so when you’re planting big shrubs and Big Trees you sometimes think oh I’m going to enrich the soil so they really grow grow well sometimes by doing that if you make the soil too rich The Roots don’t actually start looking for the food so it’s better just to put a little bit in and then the roots will slowly work their way into the soil that’s already there so uh these are very straightforward basic Tree tie there’s a a packer here so that the trunk doesn’t rub against the steak what you’ve got to remember is you’re tying the tree to the Steak and not the steak to the tree and always leave a little bit extra so that you can slacken it off as the tree grows meanwhile Harry’s planting the rest of the birch trees within the perimeter of the deck itself this is a really large expansive deck so what we wanted to create here was a little bit more of a kind of intimate character so by placing the trees within the deck you’re actually breaking it up as a whole expanse and you know it creates a lot more emphasis on these birch trees because they stand quite like isolated on their own so you know not only does it create a little bit of height and splits the deck up but it also gives this lovely canopy that’s just going to dapple when the sun’s out and create a really cozy place to sit and relax as well as the trees the brothers have added a boulder to break up the clean lines of the decking and Le hit on a crafty way to get them to fit together God so it’s not designed to have the bould in the de deck yeah but I’ve spotted that you’ve got a dreamy line all the way around how have you cut it basically what I’m doing is using an old offut of decking yeah cut it roughly to shape then all I’m using around this Boulder cuz it don’t too big a gap yeah just a finger width put it up to it drop the finger with the pencil on follow the Contour of the stone nice so I mean it’s so worth I mean the boulder alone in the deck looks cool but then just finishing off a little bit of quality little bit of care makes massive difference yeah yeah looks good with the Boulder and the other finishing touches slotting into place the garden makeover is complete and a space that was once a mass of concrete and Paving has been transformed into a garden of clean lines and beautiful forms in three 2 1 have a look oh my wow amazing that is unbelievable slipping is it’s so so different it looks incredible it’s so [Music] beautiful I really love that Garden it really brought together those Star Cross lovers and the garden itself was quite modern in its appearance it had those linear lentils running through planted up either side it also had the birch trees it had a very modern look a great plant to emphasize that are grasses and grasses are extremely versatile they can give you structure they can give you airiness they can connect your planting schemes together but one of the best things about them is that when the perennials actually die off late in the season the grasses really come to life and really hold together the planting schemes and I’m planting festuca GLA intense blue and as the name says it’s got a lovely blue tinge to it now this grass is great at the front of borders and it works really well in a gravel Garden it likes a nice sunny position and it doesn’t like to be in wet ground speaking of creating a Sleek modern look Charlie did that exact thing for Rachel Lindsay and Missy May in El’s mport the Rich Brothers next top of the plot’s favorite Garden you put that down yeah is a Charlie winning design which transformed a dull space don’t the garden shows any sides of our personality at all does it nothing no into a fun zingy garden with a pop art inspired mural and I thought it’d be really fun on this side to have a bit of madit painting on there that’s cool but before Charlie’s pop art Vision can take shape the landscapers work their socks off to create the wooden wall for the mural another boss job putting up an shaped screen made from softwood boards Charlie’s given the boys the job of painting the mural on the newly erected screen it’s all about being bold like quite um conceptual shapes something that’s really Lively so I think just like big blocks of color Harry Begins by drawing out a circle for the central feature of the design a large chalkboard Rachel and Lindsay love to entertain so Charlie’s designed a barbecue station at the front of the garden and asked Ben to build it so you managed to put it together I always worry about Kit barbecues and things like that but that was a nice simple easy one but I want it built into a table yeah not like I just I don’t want the barbecue just there on a bit of gravel okay but they’re not so tall that when they look out the kitchen window you see barbecue so it’s got to be about this highight and then maybe um have a stone surface or yeah we got a perfect slab for it okay so you’re all right with this I’m on it with their design now marked out Harry and David can start painting the mural the only difficulty I’ll say is when it goes over a board that really froze you because it pushes the brush out I’ve learned from experience time consuming work but we’ve made a start and it’s starting to look better than it was which is great now we’re going for a razzled Dazzle effect on this back wall which is going to look fantastic but the actual origins of this comes from World War I so a thing called A Dazzle ship now what they did they actually painted the ships with lots of funky patterns like this so if a submarine’s periscope popped up instead of just seeing a normal ship it would actually be quite confused used by the distorted shape of all these patterns so a very cool concept and great to be able to translate that into a garden at the front of the garden Gruffs giving Ben a hand to build the barbecue [Music] [Applause] station the barbecue unit cost just ยฃ25 but it’s being glammed up bang on there like 175 up to uh the top of the slab encased in a wooden framework that matches the raised beds when finished Ben is using the leftover Sandstone tiles from the patio to make a sturdy countertop nice the whole team is getting creative in the garden Harry and David’s mural is coming along nicely and Charlie’s making a clock for Missy May’s new play area rather than putting numbers on I thought it’d be a bit of fun to have it based on the the sort of nursery rhyme one two buckle my shoe three four knock on the door five six a pile of stick seven eight lay them straight 9 10 a big fat hen Charlie fixes the knickknacks to make up the the clock face and then one final piece of the puzzle so I’m just putting the clock face together so basically it’s just going to be hands that sort of dial around so you can buy these clock fittings or the mechanism for about 10 11 so we’re gone for the big one now to make sure that I put the big hand and the little hand in the right order cuz otherwise it’ll tell the wrong time ha and on the other wall of the play area the Rich Brothers mural is coming on a treat it’s taking a lot of time there’s a lot of detail gone into this and a lot of love but we’ve got a few more to do and uh it’s complete actually had a lot of fun brain slightly fried and concentrating but I think Charli would be very happy it’s all systems go to get the rest of the garden ready for the family yes and with the eye-catching mural finished Harry and D David make an integrated bench and shelf for the play area yeah you got that mate old Al in true now as the final touches fall into place a space that was dull and lifeless is transformed into one that fizzes with character but what do Missy May and her parents make of it don’t to open your eyes oh wow wow oh wow oh my God oh my God wow amazing that is fabulous I love it I really like it you really like it yeah yeah happy gardening happy gardening so that’s your Blackboard wow wow okay I love it I like the colors