Garden Plans

Time to start your tomato seedlings and afternoon garden harvest – This week in the patch

Its mid july and i am starting my tomato seedlings. Im growing three varieties this season and im starting 60 seedlings in this round. Im also going to spend the afternoon harvesting some more winter veggies and looking at the garden plans for the next week

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0:00 starting tomatoes and varieties
3:56 my current seedlings
6:57 harvesting veggies
12:45 Plans for the garden this week

hi I’m Anthony from Cindy backyard veggies today is the 11th of July and it is now time for me to start my tomato seedlings planning to get my tomatoes out planted out in my patch in mid August so I need to have that 3 4 week period to grow them out going to grow a lot of tomatoes this season and I’m going to grow a few varieties that I grew last year which are my Staples but I’m also going to try couple of new varieties that I’ve found over the last few weeks I’m going to be planting in the order of about 60 seedlings today but before I do that I just want to show you the varieties I am planted out so this season I’m going to be sticking with my M day variety for the majority of the tomatoes I’m going to be planning out today the variety is called Thunder And I’ve been growing this variety for the last 3 years I grow this generally with another variety called Dania but I found that this one present uh develops a nicer tomato It’s a larger tomato and is a lot more prolific so I’ve decided to move over to this variety and I’ll be planting this uh in the majority of my patch this year I’m also going to try a new variety of tomato that I’ve um recently found online um this is from Petra seeds and the they sell uh retail quantities of commercial grade seeds as well so happy to give them a go uh I’m going to I’ve decided to try out the Farah which is very similar to from what I see very similar to the Thunder in that it’s around tomato and I just want to see how it works in um my microclimate here in Sydney for my cherry variety I’m going to be sticking to the Sugino uh again this is my main stay go to cherry tomato um very sweet and very productive I’m going to grow probably five from my backyard but I will also grow a few out for uh family and friends whoever wants some of these seedlings and finally today I received my new batch of Jalapeno seeds uh Jedi running a bit late but uh I should be able to plant these out in uh mid to late September so for the Thunder I’m going to be planting uh a 32 C pet again I like to plant the seeds in CS that are quite deep because I’m not going to put these seedlings on um 20 of the seedlings are going to be mine and I’ll be handing out the rest of the seedlings to family and friends who have requested some seeds similar to what I did with my other spring seedings I’ve filled the trays with Store br seed raisin mix I’ve wet the the soil down and I’m just putting one seed per C and then I’ll be covering it with Vermiculite for the Sugino I’m going to try to plant a punet of 10 seedlings again five for me and a couple for my family and friends and in the last tray I’m going to plant 10 of the Farah and give them a go this year in my patch and as with all my seed Ling that I plant just going to give them a covering of vermiculite and then they will go indoors to germinate so I just finished staying off those tomato seedlings I’m expecting that they will germinate in about 5 to 7 days and I should be able to grow them out for another 3 weeks before I plan them out in the garden the jalapenos should take a little bit longer to germinate uh expect them to be about 15 to 18 days for them to germinate but I’m doing is I’m going to show you my latest speci of seedlings now I did start a few seedlings in my last video and I want to show you the progress of those but also wanted to show you my aasa seedlings and my P seedlings that I started uh about 2 weeks ago and they actually at that point where they should be getting planted out if late later this week or early next week these are the seedlings that have started over the last few weeks and generally speaking once they germinate indoors they pretty much spend the whole day out here in the Sun as long as they have been watered in the morning I find that having the direct sun straight onto the ceedings does them um wonders it really makes sure they grow really well this is the cauliflower seedlings this is now week week three I think weeks three from germination so they are now on their second true leaf and these are ready to be planted out I’m actually going to try to plan them out this weekend I’m trying to find a few nice spots for them but as you can see they’re just a really really uh nice looking seedling they might need a little bit of water but they’re looking really good and they’re ready to go um I’ve also started my second last round of uh broccoli now this here is 40 seedlings and this variety is Aurora and they they germinated a week ago so they’re already starting just to show their first true leaf and again I’ve need to find a few spots in my patch to plant these out but these will be planted out in two two weeks time now my spring seedlings this is my eggplant and the eggplant have germinated I planted 12 and I’ve actually got 12 seeds germinated which is which is excellent now these germinated on day 14 so these germinated uh 14 days after I planted them out which was it was what I expected and they are growing growing well I need to give him a first round of fertilizer to really get them going um I’m hoping I’m expecting to plant these out in early September but so far so good 100% germination and over here this is my seven pets of pack Choy and this pack Choy again I’d grew all these because I’m going to plant these out in my cauliflower patch to take up the space while I’m waiting for the tomatoes to grow um these will be plannning out next week they’re ready to go um they should be they’re not F to go I’ve given them their fertilizer they’re responding really well and they’re doing really well in this direct sun spot now I did with my other seedings I did plant out um capsacin as well and I planted out those two pets of capsacin I’m now on day 17 and so far have not seen any germination on in those seeds I’m going to give them to up to day 21 and they have taken that long in the past to germinate but I’m anxious that I may have planted seeds that are probably old even though I did buy them last year but I I’ll see how go there’s still time in the season if they don’t germinate I’ll