Vegetable Gardening

Small Garden on a Tiny Balcony – Vegetable gardening, raised garden bed, plant repotting, harvesting

Home gardening of fruits, vegetables, and herbs

I made a garden on my small balcony and am growing edible plants.
Lettuce, arugula, tomatoes, basil, figs, chives, shiso, green onions, and violas.

Planted the seeds and moved the sprouted shiso into a pot
Added more soil after harvesting butterhead lettuce
Repotted the figs and gave them fertilizer
It’s getting hot outside, so the arugula has bloomed, and the basil leaves have dried
Removed the small greenhouse and installed garden beds
Harvested chives and added more soil
Thinned out lettuce and Pulled out arugula with thick stems
I harvested arugula and butterhead lettuce again and enjoyed it


  1. I love your small garden, it's like a little oasis. I'm curious, what plants are planted there?

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