we love the garden we absolutely love amazing it’s it was more than what we expected everything about it there’s nothing we don’t like it’s magical that Garden was such fun it made me really smile and feel happy and something that makes me smile as well are these almost Toy Town lollipop Bay trees so bays are great for adding height structure and Evergreen shape to the Garden especially small gardens and another small garden that was tackled was for Karen and Duncan in in shefford Karen and Duncan recently downsized and this Rich brother’s favorite top of the plots transformed their tiny garden at the moment we come out the door sit at the top on the deck in that we don’t like and you look down and think well it’s boring there’s nothing to look at the couple wanted a wildlife friendly Garden that maximized on their limited space we have no birds here and I think that’s something I’m really really missing from where I used live there was so many birds entertain more just relax we don’t sit out here enough and I’d like to sit out here longer designed to make the garden look bigger the brother’s curved patio boarded by you hedging won the couple over it’s a lovely kind of yorkstone really beautiful material this Garden although it’s small we’ve tried to be clever with what we put in so you’re going to get Blossom you’re going to get um berries you’re going to get Autumn color it’s going to try and pack as much kind of seasonal change into the space as [Music] possible he said sh always before the space expanding patio can be installed the Landscaping team have to clear the old decking dig up the turf and lay a layer of aggregate before taking delivery of the new Paving slabs so this is all all all reclaimed yorkstone you see it a lot in the cathedrals and those sort of spaces nice it’s lovely stuff random yeah it is but it always looks so good when it goes down yeah with each slab being a different size and thickness getting the paving right is an art form that’s it what jigsa saw it looks great ni nice is that when the Rich Brothers arrive with arit their first job is to map out the curved lines on the paving that’ll add interest and breadth to the space that feels good doesn’t it right there yeah that feels nice as a curve doesn’t it that’s L that’s the end of it there anyway mate once they’re happy with the shape the brothers use a circular saw to cut it out oh you can really start to see the curve now and obviously once we’ve removed this base here place it with a nice trench of soil and the hedging is going to run around here soften the slabbing it’s going to look fantastic good job Dave at the front AR’s Gathering some ingredients to help her bring Birds into the garden I’ve just taken a little bit of time out to come and make a bird fish feeder which I think will be perfect for Karen and Duncan all you need is a cooking bunt any foods that the birds are going to love peanuts seeds um berries and gelatin is going to set the whole lot of it with gelatin always have the hot water first cuz effectively I’m going to be making a layer cake pot water take your gelatin sprinkle that in I’ve got my readymade stirer pour that that first layer in and then from there I’m going to do seeds first of all I’m going to do a few berries as well so we’ got blueberries here and I may even put in a little bit of hay it’s a really nice touch and keep going really with a Paving cut to shape the brothers are digging a trench for the U hedging when you’re putting in a long stretch of hedging like this we always think that the best thing to do is actually dig a trench put them all in and then infill around the root balls and therefore you’re not fiding around trying to do individual holes you should be quicker in the long run oh there’s a stone there this looks good enough to eat so I’ve used six sachet on this I really want this to set very very solid because I’m going to hang it up that’s the last of the gelatin going in and there it is done AR’s going to pop the bird cake into the fridge to set for a couple of hours I feel like a proud mother penguin wling in my child it’s like a mini Christmas tree oh Lovely Isn’t that fantastic imagine that all full up now you looking sexy thank you and the rest of the team lend a hand to the mother penguin getting the remaining ‘s in oh the ‘s will be planted in three sections to form fragments of a sweeping line through the garden drawing the eye down the space look at these now instantly transform the garden it creates a nice rhythm in the garden but really breaks it up doesn’t it also Keen to make the very most of the very limited space available aritt and Danny are constructing a raised veg planter to go at the back of the garden so the lovely thing about this is we’ve been able to use a Green Oak and down at the they’ve swn them for us put them into planks actually they only work out a couple of pound more than if we’ have used old reclaimed scaffolding bards but Green Oak is lovely and it’s going to weather down really really nicely giving it that kind of very natural feel so Dan should we get on yeah do [Music] ahuh once the main frame is screwed together Danny and aritt add shelving to the planter so you can see this is really simple to put together these two of you obviously but it’s going to be very effective going to line this with a membrane so that we don’t let all the soil fall out let the water through and then we’ve got all this vertical planting so all this extra planting space in a small garden it’s perfect sure it’s Beast right I’m right behind you in the garden the boys are planting crab apple trees a perennial favorite with the wildlife that Karen and Duncan are so Keen to attract to the garden so these are malice winter gold they’re crab apple now they’re a good shape for this Garden because they’re multi- stem which means they’re not necessarily going to grow as tall and there’s three of them and they’re really going to help to create that Rhythm throughout this space along with the hedging now they’re the main structural plants so that’s why they’re coming in just after the hedging as well as being popular with birds and bees the crab apple fruits can be eaten cooked and are often used to make jelly pickles and TP hearts on the other side of the garden AR’s making good use of the fence space with her new planter getting the herbs in it’s quite a satisfying job a little bit fiddly cuz you got to get the levels right making sure the little roots are in give it a good firm pat down it’s time for the team to finish off the beds with planting and put down the bound gravel surface next to the house while arit wants to show off the bird cake she made earlier this Moment of Truth is it going to fall apart or is it not well let’s see I needed you here in case it did ready oh that sounded Hol is that come out part of it as look at that voila fastic my goodness me what is that gelatin is it fantastic the birds are going to be well they’re going to be here for this aren’t they nothing else now me you got to outshine everything in the garden now right right let’s find a space now all there you go Karen and Duncan had an uninspiring pocket sized plot but now it’s a lush Wildlife friendly space packed with stylish planting and natural [Music] features 3 2 1 open your eyes oh my God I told you I told you I cry wow oh gosh it’s lovely come here honestly it’s wonderful wonderful thank you thank you so much [Music] thank those crab apple trees were a wonderful addition to that garden and fruit trees are such a desirable thing to have you can go for Plum you can go for peach you can go for fig maybe pear what we’ve gone for here today is actually a plum and it’s a president Plum so it’s not a large growing tree about 3 to four M and it produces a wonderful blackish blue Plum with a fleshy yellow Center great for cooking but also great for picking off