get some fresh seeds and I will start them again but I’m over in my main patch and I was just coming over here starting to get duck and I was hoping to do some harvesting before the dusk there a few things I need to harvest I’ve got more cauliflower as you can see just there behind me and I’ve got few Peas I might Harvest a few War box and some broccoli but I’m going to start over here show you where my cauliflower patches pick a few heads and then move from there so this is the second plant of cauliflower and I’ve harvested about 2/3 of the patch now there’s still a few nice heads here to go biggest issue I had was a lot of the heads that I harvested we actually full of slugs which is pretty disappointing especially at this back end here though the the slug problem here was a lot heavier and some of them I’ve left them just go a little bit long so you get a little bit of a purple um discoloration but that’s not a issue I’m going to try to actually Harvest probably most of these if not all they’re just I mean I’m not going to get much more growth maybe I’ll leave these ones to grow a little bit longer we’re going to try to grab at least two or [Applause] three harvested seven heads of cauliflower in that location and I’ve probably got one or two heads left which I’ll clear out at the end of the week so I can plant out those uh pack choice but I’m over now at my uh one box these need to go but I’m going to only Harvest two at the moment probably two of the front ones and uh take them inside because yeah they’re looking quite good but I just need to start clearing this space as well because I want to start planting a few more lettuce is in this spot go this one looks like it’s standed right a bit and as you can see yeah it looks like it’s rotted so I might just feed this to the chickens but I will what I’ll do is I’ll harvest the one adjacent there you go that’s two so just harvested those two heads of wok and those the rest of them will be harvested um at the end of the week I’ll clear that whole bed still got my second planting coming through and they’re looking really really good I’ll show you those in a minute but before I do that I’m over at my third planting of broccoli here as you can see there and got at least two heads I want to harvest here I do want to show you the patch before I harvest it and then I’ll probably get those two larger Heads This is the patch and it look looking quite nice one thing I did notice is this this spot is actually quite a shaded spot at the moment even though I did pruned back the avocado and the lemon tree a bit to get a bit more sun in this spot it’s not as Sunny location as you have in that main front main bed but I find with brasas they need full sun the more sun is actually one of the most important things to get you will get uh some a harvest if there’s less Sun but if you can get full sun full all day sun give you the opal conditions for them to uh produce now looking at these that head and probably this head too and potentially three heads that but might be able to grow out just a little bit longer but definitely these two heads I’ll quickly grab those there now before it gets too dark so I just finished our Harvest and I got seven heads of cauliflower two broccoli and two one box uh these will go inside I’ll give them a wash just the Slugs has been really really hard this this season especially with the rain we had pretty late so um but hopefully most of them will start being cleared out and just wanted to show you I’m going to start harvesting cabbages soon really really excited by how well these cabbages look next to this cabbage they’re looking quite big now I speak to my old man and he would like me to see me grow these out a bit longer but I feel at the part of the Season that I need to start harvesting them because I’m not going to clear this bed in time for for spring so probably one a week start with the larger ones and then keep growing them out but also quite excited quite surprisingly actually is how nice the the um red cabbage is they’re not as big as the the’re green cabbage but they’re looking really really good for first time grower I’m really really happy with these and before I wrap up this video I just wanted to show you what I’m looking at doing this weekend in the patch yeah over at the cauliflowers Hing to clear the rest of this bed this weekend this has to all go and I’m going to prepare this bed for pack toil which will be planting in most of the bed and maybe in the back a quick late planting of radish but really thinking now about preparing this soil for the tomatoes which will be planted in mid August going to I was thinking of planting my those cauliflower seedlings uh over here and this is the old broccoli patch still not getting full sun on this spot and I’m really anxious that if I plant my cauliflowers here they’re not going to develop to their full potential so what I’m second guessing myself and I might be planting them over here instead though those seedings could probably last another week so I’m hoping to clear at least the rest of these Maybe by Sunday which point I can plant my seedlings in this spot but over here this weekend I need to finish off working on this tree I’ve left the Le last of the lemons and the lemons have all gone yellow citrus needs its fertilizer now so I need to come through and fertilize all my citrus trees all the way across I finished off picking the last of the mandarines at the back but my honey mot’s just ready to start and one final thing I need to do this weekend is I really need to start removing the interplanted pack Choy it’s over here at my cavages and this pack Choy here is ready to go so nice nice way to use space in your G and I need to move these on because they actually start to overshadow the cabbages next to each other next to them so I’ll move these on get my clean this weekend and give uh another round of fertilizer to the cabbages yeah so it looks looking really really good and I’m actually while I’m here got to really clean up this corner I need to prepare this corner I’m going to be planting I’ve got a whole bunch of uh lettuce ceilings dad’s brought in bulk and I’m going to look at planting at this whole corner with L ceilings again taking up that space while wait for um Springtime to come along yeah so really excited this weekend’s going to be a big weekend in the patch and I’m hoping everyone else is out there enjoying their time in the garden as well thank you very much everyone for joining me in this video I really appreciate the support and I hope to see you in the next one


