Container Gardening

Start a Small Space Garden | Container Gardening Tips for Flowers & Vegetables by @MyFriendBob

Dreaming of a garden but tight on space?

This video is about creating a container garden in your apartment, balcony, or patio (even if it’s tiny!). We’ll show you EXACTLY how to choose the perfect containers, plant seeds and seedlings, and keep your little urban oasis flourishing all season long. Get ready to harvest fresh veggies, enjoy beautiful blooms, and transform your small space into a gardener’s paradise!

#containergardening, #gardening, #plants, #vegetablegarden

Container Gardening Made Easy | Choosing the Right Container is Necessary

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[Music] Welcome to our Channel my friend Bob before we start uh let me know uh let me tell you how nice this summer has been uh the rain hasn’t been enough but still it has been nice but it’s supposed to be decently warm the next few weeks well it’s summer or it’s start of summer so it’s supposed to be uh they’re calling it The Heat dome in United States so let’s see what that does well we’ll we’ll welcome it some of the plants do like that kind of heat all that said let’s talk about something uh simple today um most of the people who do videos about gardening they have huge Gardens they have people who help them and the gardens always look pristine all that said not everybody has that luxury of having one a huge gun two having somebody who helps so it sometimes comes to one person after work after doing all the chores of the day to figure out some time to get things done today we we we’ll talk about something different and that’s about gardening or planting in uh Planters we have done a video before uh you can watch it uh the link is in the description we are discussed about a different kind of planters that could be used today we not discussing really about the kind of Planters what we’re trying to say is if you have two or three Planters a bit of soil a bit of fertilizer you can start uh a small garden on your balcony or on your porch uh if you have a small yard just put a few Planters somewhere and you will have a decent amount of food to to go with so what I’ll do today is I’ll do a couple of tomatoes I have a a chili pepper plant that I’ll plant but I have a few more they’re bit small I will add them bit later and then I’ll also add flowers cuz flowers not only make everything look beautiful but flowers are good pollinators too so we’ll start I’ll also add some herbs uh specifically uh I’m adding basil and the and I’ll show you what’s the deal with this basil so uh let’s start we will use some pots which are from uh last year which have soil in them we’ll uh take that soil out uh we’ll replenish the soil again and I’ll show you how to do that you don’t throw anything uh when you become a gardener you always try to reuse everything so we’ll repurpose that allil and I’ll show you how to do that so whatever Planters you’ll have this year next year when you have some old soil sitting in it you can just uh refresh it put some oomph back in it and then you can uh start growing again so let’s start the process the process is simple what I have in front of me is a wheelbarrow which you can’t see right now I have this planter from last year it has some soil so I’ll dump that soil in the wheelbarrow it’s not that much soil so surely I have to add more but before I add more one other thing and again in my case I do have the luxury that I have this whole pile of soil behind me and if you’ve been watching my videos we call it the Black Gold a mix that I have done myself regular um gardening soil then we added um uh some uh leaf mulch and our compost and it sat for almost eight or nine months and the compost was almost completely done when we put it there so this the soil is decently fluffy uh it does not need an amendment but in planters uh compared to uh Planters compared to a regular soil uh because regular soil is touching the ground so the natural enzymes the natural uh bacteria the the the nature takes over when you are growing in PTS you have to mimic that so adding a bit of fertilizer does not uh hurt I’m about to use Garden tone you could use anything organic a little bit since I said that I don’t have enough soil so let me uh get my shovel and add some soil over here so I’ve got two Planters filled I already have flowers which I bought so these are the ones for the flowers I’ll just add a few so for for these Planters what I picked was [Music] marold uh these two are what’s called a four oock and then Vistar red in the longer one I’ll add three in the smaller one I’ll just add one so let me do that and show that to you then one thing I like to do uh I do Buy seeds also so what I’ll do is I’ll add some seeds also that way when these flowers will start dying down a bit a second run will happen it could be anything so let’s see what I have so easiest one is these are Mar girls from last year I just kept like those I dried them and put them in a Ziploc bag I did not take the seeds out the reason is that way I’ll remember what the color was so this was yellow and I’ll just know what kind of flower is it so this will have so many seeds that I would not know what to do with it so if few here in the middle you in the smaller one and that’s it and we will be done after watering so I’ve got two 14in plastic Planters 14 is a good size you can get a bit smaller also and in those two I’ll add uh two different Tomatoes but it’s a huge planter I’ll add tomato in the middle I put a cage around it but I’ll add some other things around it so let me show you so let me fill this up also so this is basil so what you’ll say what’s the big deal about basil the big deal about this basil is you know I have a hydroponic system and I started this in there so they were started indoors you see the root system I’ll add two of these uh with my tomato basil and tomatoes go well with each other uh together so let’s do the Tomato first it’s a better bush kind tomato remember rule about tomatoes which I always show so let me come closer get rid of the lower limbs got what 3 4 in when I planted I’ll almost plant this much so the root bulb which is inch another four to 5 Ines so almost 6 in deep may we go tomatoes are done the Beautiful the basil looks smells incredible there’s a mix of a few Basils in here I don’t mind one variety on the other there are some which are bit different but generally speaking it’s Basil High basil has a bit more oomph bit more peppery compared to some of the other ones so here we go that’s it that’s all it takes so in this planter we have planted two Basils and a tomato peas are typically planted 2 to three in inches apart so one two I’m also doing 3 Ines three be around see how much space I have in the other planter can I add some peas or not I don’t think so I think it’s a smaller plan so now I have uh peppers I got two pepper plants I only have one planter right now and I’ll add one later this is an 11 in so let’s move this out now I got two Chili Peppers one is side Ron the other is lemon drop both I love both of the peppers since the boats will go on the porch or sorry on the deck let me do the th pepper now and once I find another planter I’ll uh add that [Music] one I’ll show you once I’m done [Music] watering it’s always recommended to water plants as soon as you transplant because the root system goes through a shock so it is important uh to water soak it well uh these all these Planters have holes underneath and the water excessive water will just go through so don’t be too alarmed take our cages these are many year years old I had to unbend them earlier okay a few Planters a bit of soil a bit of fertilizer few plants from the store not they’re not too expensive seed seeds flower seeds are from last year the pea seeds were in a bag which I’ve already planted elsewhere these are just extra ones so I added those my hands are dirty that makes me happy and that’s exactly what what this is about it’s about enjoying getting your hands dirty having some fresh air and get closer to Nature and then you’ll have your own food to eat and enjoy with your family I hope you saw something new I hope this inspires you even if you do not have a huge Back Garden if you can only have a few Planters you can even go to U some stores they will give you the the black planters for free you can do with the as I said watch my video about uh the containers you you can do in u bags uh there are pluses and minuses go watch that thank you for watching [Music] we’ll see you soon bye

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