and eating straight off the tree now there’s a few things to consider when choosing your fruit tree one of them is the root stock NOW the root stock determines the eventual size of the tree so it’s best to check you have the right one for your garden another thing to think about is whether your fruit tree is self fertile if it is that’s great it produces fruit on its own but if it isn’t then you need to surround it with other fruit trees oh that looks absolutely perfect mate there we go one Plum planted and two to ad Myra now our next favorite Garden is one of Charlie’s for Sue and Robert in Ram and it was on a terrible slope luckily Charlie had a plan Sue and Robert had a garden that was not only dull and uninteresting it also sloped it’s just one big Square green patch it’s not the most inspiring Garden to come out and enjoy Charlie’s plan for a two-tiered garden coupled with a scented walkway cleverly reworked the plot and and got the thumbs up from suan Robert wow oh wow and I wanted this area here to be really attractive from your dining room so you can see out and then you’ll step down into the entertainment area yeah Charlie’s split level patio solves the problem of the garden’s awkward slope but the team needs a Level Playing Field before they can start laying the [Music] paving bu level pool with the main excavations done Andy gets to work on laying the patio and Charlie and the boys arrive to get stuck in my gun looks even bigger now wow do that look huge so nice to having some level ground Charlie gets started on an archway that’ll frame her scented walkway this is reinforcing uh steel so it goes in concrete so if you’re laying a big slabber concrete and it just makes it stronger but it’s really handy in the garden we actually bought a big sheet of it ยฃ30 but what I love about it is you see it but you don’t see it and it’s great for climbers and it sort of just adds that other dimension to the Garden because it’s a different material and it works really well with Timber and Oak so uh that should look really nice Charlie meanwhile the brothers have a bench to build look at that wow isn’t that just a stunning bit of Oak that is gorgeous love the Grain on it look at that grein I like that’s my favorite bit there that’s way there it’s lovely cuz something like this only costs around 30 but straight away you get a really bespoke finish to the top of your bench no and we know that you’ve got metal with your archers you I have and you’re going to pick up on that are you we were thinking of maybe having a little detail using some steel for the legs I’m excited to see how this is going to [Music] go Steve prepares the foundations for Charlie’s steel [Music] Arch so I want it to bend like that so I presume if we cut these down a bit and then leave the pointy up B so it if you could hold that for a minute it’s a bit like well if I one that way like that then you can B you could bend the other one over the other and make it stronger could you yeah but I’m sort of wanting to do that uh oh you’re doing that right [Music] yeah can I just get that in there that’s right as Charlie and Steve grapple with the arch out the front the brothers have cut their bench top to length so we’ve got our cut down piece of Oak here which is looking beautiful and I’ve marked on where the legs are going to sit got six of them and I’m pre-drilling them with this wood bit I’ve actually added a little bit of tape because I don’t want to go any further than that so it helps me to know the depth of hole and once these holes have been drilled going to get the rebar that Dave’s cutting place them in knock them in with a hammer twist the bench go and position it into the garden so we’re using this rebar here as the legs to our bench um rebar is basically a reinforced steel so it’s used to reinforce a lot of Concrete Construction so this is 16 mil the diameter of it which is quite thick you can get a lovely VAR variation of sizes um but this is going to look quite nice going to be really sturdy and when it’s in the top of the bench and then Hammer into the ground it’s going to hold that bench absolutely solid David’s steel legs fit perfectly into Harry’s holes so now the finished bench can be permanently set in a quiet corner of the garden look at that like hovering Beau really really cool isn’t [Music] it the split level patio is coming along nicely and Lee’s giving the finished water feature in the main seating area a good going over with the sander so the water feature is just a very simple one it’s literally a pool of water no plants in it a nice simple n with water gently bub bubbling over the top and running down it so that Sue can just put a treatment in so it’s not like a pond that she has to maintain but there it’s nice to get the reflections of the sky in the water and also it’s sometimes quite nice just to sit on the bench and Dabble your fingers in the water when it’s a hot sunny day the main permanent structures are now all in place time for some plant action right that’s right in the middle of Rose bed further back no back this way but it’s not going well where you had it there no looks good there though no that’s a rose bed yeah maybe a bit further literally that’s it so it separates the rose bed from the lawn nice lovely and then that will come over you said that the first time as the boys take on the tree planting Charlie’s mapping out her most fragrant Garden feature so that’s the start of the scented walkway which will be lovely cuz it’s lots and lots of Aromas this will be a nice gentle am all through the garden now I’ve mixed up the hedging plants I’ve got lavender and rosemary because this side of the garden is the less formal side so by breaking it up having odd numbers around it’ll make it less formal it’s a nice gentle walkway now it might look narrow but the whole idea is that you actually brush against the plants that will release the scent and I’ve also dotted in one or two El cillas not scented but they’ve got that lovely lime green froy flowers which will break up the sort of glaucous color of the lavenders and rosemaries so that’s all ready to pop in with Charlie and the boys finishing off the planting the rest of the team mop up the last minute jobs Paul TS down the gravel path which winds through the scented garden and Charlie can finish the water a feature I love this pot and look at that color o it’s gorgeous and with that the garden is complete once sloped and uninviting this Garden is transformed into a lush welcoming space for Sue and Robert to enjoy do you want to open your eyes oh wow wow oh Char it’s amazing oh I can’t get over it it makes me want to be out here now and not in the house where is it was always either way around we never came out here and I think now we’re never going to be in the house I need to buy some nice warm blankets now so I can sit out here all year round I’m blown away I’m totally Blown [Music] [Music] Away a magnificent job by Charlie wonderful to see Sue’s reaction and how great that she now finally has a garden she can actually use but not all Gardens revolve around the flowers and the plants some are reserved for partying our final Rich Brothers favorite top of the plots takes us to leads where friends Neil and Jack wanted a space to entertain hi mate how’s it going hey M good thanks you you had a good day you’re not bad thank you make us a curry oh I was going to say is it Tai or Indians chicky MCC excellent so we’d love a garden with a seating area H eating area maybe a fire pit um and just somewhere that’s slightly secluded um so it don’t feel overlooked and that we can enjoy a nice evening with our friends clean lines and one standout feature made the brothers design an easy choice for the funloving pair okay exciting yeah oh wow we’ve given you quite a modern design it’s quite simple in layout but it it’s something that breaks