  1. Mate I use beer traps for me slugs a lid upside down about 2cm deep fill with beer they love it .has saved my broad beans wom bok, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflowers. Overnight I’m catching up to 30 odd slugs it’s like I’m running a seedy bar . But not getting damaged crops. I’m at Maitland in the beautiful hunter valley. Hope to see ya channel grow mate big fan here. 👍🇦🇺

  2. been waiting for this. i'm doing mine probably mid august. been a very cold winter here. since i'm behind you in planting, I can now get your seed suggestions and buy those in time for planting 🙂
    what fertilizer and dilution rate do you use for seedlings? thanks.
    btw my experiment to make that seed starting mix of 2:1 sand and vermiculite was a lol, luckily i didnt plant any seeds. as soon as it dried out some, i picked up the tray and the mix started falling out the bottom holes. on the other hand, i did some winter cuttings of some perennials in pure sand, and they seem ok so far.

    wishing you and everyone some hope for summer veggies, as this dreadful winter not doing much in the garden, due to bad weather. what's there hopefully matures, but i aint doing much.

  3. After your last video, I've just sown my eggplants, tomatoes, and capsicums, might try some bok choy – as you said, good filler! Thanks for the informative video and the reminder!

  4. Thanks for the update, really appreciate the detail you put into your videos 👍 We've got the rain down here in Melbourne now & the walkways around my Plot are all flooded. Poor caulis are starting to get black spots on them with the cold & damp. Enjoy your weekend 👍

  5. Anthony everything is looking good and considering all the rain you had I'm surprised you didn't get more diseases issues. I have the same problem you do too much shade in winter. Jacqui

  6. Hi Anthony -that's a great harvest. Oh boy isn't great to get a break from the rain. I agree with the seedling in the sun it does them the world of good. Those plants of yours look so healthy. Well done.

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