
My first full peduncle 😍 H. Sunrise (and look at that sun stress)

Thank you all for loving these babies as much as I do, I love seeing all your plants, and sharing mine too… especially my first ever full peduncle in bloom. I'm completely over the moon! I've put a lot of care into my prized collection of plants, and this is the best reward ever! I think it smells very melon-y, and the sap (yes I had to taste it, I've been waiting so long lol) was sweet kinda like a apple flavor.
1 Hoya down, 134+ more to go 🤞

by Flashy-Cookie854


  1. maricandance

    That’s really beautiful sunstress. What’s your secret? I’m struggling with my Sunrise, it’s either solid green even in the evening sun, or with unpleasant brown spots. Nowhere near this gorgeous red

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