the garden up into different areas that have different uses and then the main feature was this kind of bridge walkway so we want to make this out of Timber so it’s a contrasting material and we want to raise it off the ground just a little bit so it feels like it’s hovering yeah that’s great idea good idea before the Rich Brothers can add a wow factor to the party Garden the Landscaping team arrived to clear the [Music] space so we’ve just been working out whether we’ve got enough Paving slabs to have the deck hanging over the edge of the slabs as David and Harry want and the end result is yes but only just we can’t break any there are none left over the focal point of the garden will be a bridge linking the barbecue area at the front to a chill out space at the back and when the boys arrive their first job is to lay a frame for the bridge that’ll be sunk into the paving about there then yeah oh that’s about right is it right like that like that like that that’ll be Fab once in position Joe and Rosie give the bridge support a coat of paint and David gets stuck into making the bridge itself with a pile of Douglas fur planks the key to this bridge is in its Simplicity but when you’re creating something to look simple it usually means that it needs to be that little bit more complex because the joins and the fixings need to be hidden now the way that we want this bridge to look is actually like this here so we’ve actually got the Timbers on their ends so you see the thinner width and then we’ve got these constant spacing between them now the way in which we’re going to get the spacing is actually by using these spacers so these have been cut to size and when we slip them in the gaps there and pin pinch them together it’s going to give that constant parallel line all the way down the length but by sinking these to the bottom they’re not going to be seen to match the timber Bridge the team have made a bench barbecue table and slatted feature wall which is positioned at the back of the garden with planting behind here we going well done team that’ll be good as you rest on the W fence now we’ve got it okay on guys beautiful and now that David’s finally finished preparing the bridge Timbers the party Garden’s Central feature can begin to take shape so we’re ready to start constructing the bridge in the garden W well I’ll follow him then oh is it going to fit I think there’s probably an easier route absolute Pros or for now let’s just lie it on there cuz it’ll look cool eh which way up is up that way so just yeah that’s the bad that way yeah oh that’s going to be trendy isn’t it yeah oh mind your fingers with all the timers in David’s threading steel rods through to hold the wood in place I’m glad I’m just the labor yeah keep going as close to the fence as possible is it once the the bridges together and looking fantastic it’s left to one side oh that was easier than I thought actually and an electrician installs a weatherproof junction box which will power LED lights between its wooden slats and the team move on to bringing in Easy to care for bamboo hello perfect now bamboos are wonderful things but you need to make sure you get the right one for the right place but if you are worried about growing bamboos and you want to be really safe then the one you want to go for or the group you want to go for are the clump forming ones like this one over here this is known as Chinese fountain grass and it’s the ones that David and Harry really wanted in the garden because they got a really beautiful habit of just coming up and arching over nice and gently so it looks like Fountain Jets of foliage so it’s a fessia or a fesia depends on how you want to say it but Chinese fountain grass lovely for Neil and Jack this Garden is more about partying than plants so Charlie knocks up a novelty beer cooler for them complete with water Mister but will it work now David and Harry set me up with making a beer cooler that was a bit different so Wayne’s made me this lovely box I have to say it’s gorgeous just I’m going to plant it up I’d go for something a bit different a bit of drama a bit of theater because I’m sure Neil and Jack would quite like that so I’ve gone for what is called a mister or a fogger so it’s this little unit which is low voltage so it’s got a Transformer and it sits in the water and it actually creates fog or mist and the way it does it is these little ceramic discs vibrate so fast that they make the water molecule vaporiz so you get like a fog and it’s always a good idea to test pumps and features before you put all the cable in in going pop that in now when you have it somewhere it’s not breezyy CU it’s quite Breezy here that mist will build up so when it’s inside the box I’m hoping that the Mist will build up and then tumble over into the cool box with all the beers because then I think it’s going to look real cool with everything else in place the bridge can now be lowered carefully into position oo L lovely indeed and the once dreary Garden is now a stylish party [Music] Paradise so 3 2 1 open your your eyes oh my go wow look at that that is amazing thank you so much and Neil and Jack finally have the low maintenance social space they dreamed of it’s just such an amazing transformation so happy with it yeah cheers cheers [Music] mate that bridge was really cool especially with the lights bit of a fiddle but really cool yeah it’s quite a nice way just to connect two spaces and I mean for your favorites good choice and there was a couple of mine in there a yeah we’re really happy with them all but also don’t let it go to your head we’re still going to try and win those pictures it was really nice reminiscing looking back over those designs and uh and just seeing all the different Gardens we’ve created sound like a grandad help me up now well we do hope you enjoyed a look back at some of our favorite Gardens so see you next time for some more top of the [Music] plots Charlie dimmick boys the rich brothers and the garden Rescue Team have a Trea in store too much entertainment they have come to the rescue of hundreds of British Gardens now it’s time to look back and pick their favorites this looks really cool look at that fabulous as they celebrate the very best I don’t like it I love it a from extraordinary Eco Gardens thank you so to Exotic designs oh my gosh no way Gardens inspired by people is this the garden that you dreamed of absolutely I think that’s a thumbs up and places it’s the most beautiful garden I’ve ever been in therapeutic spaces wow and the the most extraordinary Transformations it is perfect yeah on welcome to Garden rescue top of the plots [Music] watch right what we talking about today my favorite today water features oh yeah I love water features and there are so many of them Wildlife ponds Lily ponds I have to admit that of course you ready the bow the queen of water features mind you you two are getting better I have to say thank you there was one you did that I loved Nick and Kath in Blackburn that Japanese water feature area enjoyed that one yeah the Japanese are so good just pulling inspiration from nature often into small spaces but this Garden was vast it was big and there was a lot of stuff going into it yes we’re proud of all our garden rescue builds but our first topof the plots water feature transformation was for Nick and Cat’s Garden which was unloved so the rich brother’s design focused around creating a Japanese inspired Pond complete with a tea house Final Destination is this tea house and what we’ve done here is we’ve created a kind of solid back with just an open door here so you know with this building as well as that we’ve done it overhangs slightly on the pond so when you’re sitting there you you feel that connection with the water yeah the Landscaping team’s first job is to remove the Old Pond from the [Music] garden but before they can get rid of the old preformed pond liner any existing Wildlife has to be carefully scooped out it’s down to Andy and the Digger to do the heavy lifting and pull the rest of the pond up and then expand and reshape the [Music] hole [Music] on oh it’s not too bad while Charlie considers the bomb crater that Andy’s created the brothers are getting excited The Boulders that are crucial to their design are on their way and they’re massive they’re amazing look at them have we got enough Garden to fit those rocks you wait you wait till you see them all together cple on top of each other be fine they are amazing big old boys aren’t they they are yeah we thought it’d be nice actually bring it into the water so the level of the water will be about up here which is just just beneath the deck and then what we want to do is sink this Boulder in so you don’t really see the end of it I think that’ be perfect it’s going to look glorious isn’t it so this is going to be a really natural pond isn’t it yes it’s a good job Andy’s got his Digger hit the tree there andy go down as soon as possible that’s all right it’s F it’s okay it’s already the Weeping bit whilst the boys play with rocks Charlie lines the pond and it’s ready to be filled going to put the hose on but weight it down in the bucket so the bucket will slowly fill up and gently overflow and hopefully it won’t disturb too much of the soil while David installs a subframe for The Tea House Charlie cracks on with the Pond’s planting normally You’ plant water lies up in containers like this baskets but because we want this to look as natural as POS possible I’m going to plant them up in piece of Hessian first Charlie gets Hessian squares adds Pebbles to weigh the sack down then adds soil and the plant itself with the crown poking out then ties it up in a parcel and then it’s just a case of throwing them in and they’ll sink to the bottom and then the plants themselves can root down in the soil that we’ve put on the bottom of the pond it’s there a case of gently placing them in the deepest bit of the pond and the one last thing I’ve got to do is put some of the wildlife back in the pond that we saved all the frogs left but there’s one or two Tad poles in [Music] here there’s a final push to get the Japanese tea house built and fixed into place but it takes all the lads to assemble the roof you go you go you go seems a really good idea to build it outside and then carry it in I’m sure someone is going to end up straight in there hold it oh you don’t fit take it back not right glove on the chicken’s lip not one of them in the pond mind you they would have been in so much trouble I’ll tell you now Nick and Cat’s Garden lacked imagination but Harry and David’s design has brought it to life with a beautiful Pond complete with a delicate tea house where they can watch the sun go down but will it fulfill their Japanese dream please open your eyes and have a look wao wow what do you think it’s not our garden it’s completely different wow the tea house and then so here’s the uh here’s the new Pond can you imagine spending some time in here absolutely yeah the pond looks so natural as well it’s gorgeous but it’s quite it’s quite tranquil here isn’t it this is just do you think it feel Zen fish very much like some of the like rooms in Japan it’s it’s perfect [Music] thank you sir no worries that was one of our absolute favites love that garden now if you want to add a touch of exotic to a pond then this plant here we’ll do just that so this is equisetum japonicum bar horse tail as you can see it’s extremely architectural and very exotic so these tall firm Hollow uprights that bared with black so really striking and these are great for smaller shallower ponds so you want to put these in about 6 in want to make sure that their roots are always moist that’s really important and you can see already that that adds a really gorgeous look the pond so this is going to provide that striking upright growth I’ve already got this nice nled bit of bog rout in here this is going to be great for any Wildlife that gets in or wants to get in could also help it crawl out as well so that’s just nicely wedged there on the side nice and firm leading down into the water and down onto the ground on this side now just to have a little bit more of a sustainable pond it’s great to put in a little oxygenator as well now this is horn wart so you just need to plunk that in and then also a great plant to have is something that spreads across the surface of the water now these guys need to be in a slightly Sunny Spot so if it is lighter you do have the risk of building up quite a lot of algae on the surface so if you have something like this bog Bean roots go down into the water and then these leaves sit on the surface and these actually have a gorgeous flower in early summer it’s quite a good idea just maybe tangle them a little bit in there just try and rest it for now it’s probably a bit of a tricky thing that is going to be really beautiful really simple really easy to maintain got a gorgeous exotic look with these horse tails and we’ll have some beautiful flowers as well now water features are wonderful to look at but they can be beautiful features in the garden to actually journey across a great example of this is Charlie’s Garden in shorum for David and John now they actually want to have their wedding reception and photos taken in the garden so we had to make sure it looked great at 100 ft long this Garden had plenty of space but it was a little boring for John and David’s wedding reception Charlie’s winning design for a contemporary water feature was set to change all that this section here which is a shallow pool of water so I can see your wedding photos there the team’s first job is to Mark out where the water feature will go but there seems to be an [Music] issue we’ve been waiting this morning um for a digger to arrive and uh it’s not arrived yet and you know we just have to get on Kyle’s drawn the Short Straw looks like we’re digging it out then great digging out a large area of garden is difficult enough but when the soil has been baked hard by the sun it’s nothing short of backat [Music] breaking but never fear the Cavalry is here [Music] M made all the difference of the old Digger in here it’s a bit quicker with the pond finally dug Chris cracks on building its walls with cement and concrete blocks this could of course be done with bricks instead that level Kyle bang on mate that is determining the water level is it yes water does tend to be level doesn’t it so we’ve got the breeze blocks in but we’ got to get those stepping stones in fairly quickly because they’ve got to walk across it in about I know 6 hours time I know we’re battling we’re battling the uh the time I know with time of the essence the pond gets a layer of s to protect the liner from any sharp Stones up and over oh well that’s a really good place to have a post you can pass if you answer the riddle o okay what gets wetter the more that it dries a towel come on God dear you Geeks don’t all right next person that one up you well this is Handy who put the water feature here do you know we are making a rod for our own back here well because we’re stopping access to the Garden really absolutely I know nothing much we can do about that who designed this Garden stupid person did you get enough well it came in this size it it only came in this size I don’t believe [Music] you once the fleece is down the liner can be put in place and the team can get on with the next stage of Charlie’s design the stepping stone path to raise the level of the stones so they appear to float Kyle’s built a platform which he can cement the paving stones onto looking good got the stepping stones in basically now it’s a case of trimming the liner up which and’s on now cuz the stepping stones have got to go off more before we put water in then I’ve got these gorgeous containers one for each end that are going to sit on there I think they look really modern and trendy just like us with the Planters done adding a touch of floral Elegance the pond is edged in Timber which needs to be cut to the right [Music] length the edging is going on we’re being cut made to measure lovely Green Oak cuz I like the Romance of the oak with the Romance of the billowing flowers and then you got the modern clean lines of the paving that brings the whole garden sort of together I’m just popping in the two pumps solar powered pumps John and David’s Sunny South Coast Garden is ideal for a solar powered pump ready to walk over yet no uh you can walk there there and there and not on those do not get this wrong that’s your peril Sunshine oh oh no like a mermaid trying to grab my ankles from inside the water no more like a troll trip trap trip trap who’s that crossing my bridge whilst everyone’s busy finishing their jobs the pond has been filling with water and the New Garden is finished it was a long plain Garden not fit for a wedding reception but it’s been transformed into this contemporary space with its centerpiece water feature but will the happy couple fall in love with it would you like to open your eyes oh my God that excellent we’re definitely definitely going to have the reception in the garden absolutely [Music] gorgeous there’s something about water in a garden the sound of it that really sets an atmosphere and moving water is created by using recirculating pumps these are all recirculating pumps that means the water that’s in the pond is just being pumped round and round it’s not a water supply to the pond so it’s very eco-friendly and there’s lots on the market now you’ve got solar powered pumps they’re great because you don’t have to worry about running a electric you’ve got a solar panel and then the pump sits in the water and you get all the little bits in the box for a fountain or a bubble of water and a spike so that the solar panel can just be put in position to catch as much sun as possible and there are some on the market that have a backup battery so the panel charges the battery up so if the sun goes in the pump still works then you’ve got your basic water pumps like this and again they all come with a kit for a fountain a tea piece all the things that you need and they nearly always have 10 m of cable on them and there are now what are called Eco pumps and these are bigger pumps that don’t use as much electric so they’re quite easy to install both these but you do need to get an electrician to do the joining up to your main Supply one thing I’ll say before you buy the pump make sure you know exactly what you need whether you want a pump for a fountain or a waterfall or a filtration system because the size of the pump will be influenced by what you want to do so make sure you do your homework first before making a purchase now David and John’s Garden their water feature was quite formal an and sha in lip hook wanted a much more natural feel catch our next water feature top of the plots was for Anne and Sha’s somewhat Rough and Ready Garden which had remained unchanged for 17 years the couple wanted a new space for their daughter Joanne to enjoy she quite enjoys her nature so you know we can get more butterflies or other Wildlife that Joe can take an interest in that would be lovely so the Rich Brothers design focused on attracting plenty of wildlife to the garden with a large pond and the first job for Charlie is to start digging but already there’s a change of plan the pond has actually ended up moving from David and Harry’s original design which it was right up in the corner there now it had to move because underneath the Wendy house there was like 4 in of concrete um so digging upon there not ideal but I am really pleased that it’s moved because these overhanging trees the sweet Chestnut having a p right underneath wouldn’t have been good so moving it out has a positive effect no leaves in the pond but also means there’s more sunlight for it ideally when you’re positioning a pond you want to end up with about at least 6 hours of sunlight a day to make the pond balance and grow properly there’s a huge amount of soil to remove but Charlie’s not work shy and she’s certainly doing better than Harry looking good Harry good trench digging tramol excuse me no moaning look at the size of this compared to that little trench it’s too big actually let’s did you play binton in school hocky actually goalie dangerous don’t mess right come in boys you need a few hands yeah I do need some hands get this liner in that angle that way watch don’t drag it too much I got bit of rootage here which way sorry oh like that yeah oh my God goodness me I said that point that way you were on the wind up you two aren’t you yeah so want me get there that’s it that’s the money shop that’s the one now all we’ve got to do is fill it easy yeah buckets I’m afraid there’s no hose no big buckets depends on how strong you’re feeling how long and thin and bendy is the bucket similar to hose pipe hopefully we got hose pipe yeah and and lucky for them there is one okay Dean you turn it on mate there we go it’s going to take quite a while to fill up I feel a cup of tea there Charlie as well yeah I could just sit and watch it fill up after all that digging I’ve done the pond fills up in No Time With a Little Help from Mother Nature and Charlie makes light work of cutting the liner to shape the designers may not be able to control the weather but some things can be pre-arranged in this case a readymade wild flower Meadow it’s gorgeous stuff this Meadow Turf boys I have to say oh you’ve got a good one there yeah look at those lanthum and dianus this way stop wafting it around on the edge of the pond just wating F oh that’s nice it will naturally Edge the pond and we got I mean things like this lickness or ragged Robin that is naturally a bug plant yeah that thrive a kilia so it’s a really lovely way to Edge a pond especially a wildlife pond because it means that things can get in and out very easily and it’s actually way easier than trying to Edge it with stones or Paving or something like that as well as encouraging Wildlife pregrown Meadow Turf is a great way to inject instant color just what an and short on after to brighten up their Garden you can already see things like this oxide Daisy they’re really brightening up this back corner and things like this are going to be flowering from Spring to Autumn so it’s going to provide your garden with loads of interest for very low maintenance the Pond’s surrounded by Meadow Turf but it needs planting out too when it comes to planting up a pond whether it’s just a wildlife Pond or whether it’s an ornamental Pond there’s three key groups of plants you have ones that lay on the surface of the water so water lies normally which cut the sunlight out so help keep the water clear oxygenators that aren’t overly beautiful but do a really good job in the pond by putting oxygen in but also they use up lots of nutrients so help keep it clear and then you’ve got what are called the emergent or the marginal plants so they sit in the water but their foliage comes up and out of the water this is what is most people call Bull r brushes but they’re not really they’re greater Reed mace now the thing about them is they’re really vigorous and will swamp upon this size so I’m going to contain them a bit like you would if you’re planting mint in the garden so by putting these in a solid pot it’s going to stop the runners from coming out and taking over the pond I’ve just got a bit of garden soil and we’re going to jam those in there squishy squishy and then put a good layer of gravel on the top with the incredible Pond complete and some final planting done the team have finished it was an uninspiring Garden but the Rich Brothers have now created a versatile space with a water feature for not only the wildlife but an sha and Joanne to enjoy open your eyes on 1 2 3 wow oh my goodness what do you reckon Jay you know what I don’t like it h I love it thank goodness for that riky give us [Music] a that was certainly a lovely Pond and I’m sure Joan spends lots of time sunbathing laying in the meadowgrass looking at all the wildlife buzzing around and swimming about yeah well that was a lot of digging for you there wasn’t it it was and I’m never going to forget it you two I’m telling you now well it’s when you’re dreaming up ideas like that it’s really important to think of Safety First always have that hat on isn’t it yeah it’s really important especially for the children do you remember in Cardiff the way I child proof water feature very snazzy it was a contemporary Pond for a couple who had young children so it had to not only look look good but also more importantly be safe the pond or should I say the reflective pool is looking fabulous with the slabs right the way up to the edge but one thing that we do have to consider is Nadine and Steve have got two very very young children so to make it safe for them we’ve got this grid system which is great it slots together and you can adjust the depth of it because these slide into here and you cut the pipe to the depth that you want so what you’re aiming for is One Nails depth of water above the grid so it makes it safe for the children but you can’t see it and you’ve still got your reflective pool of water great tip that Charlie it goes to show you can have water in a garden you just need to be practical and sensible about how you’re using it on a less sensible note what about that Garden we did for Andrew and Laura in Bradley Stoke what you mean less sensible quirky yeah those watering cans they were quirky you know I like my quirky water [Music] features Andrew and Laura’s front garden was an overgrown jungle so Charlie’s daring design featured a raised bed containing a pond and bog garden with an unconventional use for some watering cans thinking about all the water that you’re wasting off your roof you’ve got a downpipe from the roof here from the gutter so I want to use some watering cans that will be on posts so one will roll into one into the next into the next and into the pond so when it rains you’ll see the water run down lovely with the garden cleared of foliage the team begin building the frame for the raised [Music] bed we’ve chosen to use uh scaff fold boards to build this raised Pond nature Pond car’s doing all these um interesting angle cuts which are always quite challenging but he’s keeping his air on ain’t you car just about just about but it’s Andy who needs to keep his hair on as the boss is about to rock the boat and I’m now going to go and upset Andy cuz I want to move the main feature this lovely raised bed lovely shape but we go there we go cuz I’m thinking that space up there is sort of a dead area so I’m thinking that we hike this that way a bit bring the Stumpy this way and maybe put the seat on this side you know what we did Charlie what did you do we built it so that we could remove it cuz we knew that you would you’re going to have to help us it’s quite heavy oh was it yeah boys we need your musal oh no that’s many watch The Edge watch The Edge Edge of what to me good that’s parallel perfectly with the slabs anyone would think someone designed it so it would match a Paving Charlie danger right that’s looking good so if we get sand in the bottom so the basically the middle section is going to be mini Pond and bog Garden yeah the other end’s pretty planted yeah okay the base is filled with sand to get rid of any sharp edges we tipping it yes I thought you were P sort of spread that about and then I’ll go and get the liner which I’ve got warming up on top of the car you warm it up it goes nice and stretchy and the liner is fitted to create a seal to contain the B Garden it will be filled with water loving plants as such the ground needs to be kept wet oh yes lovely yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes Charlie is using a black bin to create the pond which when fed by the cascading watering cans will keep the surrounding soil moist to fill up right just need to fill it up oh you get don’t point that at me you did that on purpose no I didn’t where do I do something like that I know it’s a fun day isn’t it got remember I I’ll remember is filling up as the pond fills Harry tops up the bed with soil and the construction of the two trough Planters gets underway these will create a backdrop and act as shelves to grow a variety of plants but with Charlie’s exacting standards positioning them is no easy task right where are you going right let’s do the bottom one first how much have you got hanging over that way I can’t see Chris your beautiful body it’s my tummy this kid can you take it towards Chris a little putty Po and about Chris’s yeah height so level be a wonderful thing so bossy that looks pretty good to me so can I actually not being funny can I actually see it now it looks lovely nice quickly let’s put it in SC it in before she changes the mind having pleased the boss Harry fills the Planters with soil and it’s time for Charlie to get to grips with her pesta resistance the water feature so the concept is we’ve got a downpipe there around the corner which comes off the roof and it’s going to fill up one watering can and run into the next watering can to run into the next water to run into the next watering can so they’ll sit like that so if Laura wants to water she got a pre-filled watering can and off she goes Waters and then pops it back ready for the next downpour of rain so much prettier than a water BT each watering can will need to be positioned precisely for the water to Cascade Le into the one below that one’s there then that work all right we’re soon going to find out aren’t we where’s the hose right are you that’s fine we can always play with that one right [Music] next ideal should I move it around a bit like that no I quite like it like that like that looks great looks all right doesn’t it like it I really like it I like the gold beautiful with the watering cans in place Charlie cracks on with the planting people think when you’re trying to attract Wildlife into the garden that you got to have all natives natives are great but the problem is a lot of natives are really vigorous and need a lot of space and this is a tiny garden so we’ve chosen natives that are maybe a little bit more calm so things like liom Fox gloves they’re not going to take over they will self seed in this bog Garden area but then we’ve mixed it in with some fun plants who can’t like that junus ausa spirales spiral read look at that and it just naturally grows like that looks fabulous what you will find is over time it starts growing just straight ones if you want to get the curl back the best thing to do is lift it divide it and then you’ll get the spirals back after some final planting the garden’s [Music] finished Andrew and Laura’s front garden was an overgrown mess but it’s been transformed into a wildlife friendly Paradise complete with its unusual watering can feature but what will the couple think would you like to open your eyes oh my goodness it’s amazing sure I should say it Charlie but it’s so so much nicer than I was expecting have you been talking to the [Music] boys well that water feature certainly turned out quite bespoke with watering cans and it’s quite easy to do yourself you just need to think about what you could use on the top of the water feature for the water to flow out of so you’ve basically got a reservoir with your pump in it and then you’ll have a piece of hose that sticks onto the pump and then runs to whatever feature you want you could use something like roofing tiles where the water runs down and you can have several linked together you could even use a teap pot like this where you drill it and the water will come out a bit like the watering cans just bear in mind when you drill Ceramics you want to use a nice sharp tile drill and it’s definitely worth putting on a piece of insulating tape before you start drilling so that the drill bit doesn’t slip I mean you can get these at the charity shop quite cheap and cheerful so definitely worth a go makes it quite quirky or if you’re feeling Arty how about using some lead cutting some leaves it’s nice and malleable so it’s easy to sort of position or just a beautiful bit of bogwood drilled with the water bubbling over very natural effect so a bit wacky a bit different which is always and we’ve always had lots of fun with our water features especially the boys and Now’s the Time to avert your eyes if you don’t want to see the Rich Brothers in a hot tub back in Hucknall now boys I think you’ve done a really Sterling job today you’ve worked ever so hard so I got a little present for you oh gosh what is it how did you know it’s my favorite color swimmies why do you get extra large Charlie I’m an I’m more of a you going in I actually really like these well get in there boy all right fair enough small you knew didn’t you pegs assume start position and jum you won’t be laughing that much when you’re in I can smell the lavender I feel private with the bushes I’m thinking about the cold well done love each just to let you know although it is a hot tub we only filled it up this afternoon so it’s a cold tub oh did you did you that’ll teach [Music] me I knew you love those shorts way more than you said ah the truth is out you squirel the away didn’t you they come out for special occasion do you like them I think they’re good not quite sure about the boots with it though oh come on keep the feet warm all right then Charlie what was your favorite watery Garden has to be the one in New Port for deep our last topof the plot’s water feature transformation was in Deep’s small Back Garden she wanted a tranquil space to unwind in so Charlie’s incredible design featured a three tiered cascading Pond made with steel troughs and then there’s going to be three tear that drop down ever so gentle so it’s not going to be like Niagara Falls gentle soft drops and you’ll get that soft gentle sound of the water dropping down which will also be great for the birds because the birds will come in and bathe in it and the Landscaping teams certainly have their work cut out creating this impressive Retreat right guys we are this is all about the water feature by the look of it y we’ve got a lot of digging out to do hope you’ve had a good breakfast I saw him this is my secret weapon what I brought today look at these guns here he’s the brawn yeah and are you brain should we get on with it yeah [Music] do first job is to cut into the patio to create a base for the start of the waterfall and the boys need to check the steel troughs will fit let’s see if we’ve cut this right let’s see if you’ve cut this right oh like a glove on chickens lit that looks pretty Ace mate Charlie’s chose a natural stone to surround the water feature and it’ll need to be carefully placed to achieve the right look so it’s flush to that and then you see you see that edge like that rather than it going like that so you keep that straight line straight line Charlie’s commissioned these uh lovely stainless steel troughs that we’ve had made up in darbishire they’re very expensive they’ve taken quite a lot of the budget up but they’re going to have such a massive impact in the garden now if we get it right the dry Stone and the and the crisp stainless steel should look fantastic together but as the team construct a stone base for the troughs and bed in a hose pipe to supply water they encounter a problem measure the total it’s only 370 so you got like two you only have 240 water aren’t [Music] you yeah that’s shallow if they’re going to fit in a waterfall cascading into the pond they’re going to have to dig deeper we might have to get picking mate [Music] this is now say go on the new improved pond it’s not Andy getting smaller can’t get any much smaller we’ve dug it [Music] deeper right finally happy with the depth the troughs are bedded into position and the pool liner can be fitted it’s not bad is it and Charlie’s happy with the progress too we got this very modern feel to it but then once we progress into the garden it goes into the more oldy worldy so we’re using this gorgeous golden dry Stone Walling around it to soften the edges and then come around here and we’re going to create a lovely little meditation Zone because it’s quite enclosed with the planting as it is she got the pool of water the sunrises up over there into the East a nice bench somewhere just to come come and sit and relax Andy’s busy on the water feature but first things first so Andy I guess you want me to do something about that Bay Tree yeah jie if you could uh do your magic on it yeah it’s right in the way for you so that’s my first job with Charlie busy pruning the Big Bay Tree Andy has finished positioning the pond liner and it’s ready for water right I think Wy Pond fills up I might uh go and paint the shed do you know paint works well there a first time for everything oh my I am getting a few leaves in in there but I’ll get David or Harry to get in there and scoop them out and while the drystone wall is built around the pond out front David has got an important task ahead so I’ve got free rain to make a little bit of sculpture within the garden and I’ve got these paddle stones to create it out of now Charlie loves the idea of it levitating and obviously with stones like this you imagine them on beaches or the tops of mountains where people have just piled the stones on top of each other now that looks lovely but I’d love to OV exaggerate this idea of balance and actually create something that almost fools and tricks the eye so the way I’m going to do that is actually put fixings into each Stone and attach them together like that so you can’t or hopefully can’t see any fixing at all okay yes that’s the one just going to take a bit of time and once the stones are drilled David attaches them with screws and glue is this going to work you think Dave it looks like you’re having a really sort of strange arm wrestling and you’ve like been there so long this is called This is called mind this is called mind wrestling mind balancing mind wrestling am I winning no never right we’re going to let go on all right on what three you go first one two three never in doubt with David’s stone sculpture in place and a collective team push to get the garden finished but let’s all go gravel’s coming in wheelbarrow zooming backwards and forwards but we’re getting there the incredible three tiered water feature is done complete with it cascading water and meditative seating area Deep’s small garden was rather uninspiring but it’s been transformed into a calming place to relaxing time for its Grand unveiling open your eyes okay oh my god what have you done this this is really nice wow this is amazing wow this is beautiful really beautiful how do you feel about the sound of the water I really love [Music] it what a reaction from Deep yeah yeah I think it was mainly focused around those balancing Pebbles though no come along there was loads going on in that Garden another one of my Gardens full of lots and lots but I don’t care what anyone says you put water in a garden and it totally changes the whole garden makes it really B oh it does Charlie would say that would [Music] question [Music]


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  3. We have some very small back yard areas here in Florida. The plants are not the same, but general designs are great!

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